
Mating dogs

Most animals are strong enough breeding instincts, it can be said about dogs. However, breeding processes have affected the reproductive system of pets. Today, not all individuals seek to continue their genus, and the selection of the pair and mating itself, occurs most often with the help of the owners. What you need to know about the mating of dogs, if he wants to get a full-fledged offspring from his four-legged friend?


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Mating dogs

The reproductive system of the dog matures early enough, males may be ready for mating from 6 months, in females the first estrus is from 6 to 9 months. And, first of all, representatives of small breeds are developing in this plan. Females of large breeds begin to flow a little later.

Like humans, dogs develop their genitals earlier than the entire body. This means that organizing pairing is not worth the first heat and there are a number of good reasons for this:

  • the body of a young animal is not yet strong enough for gestation and childbirth, it can be stressful for the dog and adversely affect its health;
  • puberty in dogs comes to 6 months, and the growth of the body continues to 18-24 months, if you knit pets earlier, then they can stop growing, not reaching the norm, this is especially true for males;
  • It is impossible for overly young parents to get full-fledged offspring with a large number of healthy, well-developed puppies, most often with a young bitch in a litter with 1-2 fetuses, they are often weak and may have developmental pathologies, both physically and mentally.

How to choose a partner for mating

The result depends on the right choice, so you need to approach this issue with full responsibility. This should be done in advance, before the bitch begins in heat.

If there is no experience, then it is better to seek advice from breeders, or to a kennel club. Professionals will be able, on the basis of the characteristics of the dog, to select suitable candidates.

If the dog is taken from the kennel, then the best option would be to pick up the groom or bride from the same place.

The selection takes into account the presence of titled parents, working diplomas from the applicant, the correspondence of external data. If the dog already has offspring, then the data about him is also of great importance. If there are no pathologies in previous litters, then, most likely, they will not be any further.

For owners of a bitch, it will be more prudent to choose two cavaliers at once, in case of unforeseen situations.

To avoid questions, owners of dogs selected for breeding should discuss in advance all the nuances, from the meeting to payment for services. If we talk about monetary remuneration, then, in most cases, the owners of a dog charge for breeding an amount equal to the cost of their pet during the acquisition period, but most often the retribution is made by one puppy, which the male owners have the right to choose independently.

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Signs of readiness bitch to mating

Signs of bitch readiness for mating

The most successful period for mating is the third estrus, the average dog is 1.6-1.8 years old. At this time, you can already approximately calculate the time when the female flows, find out the main signs of her behavior during this period. The dog becomes fully grown, strong and ready to bring posterity.

It is very important to choose the right days, as the bitch takes a dog and the fertilization process takes place only 11-15 days from the start of estrus. Although in this case there are certain nuances - some females are fully ready for mating already on the 8th day, others can enter this phase only for 15-17 days. It is worth paying for other important signs:

  • Selection from the loop gain transparency.
  • When touching the rump, the dog begins to assume the position necessary for the cage, by flexing its back.
  • If you touch the base of the tail, the bitch takes him to the side.

All this speaks about the readiness of the pet to be mated.

Preparation of a male for mating

Nature so ordered that the males are year-round ready to enter into sexual intercourse. Does this mean that the owners of a dog do not need to prepare the pet for knitting? Not at all, a dog of any sex requires certain actions on the part of the owners.

It is worth knowing that the unleashed male needs regular matings. Entering into the taste, the pet can change its behavior significantly, it begins to intrusively care for all the bitches, it will cease to obey the commands.

In this case, in no case should indiscriminate connections be allowed, as this is fraught with infections and sexually transmitted diseases (yes, and dogs are not immune from this).

If the owners do not have plans for the subsequent breeding of the breed, then unleashing a pet only out of pity is not the right decision and you need to be prepared for the possible consequences. If the future of the pet is to be a stud dog, then this is possible only with excellent natural data.

Tribal male requires a certain care, nutrition, improved conditions of detention. The most optimal age for unleashing is a period of one and a half to two years.

General requirements for the preparation of pets

Preparing a dog for mating

Before mating, it is necessary to conduct a series of procedures, both male and female:

  • pass a series of tests for infections, hereditary diseases, and sexually transmitted diseases (in most cases, the owners of a bitch require a certificate of health status of a dog);
  • a week before mating, it is worth the pet to proglytogonit and make treatment of fleas and ticks ;
  • the day before the meeting with the bride, the dog needs to have a bath, as for the female, then she needs to take a bath at least one week before the meeting, in order not to eliminate the odor that attracts the opposite sex;
  • in the case of routine vaccinations, they must be made no later than two weeks before mating;
  • if the dog has long hair, then for more successful mating, you can cut off its excess in the genital area.

Before viscous it is worth taking care of the physical fitness of the dog, if it is overfed, then it is necessary to follow a diet, in the opposite case, to take care of a more saturated and nutritious diet, it is possible to supplement the menu with vitamin and mineral supplements .

Before the meeting itself, you should not feed the dog, it is better to take the pet for a long walking.

See also: How old do dogs grow ?

Room preparation

Owners should first prepare a place for mating. Provide a spacious room. If we are talking about an aviary, then make sure that there are no external stimuli and other people and animals. Floor covering should not be slippery, you need to remove unnecessary items.

Traditionally, meetings of dogs occur on the territory of the male. This is done to ensure that the dog is not confused and not distracted. It is possible to bring the groom to the female only if it is a question of an experienced stud dog, who clearly knows about his duties.

In most cases, a bitch is given a certain time in order to look around and get used to the new environment.

Mating process

There are two ways - this is a free process, when animals come down from the leashes, get acquainted and mate without external intervention, and manual - when the owners help the couple to fit in properly. The latter method is most often used for breeding representatives of small breeds. If dogs do not show proper interest, then in this case it is necessary to bring pets to each other, provoking their acquaintance.

At the meeting, the dogs need time to meet and play, although experienced dogs may miss this moment, immediately starting to work.

If everything is done on its own, then there will be no particular trouble. After mating, it is necessary to wash the genitals of the dogs and treat them with an antiseptic, for example, Miramistin.

Otherwise, you have to help the dog do the cage, hold it in the process so that the dog does not fall.

It is necessary to know certain physiological characteristics of dogs in order to be ready for them and not to harm. Nature insured that the penis did not exit the loop before fertilization took place. In this case, the genital organs of the pet are stuck together (stick together). This is quite normal and in no case should not try to separate the pair. The duration of this moment can vary, from 10 minutes to an hour.

In this case, the owners can only help the dog to turn its back to the female so that the dogs are tails to each other. The process of release will happen on its own at the right moment.

If everything is prepared correctly, a convenient moment and a suitable pair is chosen, then you should expect excellent, healthy offspring.

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