
Stress in dogs: symptoms, treatment, drugs

Dogs are perhaps one of the most emotional pets. They always actively rejoice at the arrival of the hosts, even if they leave for five minutes, show enthusiasm before each run, react violently to the arrival of strangers and in many situations show a storm of emotions. Most of the owners are these traits and attract dogs. However, this medal has a downside - the pet can be upset, upset, and experiencing a serious emotional shock. How does stress manifest in dogs and how can you deal with it?


Dog stress treatment

Dog stress

Any dog ​​owner will confirm that their pet is not only an instinct-driven animal, but also a family member, able to manifest different feelings, emotions and even empathy. Naturally, having such qualities it is not surprising that pets often suffer from stress. The dog can react to anything - on objects, actions, smells, noises and so on.

In the host's powers to help the dog cope with this difficult situation. There are two options:

  • remove the irritant causing the pet's reaction (it is not always possible to do this);
  • help the animal to adapt to the existing irritant, and teach to coexist with it.

Since stress is, first of all, a physical condition, it negatively affects many body systems. During this period, the pet's immunity is significantly reduced, the goitre gland decreases and the adrenal cortex increases. In the organs of the gastrointestinal tract system, capillaries burst and mucous membranes are damaged. The consequences of stress is the deterioration of the general condition, a decrease in the body’s defensive reactions to various kinds of infections, the exacerbation of chronic illnesses.

Signs of stress in a dog

It can be a short-term stressful situation, for example, when a pet has visited a crowded place, underwent unpleasant or painful medical procedures, etc. In this case, the main symptoms are refusal to eat , low activity, lethargy, the pet looks away and refuses to execute commands or does with reluctance.

The chronic form of stress occurs due to prolonged exposure to an irritant or the animal being in unusual conditions. This may be a change of residence, new owners, the appearance of another pet in the house, etc. Signs of this state are more pronounced.

The dog refuses to eat under stress

The dog eats little, without hunting, most of the time lies or moves along the same trajectory. Often and with frenzy it licks one part of the body, more often it turns out to be a paw or tail at the base, bald spots are formed at the places of licking.

A pet may show disobedience and harm - start shitting in the wrong places , gnawing things and furniture. This is not a fad animal, but a way to attract attention, a kind of cry for help. Sometimes, under stress, a dog can be overly aggressive.

Stress is accompanied by two states - excitement and apathy, which replace each other. The dog can run for a while, jump, bark loudly, without any reason, claw the floors together, there is ground on the ground, and without reacting to the owner. At the moment of apathy, the animal changes its behavior to the opposite - for a long time it can lie in one position without sleep, whine plaintively, shiver. Some pets try to hide from a person at this moment, others, on the contrary, press their legs, put their heads on their knees, ears and tail are pressed against the body at this moment.

There is no single standard for the clinical symptoms of stress in dogs; each animal experiences it in its own way. But the owner may notice that the pet began to behave differently, this is the main symptom of stress. If it is impossible to determine what caused the dog's reaction, it is better to consult a specialist with this question.

Common situations that cause stress

Stressful situations for dogs

Most of the stimuli are more or less clear. But often the dog strangely reacts to quite ordinary things - the sound of rain on the glass or the roof, a trip to the forest, the replacement of a leash, etc. If the fact that in a normal life the dog is happy or does not cause any emotions of the pet excites, then, most likely, it is a question of a negative experience, which provoked the development of fear - a phobia. A zoopsychologist can help with this problem.

But more often stressful situations are more banal:

  • Stress after visiting a groomer or homemade haircut. In this case, you can accustom the pet to the procedure, periodically including a typewriter, learn how to make a haircut yourself using scissors or, before the procedure, give the pet a sedative of plant origin.
  • The dog is experiencing stress while riding in transport. You can encourage your pet before the event to create positive emotions associated with the trip. Some time to carry solely for entertainment purposes - on nature, the playground, on a visit to the people whom the pet loves.
  • Deep shock after a change of owner. Difficult situation, requiring the "sea" of patience and unlimited love. In this situation, you can not show pity. It is best to behave as if the dog got into the house from the street. Good attitude, many walks, communication with other friendly dogs are able to take the animal out of the blues and bring joy to life. For some, the situation may last for several days, for others for months. But with an adequate approach, the pet will stop worrying, and life will go back to the usual course.
  • Pet has experienced stress due to the move. Dogs are acutely worried when they are pulled out of their usual conditions. But nevertheless, joint relocation is better than extension in connection with the relocation. As in the previous case, attention, positive emotions will help to survive the changes. It is necessary to take care that the things familiar to the pet - toys, bedding , cups - are brought to a new place. Also, it is not necessary to introduce innovations during this period - to put on a new ammunition, change the schedule, the diet. At first, the pet may be confused and frightened, mark the territory, spoil things. But you can not punish the pet, as this will only aggravate the situation. It will be enough for a dog if the owner expresses discontent with his gestures and eyes. If you walk a lot, play with an animal, encourage its activity, then its behavior will soon return to normal.
  • A visit to the vet is an ordinary stressful situation. Rarely does a dog calmly tolerate this event, most of them show all sorts of emotions - they don’t want to enter the door, start tossing around in the lobby, they can bark loudly and tear off the leash. It is necessary to take into account that all feelings are aggravated in dogs, and from any hospital, including veterinary, breathes fear and pain. In this situation it is important for the owner to show absolute calm and behave as if nothing had happened. Pity, lamentation, empathy dog ​​perceive, as a direct confirmation of all fears. In most cases, the treatment involves unpleasant moments, so it is important to choose a veterinarian with experience and high responsibility. Such a specialist will not rush and use force to complete the procedure as soon as possible and accept the following patients. He will show tact and try to establish contact with the animal. Having gained confidence, the doctor will be able to easily carry out all manipulations without causing additional stress to the pet. If there is an opportunity, it is better to start familiarizing the dog with the doctor at home by making a house call. Subsequently, the animal even in the clinic will perceive the veterinarian as an old acquaintance.

How to eliminate chronic stress in a dog

There are three main methods to relieve your pet from stress. You can apply them all, and looking at the reaction of the pet, give preference to the most effective. The reaction of the dog will let you know what works best:

  1. Occupational therapy. Increased physical activity - long walks, sports, training , active jogs, all this can bring the animal out of a protracted crisis. Actions must occur exclusively with the approval of the pet, accompanied by communication and mandatory promotion.
  2. Adding novelty. Any positive emotions - new friends, toys, goodies, will affect the state of the pet, will cause a response and help distract. The dog will gradually begin to forget about anxiety.
  3. Taking drugs with a slight sedative effect. Some situations do not allow long-term therapy, when you need to calm the animal here and now. There is an urgent trip, a conclusion “to the people”, the New Year's fireworks are about to begin, or the injury requires an urgent visit to the veterinary clinic. Situations are different and it is important to help the dog in time to survive the coming excitement. Before using the means it is better to consult with a veterinarian and in no case give a sedative from your own first-aid kit, as some substances can give the opposite effect.

Doctors warn that pills or drops will not solve the problem, but only delay it, so long-term therapy will still be required. The main thing is to love your pet, then any stress will pass quickly and not noticeably.

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