
How many times a day to feed a dog

A person who first takes a puppy raises a number of completely natural questions, and one of them concerns the nutrition of a new family member. First of all, how many times a day do you need to feed a dog at various stages of life? It all depends on a number of factors - the age of the pet, its activity, physiological characteristics, dimensions and other things. It is necessary to determine the pet’s diet and follow the recommendations of a specialist.


The number of feedings of dogs of different ages

There is a general grid of the number of feedings of dogs, starting from puppyhood and until full adulthood, when the dog is fully formed:

  • from 1 to 2 months - six-time feeding, with mandatory nightly meals;
  • from 2 to 4 months - five meals a day, the baby gradually weaned from nocturnal meals, for this the last feeding should be as late as possible, and the first - early;
  • from 4 to 5 months - four times a day;
  • from 5 months to six months - you need to feed the baby 2 times tightly - in the morning and evening, and 2 times - less plentifully, gradually canceling one day snack;
  • from six months (in small breeds) and from 7-9 months (representatives of large and giant breeds), pets are transferred to an adult diet - 2 meals a day.

Some adult dogs with a sedentary lifestyle, you can feed only once - in the morning, but be sure to observe the feeding time. However, experts still advise dividing the daily portion of food into 2 doses.

It is important not to forget about vitamins for dogs .

How to determine the required portion

If the dog eats ready-made dry rations, then determining a single serving is not difficult. It is enough to study the information indicated on the package, where the required amount of food is usually prescribed, in accordance with the age and weight of the pet. Then calculate the daily norm, focusing on the body weight of the dog, and divide it into 2 doses. dog eats from a pink bowl

But what if the dog eats natural food? Usually the basis of the diet is porridge with meat and vegetable ingredients, the daily portion of which is also determined by the weight of the animal. Usually it is 60-70 grams of food per kilogram of mass. For example, if a pet’s weight is 10 kg, then it should receive 600-700 grams of porridge per day. Naturally, these are just average indicators that do not take into account the characteristics of the dog.

How to understand if a dog has enough food

Of course, it is worth listening to the general recommendations, but do not forget about the individuality of each dog. If the dog, after eating food, does not leave the bowl and licks it thoroughly, then most likely he does not have enough food and it is worth increasing his portion a little.

If the food remains in the bowl, then you should not wait for the pet to return and finish eating, it is recommended to remove it before the next feeding. If this happens all the time, then you need to reduce the number of single servings. When can a portion be increased?

  • If the dog is waiting for offspring or feeds puppies.
  • When a dog receives an increased load - before competitions, an exhibition, it works a lot, etc.
  • In periods of intensive growth - in different breeds, it occurs at different ages.
  • If the dog has suffered an illness and needs to be restored.
  • In winter, if the pet is outdoors.

It is worth paying attention to the behavior of the pet, and in addition, consider whether he is prone to obesity. In this case, do not get too carried away with supplements.

See also: why a dog drinks a lot of water .

What should be the feeding regimen

For the dog - its health and organization, it is very important to observe the feeding regimen. There are several rules that must be followed, regardless of the age and breed of the dog:

  • The dog should receive food in a strictly designated place and at the same time - this will allow the dog to develop a conditioned reflex and discipline the pet. It is also worth taking care of the stand, it is especially important for puppies and adult dogs of large and giant breeds.
  • If there is an intense load, then before it is not worth the dog to feed. After all, the digestive tract of the animal is designed in such a way that the dog should rest after a meal.
  • Do not feed the dog before walking. It is desirable that after eating an hour and a half has passed.
  • Do not give your pet food immediately after he has received a large load. He needs to rest.

In addition, it is advisable for the owner to familiarize themselves with the black list of food that should not be included in the dog’s diet. In most cases, these are products that should not be given to dogs of any breed, including not purebred ones - sweets, sausages, smoked meats, dishes with spices and marinades, and pastries.

But some recommendations are individual. For example, representatives of breeds with a flattened face are not recommended to give soups. Or else - adult dogs are not given regular milk, as there is a risk of developing diarrhea, but pugs need it at any age - this product helps them get rid of heartburn. Therefore, when purchasing a doggie, it is worth consulting with the breeder about the peculiarities of feeding this particular breed. cute dog with bone

Another rule - the dog should have round-the-clock access to clean drinking water. This is especially important when eating dry diets. Four-legged friends need compulsory education, which means that the owner should be as organized as possible. You can not give the dog food outside the established schedule or start periodically treating him from his own table. Otherwise, the entire regime will be violated, and the dog will quickly find its owner’s weak spot and quickly turn into a beggar.

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One comment
  1. in the morning I give seasoned milk porridge with a little salt and sugar. sand in the evening with meat and vegetables and add a little pasta from durum wheat. Although I know that it is advisable to do the opposite in the evening, porridge in the morning and porridge in the morning and vegetables with meat.

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