
Why dog ​​tail

In almost every third family there is a four-legged barking pet, and in some more than one. However, adult dog owners rarely wonder about the anatomical features of their pet. But children are often interested in why a dog needs a tail, big ears, hair? Why does the tail stop on some dogs, while on others it remains untouched. So why do dogs need this body part?


Tailed tongue

Any researcher will agree that everything that is created on Earth has a certain meaning, and there can be no talk of superfluous. And even a tiny part of the body is of great importance for its owner, the same can be said about the canine tail. It is very important for the animal and performs a number of functions. dog with a beautiful ponytail

Almost all the time, the tail is in a mobile state. It is a clear indicator of the dog’s mood, it can be used to determine what the dog is going to do in the near future. Almost all people know that if a dog wags its tail, then it is positively configured and very satisfied, and if the tail is located between the hind limbs, the pet is scared or very ashamed.

But this is far from all the “tailed” gestures that the animal uses in communicating with people, its relatives and other animals, and they are not always interpreted unambiguously. Wagging the tail can also be a sign of aggression, and a dog whose tail is in a relaxed state can be more friendly than it might seem at first glance. The alphabet of the "caudate" tongue speaks of the following:

  • In a relaxed animal, the tail is naturally located - the position depends on the breed - in pugs it lies on its back, in Labradors it hangs down, in huskies it forms a ring.
  • A cautious wagging from side to side, a kind of waving - speaks of a dog’s joyful mood.
  • Intense waving, and even accelerated movement on its axis, in the manner of a propeller, is unbridled joy and happiness, the pet is immensely glad that its owner has returned.
  • A tail lowered or pinched between the hind legs is a sign that the dog is nervous or submissive. In this mood, the dog may try to quickly wag them. But this does not apply to Italian Greyhound dogs - they have a similar tail position is common.
  • The tail is tightly pressed to the stomach - the animal is very scared or is trying to demonstrate exceptional submission.
  • A highly raised tail, which stands evenly and rigidly, resembling a pipe, something guarded the dog.
  • The tail is raised high, and its end sways from side to side - usually in this position the dog stands in one place, showing aggression, threatens people or other animals. From the side it may seem that the dog is happy, but all other gestures speak otherwise.
  • A vertically raised tail, which, as it were, shakes - the dog is ready for a fight or for attack.
  • The dog carries something in the teeth and the tail is raised slightly above the body - this pose indicates that the animal is confident and will not give up its prey just like that.

Tail Steering

Looking at a dog that is moving, it is noticeable that the tail is actively involved in this process. It helps the animal balance when the dog walks on logs or uneven surfaces. Also, thanks to the tail, dogs can dramatically change trajectories, this is especially important for dogs developing tremendous speeds - greyhounds, hounds.

In addition, the tail helps dogs to swim, because it is not without reason that all water breeds - Labradors, Newfoundlands, Irish Water Spaniels, Portuguese Water Dogs and others, have a rather long and thick tail. It helps the dog swim long distances, dive and swim to the surface.

See also: how dogs see the world .

Tail - flavoring

Not all dog owners are aware of the paraanal glands that are located in the base of the tail. They secrete a special secretory fluid with an individual aroma. When a dog feels self-confidence, it actively waves its tail, spreading its own smell, notifying the whole district about its presence. dog is played with tail

In addition, the secret is an information medium and can tell a lot about its owner. He attracts the opposite sex and warns his rivals. And if the dog is not so confident in himself and does not want to attract general attention, he tries to press his tail to his stomach, closing the paraanal glands.


Tail - decoration

In some breeds, the tail is a chic complement to the look. With long hair - for lapdogs, Pekingese, rings for huskies, dense for German shepherds - this is not the whole list of situations when the tail is a real decoration.

Not without reason, in the standard, one of the points is devoted to this particular part of the body. For a German shepherd, it should be as long as possible, for Labradors - shorter, for Japanese chins and Pekingese straight and lying on its back, for French bulldogs it curiously twists.

Each breed has its own requirements, and for some it is stopping. Yes, today this procedure is ambiguous, but some breeds of dogs do look more impressive without this, albeit important, detail. Fortunately, modern owners have the right to solve this issue in one way or another.

Dog tail - it is a fan, mood indicator, steering wheel and fin. An important body that should not be underestimated. It is not known whether the dogs themselves are proud of having a chic tail, but the owners are proud - and that's for sure!

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