
Sakhalin Husky

The name of the Husky breed is widely known today, and it’s easy to meet these beauties. But the common are, for the most part, Siberian Husky, as for the Sakhalin, they, by the will of fate, turned out to be an endangered species. Japanese breeders are interested in the revival of the breed and are doing everything possible to increase their livestock. But the work is long and laborious. What attracted the attention of the Sakhalin Husky breed, and why is so much attention paid to its restoration?


Breed origin

Representatives of this breed are dogs of the Nivkh ethnic group, or in other words, Gilyaks, therefore they are called Gilyak husky or “karafuto ken”, which translates as Sakhalin dog. Initially, animals were bred for sledding. The Japanese do not encroach on the original history of the breed, they love the Huskies, and even included them in the breeding work on the restoration of Akita Inu dogs. Sakhalin Husky handsome

Nivkhs also treated their pets well, this is confirmed by multiple legends. In addition, the dogs participated in many areas of human life - often served as cult animals, went hunting, including large predators, such as bears. By the beginning of the 20th century, under the Soviet regime, the Sakhalin Huskies were better able to cope with military service, endurance and unpretentiousness helped them in this.

These properties allowed the animals to participate in the Antarctic expeditions of 1910-1912 and 1958. The last journey ended tragically, out of a dozen dogs, only two survived. Then the Sakhalin Huskies became national heroes, and the Americans made a film about those events.

After the end of the Second World War, during the deportation of the Japanese population, most of the dogs were taken to the island of Hokkaido, where there is still a small herd.

Breed description Sakhalin Husky

Among other huskies and huskies, the Sakhalin are the largest representatives of the group. These are unusually hardy, well-knit dogs, with thick, dense coat and powerful limbs. Such physical properties allow the animal to not only survive in the most severe climatic conditions, but also successfully perform important work. Sakhalin dogs are very brave dogs with high intelligence.

The appearance of individuals is largely due to the presence of genes of Japanese Spitz and Akita Inu, but are more similar to husky. They resemble Spitz, but have larger sizes. The maximum growth of males reaches 70 cm at the withers, bitches more often have average sizes - 50-60 cm. Weigh representatives of the breed are from 25 to 40 kg.

In accordance with the standard, Sakhalin is as follows:

  1. A proportional, harmonious physique, strong, powerful bones and developed muscles. The head is large, with triangular standing ears and an expressive, pointed muzzle. The eyes are small, almond-shaped, slightly slanted. Sakhalin Husky Jumping
  2. Limbs strong, stable, well muscled. The paws are arranged in such a way that the dog could move both on the ground and on the snow crust without falling through.
  3. The tail is long, straight, can be bent to the side, completely covered with dense wool.

Coat of dogs can be of different lengths, with a thick, but necessarily dense undercoat. In the area of ​​the muzzle and on the outer side of the limbs the wool is short.

Possible colors

There are individuals with the most different coat colors, only the presence of a uniform white color is excluded. More often it is possible to meet black, gray, red, tiger dogs. They can be both spotty and monophonic. In Nivkhs, dogs of various colors had their own particular cult significance.

The nature and behavior

Karafuto-ken are faithful dogs, well oriented to humans. They are friendly to all members of the family, in need of constant communication with the owner and joint pastime. Lack of attention and frequent loneliness causes the dog to suffer, and later becomes the cause of health problems.

Despite the friendliness, the dog will definitely rush to the protection of its owner if a threatening situation arises. If we consider that once such a husky could resist a bear, then it is clear that shyness is not peculiar to it. Fearlessness and courage - one of the best features of this breed.

But the lack of alertness to strangers and aggression to the person does not allow them to become full-fledged guards and watchmen - the dog will welcome guests with interest and friendliness.

Sakhalin Laika can take a very imposing form, then it seems that the dog is lazy and inactive. However, this is a deceptive impression. Dogs are not just active, they are able to run tirelessly in a sleigh for 24 hours, so the pet will always respond for a walk and any other vigorous activity.

Huskies have a well-developed tendency to dominate, the pet will definitely try to occupy a dominant position in the family. If the owner does not stop it, the dog will feel like a leader and refuse to obey.

Training and education

Although initially the Huskies were exclusively working dogs, today they are increasingly being turned on as companions. Naturally, such freedom-loving pets need education and training. According to experienced dog handlers, Huskies can master all major programs: early adopters, Guided City Dog, Behavior Correction. They can be engaged both in groups and according to an individually selected program. Sakhalin Husky is looking for

If the owner has experience in dog training, he can independently teach the pet to the basic commands, correct his behavior. In addition, the dog needs early socialization - he must know how to behave on walks, in unfamiliar places, be able to communicate with other dogs.

The owner should conduct classes regularly, adhering to the sequence and showing firmness. Sakhalin Huskies are “thinking” dogs, such a pet will not blindly carry out tasks, without evaluating the conditions and not making possible other decisions. Do not rush him too much, screaming or pulling the collar. When the dog decides that the owner is right, he will do everything.

Care and health

Sakhalin Husky - one of the most unpretentious breeds. Its representatives have a lot of advantages:

  • Huskies do not have excess salivary fluids;
  • they have almost no characteristic smell of dog;
  • dogs molt twice a year, but the process is not pronounced - this is both a plus and a minus, since such an animal needs to periodically complete grooming, saving the pet from dead hair;
  • Huskies do not need a haircut.

