
The dog is sneezing. What to do

Sneezing is one of the protective reactions of the body, contributing to the removal of various pathogenic microorganisms, foreign particles, mucous secretions beyond. A sneeze is not an obligatory symptom of diseases, but if the dog sneezes too often, and even more so if additional symptoms of ailments are manifested, it is necessary to identify the cause of this phenomenon and eliminate it. A lot of phenomena can cause sneezing and it is worth considering the most common of them.


Irritation in the nose

The dog is sneezing. What to do

People perceive the world, to a greater extent, through the organs of vision and hearing, but dogs - with the help of smell. Animals, not yet seeing the object, solely by smell distinguish friends from strangers, determine gender, physiology and other nuances.

That is why dog-friendly aromas for a dog can be simply unbearable. Perfumes, colognes, eau de toilette can cause a strong and prolonged sneezing in a pet. Pungent smells of household chemicals, new furniture, shoes, and clothing can also trigger this reaction.

Dogs do not tolerate tobacco smoke. They can be defeated by sneezing if dry grass is burned nearby, or smoke from a fire is coming. If a dog gets an irritating substance in his nose, he will snort, shake his face, cover and rub his nose with his paws. And sneezing in this case is an attempt to clear the mucous membranes of the nasal passages.

If there is no prolonged contact with the stimulus, then this condition goes away on its own. In any case, the owner must find out the cause of the sneeze and remove the object with a strong aroma away from the pet.

Allergic reaction

Dog sneezing allergy

Allergy is a common ailment recently, which affects not only people, but also pets, including dogs. Sneezing with this disease is a fairly common symptom.

An allergy can be a reaction to perfume, household chemicals, dust mites, plant pollen, pathogenic fungi and bacteria. Often, dogs are diagnosed with an allergic reaction to fleas , and some breeds are prone to food allergies.

It is not difficult to identify the ailment, since the disease is accompanied by a number of symptoms in addition to sneezing:

  • the appearance of a rash and dryness on the skin;
  • intestinal upsets, colic;
  • swelling of the nose;
  • inflammatory processes in the eyes and nose;
  • profuse flow from the nose;
  • an accumulation of tear secretions in the corners of the eyes.

The pet is often worried about itching, he can comb the affected areas of the skin to blood, which increases the risk of infection of wounds and the formation of suppuration.

If you do not treat the disease, chronic dermatitis , bronchial cramps, or even asthma can develop. To treat sneezing in a dog, it is necessary to identify and, if possible, eliminate the allergen, taking antihistamines and immunostimulating drugs.

Injury and getting foreign bodies into the sinuses

Dog injury

Dogs nose exploring everything that meets them on the way. Sand grains, plant pieces, seeds, small pebbles penetrate the dog’s nasal passages and tickle. Naturally, the pet begins to sneeze.

If something is stuck in the nose of the animal, then it performs the following actions:

  • shakes his head intensely;
  • rubs the paws of the muzzle;
  • exhales with effort and at the same time emits a snort.

In this case, the owner is required to inspect the nasal passages of the dog and use a pair of tweezers to remove the foreign object.

Of course, this can not always be done independently, because the animal often resists, and also the appropriate tool may not be nearby. In addition, a foreign body can penetrate too deeply into the nose.

In such a situation, the surest decision is to show the pet to the veterinarian, who will remove the item using special devices.

Often, frequent sneezing signals possible injuries - the dog may have been hit in the nose, or he himself was hit or scratched. This may be accompanied by a flow from the nose with red veins or clots. Lesions are not always visible, so it is better to play it safe and go to the veterinarian.

Polyps or tumors

If mucus with blood appears from a nose when sneezing, but there were no injuries, then, first of all, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of the appearance of tumor formations in the nasopharynx.

With the development of the disease, the tumor begins to decompose, ulcers appear on its surfaces, they bleed and secrete purulent exudate, and therefore bloody discharge appears from the nose. When the formation prevents the animal from breathing, the same actions of the dog can be observed as when it gets into the nose of a foreign body: the dog shakes its head violently, tries to rub its muzzle on any objects or rubs the nose with its paws, breathes intensely, possibly whistling, grunting. This behavior of the pet is impossible not to notice.

Naturally, in this case, helping the pet alone will not succeed, it is necessary to seek professional help. To identify the nature of the formation, a piece of its tissue is taken for analysis - a biopsy.

If polyps are found, then the method of treatment is one - surgical. Both the polyp itself and its roots are removed in order to avoid subsequent relapses. In this case, you still have to watch the pet in the future. Benign tumors must also be removed.

With malignant neoplasms, everything is not so simple, the pet will have to undergo a long anti-cancer treatment.

Infectious diseases

Dog Sneezing Infectious Disease

If a pet is bothered not only by sneezing, but also by a number of other symptoms, it may be a question of children about a viral infection. It is accompanied by the following conditions:

  • the dog is weak and inactive;
  • drinks too much;
  • lack of appetite ;
  • there is a frequent cough ;
  • there is abundant mucous discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • when the pet is sleeping, you can hear wheezing (manifested when the bronchi or lungs are affected).

Often, viruses affect the functionality of the digestive tract, then the dog develops vomiting and diarrhea , bloody streaks or clots, mucus may appear in the feces, they can have a putrid or sour smell. In this case, conventional fixing preparations are not effective.

Infections of a bacterial or fungal origin do not always accompany such obvious symptoms:

Most often, these signs pass against the background of the normal condition of the pet. And only a veterinarian is able to accurately identify the cause of the disease and select the appropriate therapy.

Do not wait for the deterioration or try to solve the problem yourself. Infections, even sluggishly occurring, adversely affect the immune systems of the animal, often lead to complications, after which the dog may not recover, it can be a plague , leprosy pyrosis and other deadly ailments.

To protect the dog from viruses, it is necessary to regularly put preventive vaccinations .

Body hypothermia

With a sharp change in temperature, the pet may begin to sneeze, as this provokes a sharp vascular narrowing or expansion. Most often, this happens after walking, when the animal enters a warm apartment with frost or, conversely, when the dog runs out for a walk.

This phenomenon should not greatly disturb the owners of the pet, as it is a completely natural reaction of the body. But still, it’s worth evaluating the conditions of the dog’s keeping, trying to strengthen its immune system and taking a closer look, whether the pet has any diseases. For a dog with a poor coat, it is worthwhile to purchase special clothes to prevent hypothermia.

If, nevertheless, after a long walk in bad weather, the pet started sneezing, coughing, it chills, and he tries to attach it to a place where it is much warmer, then hypothermia still occurred.

In severe cases, the mucous membranes become pale in the animal, blisters are found on the frostbitten parts of the body. Most commonly affected are the paw pads, genitals, and the tips of the ears. Body temperature begins to decline.

You should take care of the dog, providing it with “dry heat” - wrap it in a blanket, place heating pads in the paw area and urgently seek specialist advice.

If the dog sneezes, then this is not a reason for panic, but a signal in order to look closely at his condition. You should take care of a warmer place for a four-friend, you can rinse the nasal passages with warm water and if any alarming symptom occurs, you should definitely go to the clinic.

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