
Vomiting in dogs

Vomiting in dogs is not uncommon, and there are many reasons for this reaction. You should not panic right away, as the gag reflex doesn’t always indicate serious problems. What should be paid special attention to and how to behave if a dog has vomiting?


Symptoms preceding vomiting

Causes of Vomiting in Dogs

Signs of vomiting in dogs

The dog cannot tell about his state of health, therefore, only by external signs the owner can find out that everything is not all right with his beloved pet. As you know, vomiting is preceded by nausea, and it can affect the behavior of the dog:

  • the animal often licks its face;
  • refuses food, does not drink water;
  • profuse drooling occurs;
  • the dog is anxious, constantly moving erratically;
  • at pet growls in a stomach and the loud belch is published.

In addition, often before vomiting a pet may have a disorder in the stool: both diarrhea and constipation .

Quite often, the owners of the dog confuse two concepts - vomiting and regurgitation, if in the first situation the food comes out in the form of digested slurry, then in the second it does not have time to go through the processing process.

Causes of vomiting in dogs

Of course, this phenomenon can not be called pleasant, but it also has its positive aspects. Vomiting is, first of all, the protective mechanism of the body, with the help of which all toxic, toxic substances and foreign objects are released from it. Cleansing, therefore, the body protects itself from negative effects.

Among the causes of gagging, the following can be noted:

  • diseases of infectious origin;
  • intoxication of the body due to the intake of poor-quality food (in this case, animals most often suffer from eating something from the garbage can at home, on the street near the garbage cans or digging out of the ground);
  • foreign objects caught in the digestive tract or stuck in the esophagus, pharynx (in this case, the pet can cough for a long time trying to get rid of the interfering object);
  • exposure to the respiratory tract caustic, irritating substances, including those from poisonous insects;
  • the presence of parasitic microorganisms in the dog, for example, worms ;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • excessive overeating;
  • allergic reaction of the body;
  • overheating of the animal, which provokes heat stroke;
  • dogs are very emotional animals, so stress can provoke intestinal spasms and, as a result, vomiting;
  • CNS damage.

Pathological vomiting and its characteristic signs

Signs of vomiting in dogs

Vomiting often signals any diseases and in most cases has distinctive characteristics. The main symptoms of vomiting in dogs:

  • vomiting of blood can be a symptom of diabetes , oncology, ulceration, or gastric bleeding, the blood is bright scarlet or brown, it depends on the duration of bleeding;
  • vomiting in a few hours after a meal - often occurs on the background of oncological diseases;
  • vomiting with bile (yellow), excrement indicates intestinal obstruction, or worm invasion (in this case, the animal begins to eat grass at every convenient moment, after which vomiting occurs);
  • if vomiting occurs repeatedly, accompanied by diarrhea, a pronounced ammonia odor emanates from the mouth, this is a sign of a disorder of renal function (renal failure) or uremia;
  • repeated vomiting may be a sign of inflammation of the pancreas, gallbladder, hepatic colic;
  • the dog vomits on an empty stomach or, as soon as it eats, it means, most likely, it has gastritis.

See also : sterilization of dogs .

Vomit with white foam

Often, the owners of the dog are afraid of the appearance of pet vomit, containing white foam. Is there any cause for concern?

In fact, this phenomenon has an explanation at the level of physiology. If vomiting occurs some time after the dog has eaten, then, just for this period, it is necessary to push food from the stomach further along the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach itself is empty and its walls, as protection against corrosive gastric juice, are covered with a layer of mucus.

The composition of the mucous coating includes proteins and polysaccharides, which contribute to the formation of structurally cellular masses after swallowing air.

When vomiting a dog with white, frothy secretions, do not worry too much, as this phenomenon confirms that the animal does not have any serious illnesses. If this happens once, then no treatment will be required. If this is repeated many times, then it becomes imperative to go to a veterinary clinic.

Does the dog vomit white foam on an empty stomach? Hence, we can talk about the violation of the functions of bile secretion, which normally should enter the large intestine after each use of food. In this case, the liver secretes the necessary enzyme liquid during hunger, which irritates the intestinal walls. After this, there is a forced movement of bile into the stomach. Dog vomiting is not strong, after it the pet is again ready to accept food. This phenomenon is not considered a pathology, and can normally be repeated every 7 days.

But if vomiting is covered not with white, but with yellow foam, then this is a sign of a serious illness.

Correct actions when vomiting a dog

Treatment of vomiting in dogs

Do all owners know what needs to be done, and even more so, what is best to be avoided if the pet has vomiting? Of course, first of all, you do not need to panic and sensibly assess the situation. Even if medical assistance is needed, the owner must follow the following rules:

  • A dog that vomits does not deserve censure. Scold pet for the fact that he can not control, does not make sense. After all, this natural process, cleansing the body from harmful effects, is necessary for further successful treatment.
  • Do not try to stop vomiting.
  • Only the owner can assess the situation and find out the cause of this phenomenon. Maybe the dog ate too much food, poisoned it, got a heat stroke and so on - the more accurate the data obtained by the veterinarian is, the sooner the effective treatment will be determined.
  • The owner of the dog must record the number of emetic urges, their consistency, shade, contents, as well as the accompanying symptoms - all this is valuable information for diagnosing the disease.
  • When vomiting the body requires maximum cleaning, so the first day should not feed the pet. If on the second day vomiting has passed, then you can enter into the diet of liquid food without salt and spices.
  • The same applies to drinking - it will have to be abandoned for a day, and in return, invite the dog to lick ice cubes. If vomiting is not repeated within two to three hours, it means that you can give your dog a little low-fat chicken broth.

After the pet can be given food, it is worth taking care of its diet food. In food fit turkey breast, chicken, fresh greens. From cereals, it is better to give preference to brown rice, Hercules. To feed a dog during this period is required in portions, in small quantities, up to six times a day. Food must be fresh and warm.

If the process of vomiting is completed, then on the third day you can introduce the usual food into the pet's diet.

Diagnosis and treatment of vomiting in dogs

In the veterinary clinic conduct a diagnostic study for the treatment of vomiting in dogs, if it does not stop and is accompanied by alarming symptoms. It includes the following procedures:

  • general blood analysis;
  • radiography of the abdominal cavity;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum.

Drug therapy is prescribed according to the clinical picture and consists in the elimination of the accompanying symptoms:

  • To eliminate gastrointestinal cramps, dispense No-shpu (Drotaverinum) or Papaverine.
  • To eliminate nausea and normalize gastric contractions - Zeercal.
  • With increased acidity of the gastric flora and the elimination of irritation, Omez is prescribed.
  • If vomiting has led to the risk of dehydration, then two drugs are administered at once, namely Glucose and Ringer's infusion solution.
  • To remove toxic components from the body of a pet, absorbing agents are prescribed - Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb, activated carbon.
  • Often appointed homeopathic veterinary remedy Verokol, used as first aid, until the complete cessation of vomiting.

If a dog lives in the house, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it can get sick. And in some cases, the first aid from the owner has a decisive effect in the success of the whole treatment. The same applies to vomiting, which can be both natural and pathogenic.

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