
Vaginitis in dogs: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Vaginitis in a dog is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina caused by the introduction of a pathogenic infectious agent. Often the cause of the pathology are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that are part of the natural microflora of the reproductive organs. The increase in the number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms and their transition into pathogenic occurs against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses.


Causes of pathology

In addition to the imbalance of microflora caused by a decrease in immunity (read how to improve immunity in dogs ), the following factors can cause vaginitis in dogs:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • previous infectious diseases;
  • vaginal injuries during mating or puppy birth;
  • infection with sexually transmitted pathogens;
  • foci of chronic infection in the body;
  • violation of conditions of detention and feeding;
  • the use of aggressive drugs;
  • stress

Read also about dog sterilization .

Symptoms of Vaginitis in a Dog

The inflammatory process proceeds with swelling and redness of the mucous membrane. Sometimes inflammation is accompanied by fever, general weakness and loss of appetite in the dog. These symptoms are usually caused by an adherent secondary infection or ascending infection that engages the internal organs of the reproductive system and the urinary system. sad dog on a beautiful background

The upward movement of the infection is especially dangerous if the dog is pregnant. Inflammation can cause miscarriage or the birth of weak, non-viable offspring. Depending on the type of infectious agent and the type of inflammatory process that it causes, vaginitis in dogs is classified into:

  • serous - accompanied by the release of translucent, watery-mucous cream-colored secretion;
  • catarrhal - vaginal discharge thick, turbid, white in color with a specific sour odor;
  • purulent - a viscous secret with streaks of yellow-green pus, with an unpleasant pungent odor;
  • fibrinous - in addition to abundant secretions, pathology is accompanied by the deposition on the walls of the vagina whitish films consisting of fibrin. Doctors do not recommend cleaning them, because the body in this way restores the integrity of the mucous membrane. Under fibrin bloom, the upper part of the mucous membrane is destroyed and has the appearance of open wounds;
  • gangrenous is the most dangerous type of vaginitis, when tissue disintegration occurs, foci of necrosis are formed, and purulent discharge with abundance of ichor leaves it abundantly.

Treatment of vaginitis is prescribed depending on what types of microorganisms were the causative agents of inflammation, and at what stage of the progression is the process itself.

Vaginitis treatment in dogs

Self-medication or attempts to treat the pathology of a dog by folk methods are unacceptable, since progressive vaginitis can lead to infertility, the spread of infection to other organs of the genitourinary system, and in severe cases - to the death of a pet. At the first signs of the disease, you should contact the veterinarian, because the earlier the treatment is started, the more successful is the result.

Serous and catarrhal vaginitis are best treated. In this case, the pathology therapy can do without the use of antibiotics. It is recommended douching with weak solutions of disinfectant preparations - Miramistin, Furacilin, pink potassium permanganate solution, 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

For local treatment using ointment. Using a sterile spatula or spatula, ointments are applied to the inflamed mucous loops: Oxycort, Sintomycin, Streptocid, Prednisolone. In the complex treatment of vaginitis, syringing with decoctions of medicinal herbs - calamus rhizomes, aloe juice, mountain arnica, birch tar solution, etc. is allowed.

Severe forms of vaginitis should be treated only after smear analysis to establish the infectious pathogen. In the case of purulent and fibrous vaginitis, antibiotics of the appropriate class are prescribed. When attaching a secondary infection or a combination of several types of pathogens, broad-spectrum antibiotics and antimycotic drugs are prescribed. sad dog lying on the floor

With abundant secretions after syringing, Phytoelite immunostimulating ointment is applied. In juvenile vaginitis, hormone injections are prescribed.

Pathology Prevention

To maintain the body's defenses after the course of treatment and to prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is recommended:

  • comply with the sanitary and hygienic rules of the pet;
  • to give a balanced, rich in vitamins and trace elements food;
  • time to vaccinate;
  • mating only with healthy males and after the female has reached physiological maturity;
  • timely sanitize foci of infection in the body.

Treatment of vaginitis can be long, but if you follow the recommendations and preventive measures, the disease can be cured completely.

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