
Tibetan mastiff

Everyone who first encounters representatives of this breed feels a double feeling - horror and admiration. And indeed, nature has not cheated the dogs from Tibet - neither by appearance, nor by intelligence, nor by working qualities. Some giants of other breeds , despite their formidable appearance, turn out to be very peaceful and accommodating. How are things with the Tibetans?


Breed origin

Tibetan mastiffs are rare, expensive breeds, which, due to the isolation of China, were able to preserve almost pristine appearance. The impregnable Himalayan mountains were an excellent defense for the southern side of Tibet, and in the north in this capacity came the lifeless desert. This helped the dogs to maintain their original, impressive appearance. Then the dogs were used to protect the monks, shepherds and nomadic tribes. Tibetan mastiff

In such a harsh environment, only strong, hardy animals with thick coat could survive, and the dogs possessed such qualities. But nevertheless those dogs are evil giants, there is more heritage of legends than, truth. According to some myths, these giants with fierce temper were held by Genghis Khan and Buddha. Many researchers believe that Tibetans are the progenitors of all Molossian breeds - rottweilers, bulldogs, St. Bernards, and others.

Breed description Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is a mighty giant with a strong, harmonious physique and well-developed muscles. The dog has a luxurious thick hair with abundant undercoat, which forms a real mane in the neck. It makes the dog look amazingly like a lion.

As for the use of dogs of this breed, today they play the role of a companion, watchman, bodyguard. But a dog can fully fulfill its functions when it matures, in males it happens by 24-36 months, and in females only by 4th year. Representatives of the breed have a well-defined sexual type - males are larger than the body size and power.

Dogs have a strong build, with some dampness and rudeness. The skin is thin, elastic, tight to the body and slightly loose around the head and neck. The minimum height for males of Tibetan mastiff is 66 cm, bitches - 61 cm. Average weight - 60 kg.

The standard provides for the appearance of Tibetans:

  • Hair in males is longer and thick, hard and has a shine - it is able to protect the animal from any weather. The coat, in addition to the collar, also forms tows and a suspension in the area of ​​the tail on the limbs. Hair should be straight, wavy hair is considered a defect.
  • The head is large, strong, with a broad forehead, on which, in case of anxiety, wrinkles are formed. In adult dogs, wrinkles appear on the head and above the eyes. In dogs, the occipital hillock and the transition from the frontal bone to the muzzle are clearly visible, but without sharp outlines.
  • Muzzle shortened, square-shaped, with a large, wide lobe of the nose and thick, slightly saggy lips. The jaws are strong, with a complete set of large teeth, scissors or less often a direct bite.
  • The ears are medium, triangular in shape, the ends are rounded. Hang on the cartilage, and when the dog is excited, they rise a little.
  • Eyes are small, slanted, with hazel or hazelnut iris (depending on color).
  • The neck has a convex nape and pronounced suspension, developed muscles. Hips hides the collar, it is also well expressed.
  • The back is straight, with excellent muscle mass, goes into a wide, slightly convex lower back. The croup is somewhat sloping, also has a developed musculature.
  • The tail is medium, set high, rolls back or pressed against the croup.
  • The chest is different in depth, the ribs are convex and slightly flattened at the sides. The stomach is tucked up, but not much.
  • Limbs with large compact legs, set in parallel, straight, strong bones, all parts muscular. The rear are slightly wider than the front.

These giant dogs move confidently, freely, easily and naturally. They have sweeping steps, however, because of the massiveness it seems that dogs are unhurried.


There are Tibetan mastiffs of the following colors:

  • anthracite black; anthracite black tibetan mastiff
  • black and tan; tibetan mastiff black and tan
  • gray and tan; tibetan mastiff puppy
  • monochrome gray; tibetan mastiff gray
  • coffee; coffee color tibetan mastiff
  • golden (from pale yellow to red); Tibetan Mastiff reddish
  • sable. tibetan mastiff sable

The standard states that the coat color should be as clean as possible. Carrion can be different - from light shades to intense chestnut. The presence of a white speck on the chest, limbs and back of the tail is allowed.

Tibetan character

If there are no external stimuli, the Tibetan Mastiff is the very charm, soft, restrained and calm. But this is as long as nothing threatens the home and family. The qualities of the watchmen in dogs from the Tibetan mountains are well developed - despite their orientation towards humans, they are always ready to protect the territory entrusted to them. If people come with the owner or the owner himself opens the door, then the dog behaves with restraint, but does not take his eyes off the newcomers, assessing the situation.

Dogs of this breed are self-sufficient, so they can be alone for some time. They like attention, but in a dosed quantity and only when they want to feel affection. Tibetans have developed intelligence and ingenuity, but are prone to showing obstinacy, defending their own point of view. But in this case they do not go beyond the framework of good relations with their master.

Tibetan mastiffs adequately relate to other dogs, but they can even respond to aggression from large individuals. They do not pay attention to small barking dogs. For centuries, they carried the guard service, and they have developed a specific schedule - they sleep during the day and go to work at night. Most often, the pet settles at the highest point of the yard and conducts monitoring from there. However, if they are contained in other conditions, they adapt well.

