
Rickets in dogs

Lack of beneficial components can adversely affect the health of the animal, for example, with a lack of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D increases the risk of rickets. A similar condition occurs even if these elements are not absorbed by the body. Rickets in dogs is not uncommon. Despite the fact that the disease is not fatal, it can severely undermine health, making a healthy, beautiful dog, a disabled dog with serious physical disabilities. What is required from the owner to his pet is not faced with this disease?


How is the disease manifested

The animal's body is a complex and well-coordinated system, and the loss of even one link can lead to serious violations. Therefore, rickets can develop even if there is a shortage of only one component. Rickets in dogs read the article

No matter how much calcium and phosphorus is given to a dog, pathology will develop without vitamin D, since calcium cannot be absorbed without it. In turn, without a necessary amount of phosphorus, a violation of the vitamin-mineral balance can be expected.

Unfortunately, at the early stage it is quite difficult to diagnose pathology. It is usually detected when there are already obvious signs of a violation:

  • the pet becomes lethargic, apathetic, tired even after a short walk;
  • the dog begins to slouch;
  • the joints of the limbs become knotted, the muscles become flabby;
  • the dog stands and moves on bent paws;
  • disturbances may occur in the activity of the nervous system and internal organs;
  • characteristic rachitic beads appear on the ribs - thickenings in the area where they join with the cartilage tissue;
  • the pet ceases to grow and develop, the bones of the paws become soft, fragile;
  • teeth grow slowly, change with lag;
  • pathological changes affect the tissues of the heart, liver.

The strange addictions of a pet may also guard him, for example, he may eat the earth, feces, stones, inedible objects. Since rickets can lead to irreversible processes, early diagnosis and timely treatment is important.


The most effective results can be achieved if the therapy is prescribed to a pet that has not reached the age of one year, when it is still possible to influence the processes of bone tissue formation. If it was possible to detect the pathology at an early stage, then the situation can be corrected with a power correction. To do this, do the following:

  • the veterinarian prescribes a special food enriched with vitamin and mineral components;
  • with natural feeding, it is recommended to give the pet fish oil, as well as supplements with calcium and vitamin D;
  • It is imperative that the dog regularly eats raw meat, cottage cheese, egg yolk, milk, cereals.

In order to stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D, a four-paw patient is recommended to undergo a course of irradiation with quartz. Initially, the procedure lasts no more than 3 minutes, gradually increasing the time until the duration is 20 minutes. After 8-10 weeks, the veterinarian may schedule a repeat event.

The owner is advised to walk the pet more often in the sun, but exclude any active physical activity. If the dog can not fully move, then his condition can be alleviated by massage and salt rubbing, which significantly speeds up the metabolic processes.

As a rule, all of the above refers to the treatment of puppies. Pathological changes in the body of an adult dog are not subject to correction, as its bone skeleton is fully formed. In this case, the doctor may recommend a set of exercises that promote the formation of muscles, which helps the skeleton to withstand the load.

The pet is prescribed special nutritional supplements that normalize the vitamin and mineral balance. In addition, immunostimulatory drugs, homeopathic remedies can be included in the therapy.


To prevent the development of rickets in an animal is quite simple. For this it is necessary to provide the pet with a complete, balanced food. Pregnant and lactating females who need more than the rest in vitamins and minerals deserve special attention. Not only the health of the mommy depends on this, but also the future offspring. If the litter is numerous and the bitch’s milk is not enough for everyone, it is important to provide the kids with quality supplements.

The second difficult stage is the transfer of puppies from human milk to regular food or production rations. The menu should consist of healthy, nutritious foods. And choosing a dry food, you should give preference to premium and super premium brands. rickets

Modern ready-made feeds contain all the necessary minerals, in accordance with the daily norms. With natural feeding the pet will have to be given additional complexes and vitamin supplements, it is worth consulting with a veterinarian on this issue.


Rickets is not life threatening, but without treatment leads to a dog's disability. Pet, previously performing any work - the guard, security guard, hunter, etc., with this disease can not perform it.

Pathology can lead to deformation of the bones of the chest, pelvis, hip joints. The last change affects the pet's gait; it starts limping. The deformation of the pelvic bones is a serious condition that complicates childbirth.

The most dangerous consequence of rickets is considered a change in the bones of the sternum. If the disease is in the advanced stage, then when touching the ribs the dog will experience severe pain. In addition, the deformed bones of the chest are easily injured.

Most diseases are easier to prevent than to cure, and this applies to rickets 100%. With proper care and good nutrition, this pathology is extremely rare.

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