The breeders of this breed give the following recommendations for the care of animals:

  • 1-2 times a week the dog should be thoroughly combed out using a frequent comb, and during the shedding period - puhoderka;
  • it is necessary to inspect the mouth, eyes, paw pads for damage, fungus, dermatitis;
  • Huskies are rarely bathed - it is enough to do this once every 12 months, naturally, if the dog gets dirty, then it is washed more often or the parts are wiped with a damp sponge;
  • Like other breeds, likes need to be vaccinated, treated for parasites and anthelmintic.

The husky's ears deserve more attention, since they are the most vulnerable area. They should be regularly cleaned with a cotton swab or a stick moistened with water or a solution of peroxide, carefully removing dirt and excess serous formations.

Sakhalin dogs differ in cleanliness, so caring for them does not cause absolutely no difficulty.

Breed diseases

Representatives of the northern breeds, the selection of which took place in natural, harsh conditions, have good health. However, the lack of new blood can play a cruel joke, awarding dogs with hereditary diseases.

According to statistics, the Huskies are more likely to detect the following diseases caused by genetic disorders:

  • endocrine system pathologies - diabetes mellitus, etc .;
  • eye diseases;
  • malfunctions in the nervous, cardiovascular system;
  • pathological conditions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • immunodeficiency states.

In addition, huskies often develop dermatological diseases. More often genetic disorders are found in males.

Features of the diet

Nivkhs fed their four-legged helpers with fish, more precisely, dried bones. In the autumn, they were engaged in fishing, harvesting chum salmon, he sowed himself and dried the fish, and the dogs - all that was left. Sakhalin Husky lies

Therefore, Gilyak huskies do not need a variety of food, and industrial dry food produced for dogs of this breed is quite suitable for them. Choose premium or super premium products that contain a small amount of herbal ingredients.

With natural feeding, the basis of the ration is fish and lean, stringy meat - beef, venison, beef trimmings and offal. You can treat your pet with seasonal fruits, a couple of times a week to give dairy products, eggs, boiled chicken. It is important to provide your pet with clean drinking water.

Dog content

The ideal condition for keeping huskies is a harsh, cold climate. These dogs do not freeze, can sleep in the snow and do not require a warmed booth. Street maintenance is best for them, and if the owner decides to take a similar pet for an apartment, then he should know in advance about some nuances, such as the phenomenon of howling.

Huskies, including Sakhalin, do not bark, but they howl no worse than their ancestors - the wolves. Left alone and bored, the dog can make these sounds long and protractedly, making the neighbors nervous and disturbing; especially unpleasant if the howl is heard at night. But if the Nivkhs on this account have a couple of legends explaining this behavior, then experts know that the dog howls from longing for his family.

Such behavior can be corrected by making regular, active walks with your pet, then a tired dog will go to bed on return.

In hot weather, it is impossible for a dog to stay for a long time in the scorching sunshine. It is necessary that he had a shady corner where the dog could hide.

No wonder the Huskies are members of expeditions, in addition to endurance, they have a passion for research and travel. What does this threaten the owner? Most pets of this breed have a tendency to escape. And they do it not because of their unwillingness to stay in this house or because of their bad temper. Just such a feature is present in these animals at the genetic level.

Even locked behind seven locks, the Huskies can find a way out: make a tunnel, jump over the highest fence, tear the net, or seep through a small gap. Here they have no equal! Often, dogs simply open the heck and go to adventure. This is a warning to future owners - before taking a puppy, you should provide the site with a reliable fence, the aviary - with a strong net and not forget about possible digging.

When walking, be sure to keep the dog on a leash, as Husk often run away and get into different unpleasant and even dangerous situations.

Photo Sakhalin Huskies Sakhalin Husky muzzleSakhalin Husky in winterSakhalin Husky with Preyfunny Sakhalin Huskyblue-eyed sakhalin huskySakhalin Husky looks

Video about Sakhalin Huskies

Where to buy a puppy

Having weighed the pros and cons, did the family choose this rare northern breed? The following question arises: “Where can I get a quality, purebred puppy?” Since the breed is on the verge of extinction and is very, very rare, it is not difficult to imagine that kennels. engaged in the breeding of Sakhalin huskies, a little.

But today, some breeders of Japanese breeds begin to work with Gilyak likes. Most likely, future owners will have to go outside their city or even the country. The cost of Sakhalin Husky puppies depends on the class of the pet, the titles of the parents and their own qualities:

  • pet class progeny - due to minor flaws that do not affect health, such dogs are not allowed to breed and participate in exhibitions, but the dog has the appropriate documents and can become an excellent four-legged friend; the maximum cost of a puppy in this category may be 20,000 rubles;
  • Breed-class puppies - offspring that meet the standard requirements, suitable for breeding, will cost from 35,000 to 40,000 rubles;
  • show class puppy - possesses the highest characteristics, the future star of exhibitions and the enviable groom / bride; Usually, dogs of this class are offered for sale only by 6 months, since only at this age can one be sure that the dog has no flaws; The starting price of a grown-up pet of the Sakhalin Husky breed of show class is 50,000 rubles.

Before contacting the seller, you should decide for what purposes the pet will be used, this will allow you to choose a pet of the right class.

Sakhalin Huskies are amazing dogs, real helpers and heroes. Such a breed should not disappear from the face of the earth, and breeders make efforts for this. But before acquiring such a specific working dog, it is necessary to find out, and is it suitable for temperament, characteristics of the content and other characteristics? It is important that the pet in the family feel comfortable, but it does not deliver a lot of inconvenience.

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  1. And where to find "production dry food produced for dogs of this breed?"

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