In the family, the mastiff is a universal favorite, friendly, obedient and very charming. He is glad to participate in common affairs and can follow the owner on his heels. A dog will pick up a person’s mood and act accordingly. Tibetans are great for children and stand up to all pranks. In this case, the threat hangs not over the baby, but over the pet. For older children, the mastiff is a great companion for games, and the child can even walk the giant - the dog will not tear from the leash and will try to adjust to small steps. No wonder, once upon a time they were used as nannies.

However, the pedigree representatives are very pronounced protective instincts, and they are not always able to discern where there is a rough game, and where there is a real threat. Therefore, when extraneous children participate in general fun, it is necessary to be extremely attentive. Tibetan mastiff can be kept with other animals. He is not a hunter and is quite friendly, even in relation to cats.

Features of training and education

Tibetan mastiffs are perfectly human-oriented, however, they require training, early socialization and mastering the discipline. The future owner, who decided to have such a dog, should be ready to spend a lot of time on training and education. If this is not done, the pet will take the lead role and become uncontrollable. In addition, thanks to a competent approach, the dog will get rid of excessive suspicion of strangers.

Tibetans are formidable guards, and those who enter their territory will not be well. This must be considered by owners who choose a puppy of this breed. It is important to teach your pet to unquestioning obedience from a puppy age, later it will help to control the actions of a hairy giant.

For fruitful learning, it is important to choose the right tactics - to be patient, but firm, to show determination, but not to forget about kindness and praise. A well-mannered dog will not cause inconvenience, will understand the team at once, and living together will be quite comfortable.

How to care for Tibetan Mastiff

The ideal place to keep the Tibetan mastiff is a private house with a spacious home territory. It is enough for a dog to equip a spacious aviary and a booth, it is also suitable for keeping in a house, but with access to the courtyard. Naturally, the fence should be such that the dog does not break it and jump over it. tibetan mastiff resting

Due to the density and density of the coat, Tibetans do not tolerate hot, humid climatic conditions very well. It is easier for them to tolerate heat in a dry climate. Dogs of this breed need daily physical exertion, for this dog you need to walk for 40-50 minutes in the morning and evening, or give him the opportunity to frolic in the yard during the same time.

Tibetans love to play with other dogs, of course, the companion should not differ significantly in size. Puppies quickly gain weight and grow, however, full physical development can only be talked about after 2 years. The owner must take into account that his pet, despite its impressive size, remains a puppy for some time.

To avoid problems with articular tissues that occur in all representatives of giant breeds, long walking tours are undesirable for up to a year, you also need to limit the time for a free stay in the yard. You need to communicate and practice with the dog regularly. A dog who does not receive emotional and physical relief will be sad, but not silently and quietly, but rustling and destroying everything around.

Tibetans are not subject to frequent molting, this process occurs once a year. But in some climatic zones, molting may not occur at all. Wool requires regular care, and so that it does not go astray in mats, and the dog looks neat, it is combed out every 2-3 days. Representatives of the breed do not have a specific smell, so they are not often bathed, mainly as needed.

In addition, the teeth and claws of the animal need to be cared for. It is recommended to brush your teeth every two to three days. Claws are clipped 2-3 times a month or as they grow. Given the size of Tibetans, to teach your pet to hygienic procedures should be from puppyhood.

Feeding Tibetan Mastiff

Proper nutrition for representatives of giant breeds is especially important. Tibetans have an abundant appetite and consume large amounts of food, especially during growing up. The diet should be balanced and complete.

Adult dogs eat much less, and their daily ration is less than that of labradors or boxers. They are not prone to overeating and know when to stop. It is important to provide your pet with clean drinking water in the required quantity. Owners are advised to follow some rules:

  • can not overfeed pet;
  • when feeding with dry rations, feed should not be soaked with milk or water;
  • You should not dramatically change the brand of food without a serious reason, as this may adversely affect the development of the animal;
  • it is important to purchase food suitable for a pet in age and size;
  • hot and cold food should not be given to the dog;
  • with natural feeding, you should not give your pet smoked and river fish.

When feeding with natural products, the pet's ration should include meat ingredients - meat, sea fish, and offal. In addition, it is important to include cereals - rice, buckwheat. Twice a week to give boiled eggs. Kashi recommended to saute vegetable oil. Vegetables are both raw and boiled, and for many dogs, fruits are an excellent treat.

Photos of Tibetan Mastiff cute tibetan mastiffstibetan mastiff runsmuzzle tibetan mastifftibetan mastiff liestibetan mastiff staringTibetan Mastiff in the country

Tibetan Mastiff Video

Acquisition and price of Tibetan puppies

The fact that this breed is the most expensive in the world, many people know. However, how much does a Tibetan puppy actually cost? According to the announcement or from the hands, it is possible to purchase a baby of this unique breed in Russia for 50,000-60000 rubles. The lower price should alert, or it is the kids, deviating from the standard, or not having documents. In this case, for his health - physical and mental, no one takes responsibility.

The cost of puppies from the nursery is much higher and can reach 300,000 rubles. In European countries, the breed is so valued that a puppy can cost up to 600,000-700,000 rubles. Probably, there is no other breed in which the price would vary so much in different limits.

Tibetan Mastiff is a dog that requires a firm hand, good care and proper conditions of detention. In addition, by starting a similar pet, the owner undertakes a number of obligations, and their failure to do so can result in tragedy. A Tibetan is not a toy, and this must be taken into account when choosing a dog. If you fulfill all the conditions, the family gets an excellent guard, protector and loyal friend.

Nurseries Tibetan Mastiff

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