
Japanese hin

Despite the fact that in our country Japanese hin appeared recently, it is referred to as one of the most ancient dogs, and dogies immediately found their admirers. Outwardly, Japanese quins resemble Pekingese, but there are significant differences. What is known about these lovely little dogs and what should future owners be prepared for?


Breed origin

The study of ancient breeds is a difficult task, and researchers do not always manage to figure out all the nuances of the origin of dogs. The same thing happened with the Japanese Khinami. There are suggestions that they came to the territory of Japan in the 3rd century AD along with the monks from Tibet. Most likely, they were presented as a gift to the emperor of the country, thus the imperial court became their dwelling place. Then puppies of this breed were given to extremely important, distinguished guests. In addition, they were kept in temples. It was believed that the Khins were able to drive away evil spirits. two japanese chin

Even then, dogs had an amazing appearance, and it was believed that they were the result of crossbreeding dogs with other creatures. But geneticists managed to find out that Spaniels were used to create this breed. For hundreds of centuries nobody really knew about the existence of this breed of dogs. Their penetration into the countries of Europe and America happened only in 1853.

Description of the Japanese hin breed

The first thing that comes to mind when you see these funny creatures - what a cool they are! We have to fight with an irresistible desire to embrace the animal and squeeze. But owners rush to assure that hin is not so simple and will not allow such an attitude. Yes, the dog was a favorite of the emperors and their entourage for a long time, however, he had protective and protective qualities in his blood. This is a decorative breed, but the dog will be able to stand up for themselves and their household.

As for appearance, it immediately attracts a long, luxurious coat of quins. It does not have a dense undercoat and is particularly extended in the area of ​​the tail, head and auricles. But the tip of the muzzle of dogs with almost no wool.

The maximum height of the Japanese Chinas is 25 cm, and the weight depends on the category, the first includes tiny individuals weighing from 2 to 4 kg, and the second - larger dogs, whose weight can reach 8 kg. According to standard data, representatives of the breed should comply with the following description:

  • Head with a wide and rounded skull, but without excessive bulge or flatness. The forehead is slightly convex, with a sharp, well-defined transition to the muzzle. The nose bridge is shortened, which gives the face a flattening. The muzzle ends with a large nose that is flush with the eyes. The color of the lobe is black or in tint of spots - in individuals with red spots.
  • The jaws of the dogs are strong, wide, with a puffy pad of the upper lip. Any bite is allowed, except undershot.
  • The eyes are large, rounded in shape, widely spaced, there is a certain degree of cross-hair, which gives the look a surprised, even astonished look.
  • Auricles are small, covered with long hair, hang down on cartilage. Japanese chin on the sea
  • The body of the Japanese Khin has a somewhat square format, although in general the physique is not without beauty and grace.
  • The fore and hind limbs are straight, with rounded, "cat-like" paws, whose bent fingers give them the appearance of an artist's brush.
  • If we take into account the decorative nature of the breed, it is surprising that the quite developed and strong muscular corset of its representatives is surprising.
  • The tail of dogs curls in the steering wheel and is located on the back, creating a semblance of a fountain of long hair.

In general, the Japanese Khins have an amazing appearance, the features of which appear already in puppyhood.

Breed colors

In total there are two colors of dogs of this breed:

  • black and white - black spots are located on a white background; Japanese chin black and white
  • red-white - the main white background is covered with reddish specks. Japanese Chin Red & White

According to the standard, it is necessary to have spots around the eyes, on the auricles, it is also desirable that they should be on the body. The advantage is the protocine of white color, located in the center of the nose and on the top of the head.

Japanese chin character

Japanese Hina is considered to be the best companion dog for nothing, because almost every individual of this breed has a set of wonderful qualities for this purpose. For many centuries they have honed their skills, living in noble families. Hins are distinguished by extreme attachment to their families. They can be called real suckers, while the dogs are not tied to just one person. Such a pet is always open for new acquaintances, but at the first meeting it treats strangers with suspicion.

For small decorative dogs an important component is early socialization, otherwise the puppy will become fearful and it will be difficult to transfer new acquaintances. Hins are kind, affectionate and are excellent as a pet for an elderly person. But in a family with babies there may be difficulties, since hin does not like casual attitude, rudeness. Also, such a dog does not like noise, screaming and can be discontent. Muzzle Japanese hina

When acquiring such a pet, future owners should take into account that they need to communicate with people, and long-term loneliness can cause depression. Japanese chin will be an excellent option for beginners, as it does not require rigidity and demanding. Some habits make these little dogs look like cats. For example, they are able to climb on almost any furniture, they love to clean themselves for a long time and thoroughly, and they rarely give a voice.

Pets are moderately playful, happy to be with your family, even if each of them will go about their business. They love to accompany the owner everywhere. And if most decorative rocks are quite noisy, then quins are an exception. Whatever happens, they will silently watch.

