
Cramps in a dog. What to do

Our favorite pets - dogs, like people, are exposed to various diseases and pathological conditions. Among the many ailments, the owners are faced with this, in general, not uncommon phenomenon, like convulsions in a dog. These manifestations can be quite scary externally and scare people at a time when pets, more than ever, need the active actions of the owners. What can convulsions of a pet testify to, and most importantly, how not to get lost and help the pet?

Convulsions in dogs


Causes of convulsive state

Most people in this situation can become confused and panic. And no wonder, because the animal suddenly falls, convulsively shudders, its paws involuntarily twitch. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart. In such a situation, even a dogman with experience may react incorrectly. But in this case, panic is not the best solution, only composure and speed of reactions will help in an emergency situation. What is necessary to do and what can be the reason for the convulsions of the dog?

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that seizures are paroxysmal muscle contractions that occur involuntarily. They are a symptom of a disease. Among the ailments that are accompanied by a similar condition, the following can be highlighted:

  • Epilepsy. This is the most common cause of sudden muscle contraction. Epilepsy is a serious dangerous disease characterized by impaired brain activity. The disease can be congenital (inherited). In addition, it is often a consequence of head injuries, a sign of the development of a tumor neoplasm in the brain or signals the presence of an inflammatory process. There are a number of breeds that are more prone to epilepsy, most often they are large animals with long hair. Also, statistics show that males have convulsive cuts more often than females.
  • Hypoglycemia is another disease that can cause seizures. The main symptoms of hypoglycemia in humans and animals include low blood glucose levels. Often, during the course of the disease, metabolic processes of the body are disturbed, which leads to disruption of the kidneys and liver of the dog. Convulsions caused by hypoglycemia, often occur in representatives of small breeds, as well as in young animals, whose weak body is not yet fully formed. Often this disease is hereditary, so when choosing a future parent of offspring or your own four-legged friend, you must definitely look at the certificate, which refers to the state of health, including the hereditary ailments that a dog has.
  • Eclampsia . With this disease, the level of calcium in the animal decreases dramatically. At risk are the pets of dwarf breeds, newborn puppies and females during the period of gestation. Calcium is an important element in the body, it affects the formation of the bone corset of the animal, contributes to normal blood clotting and not only. But in this case, its lack provokes regular uncontrolled contraction of muscle tissue.
  • Infectious diseases. Seizures can be a sign of infection of various origins, including viral. Among them, rabies is especially dangerous, which is transmitted to dogs through mucous membranes through contact. If the pet communicated with an infected animal, the risk of being infected with rabies is very high. Fungal and bacterial infections, penetrating the dog's body, can also provoke muscle spasms. Among them, infectious etiology and toxplasmosis are particularly severe.
  • Intoxication of the body and the development of inflammatory processes of an infectious nature can also be the cause of muscle spasms.

Varieties of convulsions in dogs

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Varieties of convulsions in dogs

The nature of convulsions directly depends on what caused them. When contacting the veterinary service, it is necessary to describe the nature of muscle contractions as accurately as possible, this will help to quickly determine the cause of their occurrence and prescribe an effective therapy. Seizures are divided into several types, and there are certain differences between them:

  • Convulsions - weak muscular contractions, similar to twitching, recurring periodically. This type of seizures occurs quite often and the causes of this state are many. During a convulsive state, the pet does not lose consciousness, reacts to the voice of the owner and tries to carry out commands.
  • Tonic convulsions - not so dangerous type of muscle contraction, signaling a failure in the activity of the dog. Tonic spasm does not last long, but is constant - the muscles slowly shudder after a certain period of time. The pet is conscious throughout the entire spasm, feels muscle pain, as a result of which the dog may howl , whine , be frightened and nervous.
  • Clonic convulsions - this muscle contraction alternates with relaxation, the interval between them can last from 30 to 120 seconds. At this time, the pet gets up, tries to move, but as soon as a seizure occurs, the dog collapses on its side, as an uncontrollable muscle contraction occurs again.
  • An epileptic seizure is the most dangerous type of seizures with negative consequences. A pet undergoing seizure loses consciousness, muscle tissue is constantly in a tense state, relaxation occurs only for a few seconds. Often, during an epileptic seizure in a dog, the eyes remain open, which further scares others and leads owners into confusion.

Whatever may be the cause of muscle contractions, and whatever type they are, owners should know what to do in such cases, because often the life of their beloved friend depends on it.

Treatment of seizures in dogs

How to deal with convulsions in a pet

If the dog has a cramp, the most important thing that is required of the owner is to deliver the pet to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible. Only in a clinical setting can the cause of convulsions in a dog be as precisely as possible and prescribe treatment.

Before this happens, you can slightly, but still help your pet:

  • First of all, you need to try to open the dog's mouth and drip onto the surface of the tongue a means of relaxing and reducing muscle spasm. This may be Corvalol, Valoserdin, Valokardin.

With strong intensive contractions even try not to open the animal's mouth, in order to give a cure. Most likely, the attempt is not crowned with success, and the strong pressure can lead to injury to the pet.

  • If there is a possibility, it is possible to measure the pet's body temperature , so that you don’t spend precious time on these manipulations on arrival, but tell the veterinarians about the result immediately. However, it is necessary to do this when the dog is in a calm state, but if the convulsions are constant, it is better not to risk it, since you can break the thermometer and injure the dog.
  • In case of severe epileptic seizures, it is necessary to take care of the safety of the sick animal, holding it during convulsions to avoid strikes on the floor and surrounding objects. You can move your pet away from sharp corners and hard surfaces.
  • During the transportation of a sick animal, which has a cramp, it must be covered with a warm blanket or coverlet and firmly pressed.

The pet owner must pay attention to his condition, remembering all the details - the nature and duration of muscular contractions, how long the interval between spasms lasts, how the pet behaves in between and other things. All these characteristics will be required by specialists to diagnose the condition of the dog and select the appropriate means.

Upon admission to a medical institution, the pet, in most cases, is immediately given anti-allergic drugs, as well as magnesium sulfate. This action helps to eliminate cramps and relieves the condition of the sick animal. Then a comprehensive diagnosis is performed with the collection of all necessary analyzes.

From this moment on, the pet begins to receive qualified assistance, and after the attack is removed, it depends on the owner whether the four-legged friend can fully recover. Often, the pet must continue to heal at home, and if the prescriptions are not followed, the dog’s life may be endangered.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the sick dog, continue to give the necessary medicines, to ensure peace and good nutrition - this is what is required of the owner of the dog upon returning home.

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