Khinas rarely show the quality of dominants, so they get along well with other pets. This is one of the breeds, representatives of which can contain several individuals at once, and the sex is absolutely unimportant. But to keep them together with large dogs is not recommended, yet the quins painfully react to rudeness. As for cats, the Japanese hin that has undergone socialization will respond favorably to them. Otherwise, it may drive, but will not cause serious damage. Japanese chin in nature

The liveliness and activity of the Khins touches, but it is impossible to call them overly energetic. Yes, they need to be taken out every day for a walk, where they gladly run, but this is quite enough for pets. Therefore, a puppy of this breed can easily get a family that does not differ particularly active lifestyle. Among the Khins, there are often true lazy people who can soak and lie down for days, reluctantly go for walks, especially in bad weather. But in any case, they should be led necessarily.

Features of education and training

For the emergence of a small pet must necessarily prepare. First of all, you should define a place for it and buy or build a special plank bed. Subsequently, the dog will consider this territory its own, here he will rest and hide from the hustle and bustle. You will also need to buy two bowls - one for food, the other - under water, a collar, a leash, gadgets for games and a tray in which the puppy will relieve himself until he is given all the vaccinations.

It is important to remove all the wires from the floor, put things and shoes in a locker, otherwise a puppy, without knowing the rules of behavior, can spoil the property. Although chinas do not need tough training, the owner must determine the hierarchy — his own and his pet. Only realizing that the owner is one step higher, the pet will fully obey. Japanese hin fooling around

Raising a child, it is important to apply both encouragement and punishment. In the latter case, it is enough to raise the voice a little or to slap, for example, with a folded newspaper, but strong physical impact is not recommended. It is easy to educate chin, it is enough to accompany your own actions with a word or phrases. For example, to say “eat”, calling the pet for a meal, “wash its paws” - before this procedure, “not allowed” - if the dog does something forbidden, etc.

You can't call the Japanese chin the smartest dog, in this respect they are somewhere in the middle of the list. However, their intellectual abilities are quite enough to carry out the commands, as long as the owner is not lazy and regularly deals with the pet. You can do it at home, giving 7-10 minutes daily, this will be enough for the dog to become obedient and well-mannered.

To facilitate the process, you should deal with the dog in a comfortable environment for her, using a favorite delicacy and only in a good mood of both participants. Also, when learning Japanese chin, a permanent reinforcement of the material is required, otherwise the dog may quickly forget the skills acquired. Hins are excellent stuntmen and are capable of striking with their intelligibility, naturally, if you take the issue seriously and take into account their features.

How to care for Japanese Chin

Representatives of this breed need special care, although it becomes clear when you first look at the dogs. And above all, have to take care of their coat. Khinov is combed regularly, using the furminator only when necessary - during periods of seasonal molting. Their wool is not prone to tangling, so cope with it is quite simple. Japanese chin lies

Dogs are rarely bathed, as their wool practically repels dirt. Enough every 3-4 months to pet looked good. Khinovs are usually not clipped, except for hair coat that has grown between the fingers.

The ears and eyes of a dog deserve special attention. Even with minor signs of inflammation, the eyes should be washed with tea brewing, and the ears wiped with a cotton pad soaked in an antiseptic. Claws are trimmed regularly - 3-4 times a month.

Dogs of this breed are ideal pets for housing maintenance. Many owners are captivated by their cleanliness, calm disposition and peaceful look. For emergencies, you can teach your pet to go to the tray or on a rag. Usually the dog immediately understands what is wanted of him and is not too upset because of temporary changes.

Proper feeding of Japanese Chin

Hina, in most cases, unpretentious in food, however, proper nutrition is very important for pedigree representatives, especially for their bones and coat. In addition, overfeeding the animal should be avoided. It is very important to observe strict regime, giving food twice a day, without changing its quantity, if there is no special reason for this. What should be included in the diet of hin? Japanese chin face

The basis of the diet are protein sources - meat, offal, sea fish. Products must be non-fat. Carbohydrates are also necessary, they enter the body from vegetables, cereals, greens. Vegetables should not be given separately, but mixed with meat or fish. Fermented milk products to give the pet is required for two reasons - they normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and are a source of calcium.

You should not give the dog food from your table, and the diet should not include fatty, smoked, pickled foods, sweets, sausages, minced meat and broths. If the owner decides to feed the dog with ready-made rations, then it should be a balanced, high-quality feed suitable for small, long-haired breeds. In feeding the Japanese Khins, it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles: choosing from two options, you will only have to follow the chosen path. Experts do not recommend mixed food.

Japanese chin photo Japanese hinchikThe sweetest Japanese quinchikJapanese chin is runningJapanese chin tongueJapanese hin is worthJapanese quinch in the grass

Japanese Hin video

How much is a Japanese chin puppy?

If, having studied the information and deciding for yourself that Japanese hin is what you need, you should familiarize yourself with the prices:

  • The initial cost of a Japanese chin puppy is 10,000 rubles. It is for so much you can buy a pet "with the hands." But in this case there is a risk to buy not a purebred puppy, but a half-breed, since Chinas are often knitted with representatives of another Eastern breed, the Pekingese. And this is at best.
  • In kennels the cost of puppies will be higher - on average, 25000-30000 rubles. But here you do not have to worry about the purity of the breed, the kids will have all the vaccinations and documents.

Japanese hin - doggie, with the same dignity living in the imperial palace and an ordinary apartment. He knows how to inspire respect and at the same time be very affectionate and docile. Able to empathize and feel the mood of the owners. Such a pet needs respect and constant attention, therefore, if there is no time for a dog, it is better to choose a puppy of another breed.

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