
Why the dog howls

Our smaller brothers, no, no, and they will remind of what kind they are, howling and piercingly howling to the whole district, like wild wolves. But why is the dog howling and is it worth it to be scared of this event, or is it better to try to understand the situation. Each person, of course, knows better what to do, but still it is worth considering all the options.


Signs about why the dog howls

Why the dog howls

Even the most skeptical people have two or three superstitions in reserve, the veracity of which is beyond doubt. Whether it is a black cat, clothes inside out or a howling dog, a sign can work on a subconscious level, eclipsing the voice of reason.

What does rumor say about a mournfully howling dog? Here are just a few beliefs:

  • If the animal sits motionless, its head thrown back and howls, then such serenades (which is called the moon), indicate that a fire will soon happen.
  • The dog howls, head down to the ground - it is worth waiting for fatal misfortune. If at the same time she also digs the earth, then the event will happen very soon.
  • According to legend, a dog always knows about its future demise and broadcasts about it, howling in a sitting or lying position.
  • If the animal howls to the left side, or to the right, then trouble should be expected from there.
  • The dog does not just howl, but at the same time shakes his head - then, as they say, trouble does not come alone, you should wait for a series of tragic events.

Of course, to believe or not to believe is a personal matter, but still people want to understand why a dog howls?

The logical explanation of some superstitions

Many mystical phenomena have a logical scientific explanation, what does the science of folk signs say about howl?

There are no answers to why dogs smell fires before they start, because before the appearance of smoke the dog cannot smell anything. But with the approaching demise of a man, some solutions have been found. Experts have proved that dogs can feel the natural death, and all thanks to a sensitive sense of smell.

On the eve of death, the human body starts the processes of extinction, which are irreversible. Metabolism is significantly slowed down, the amount of energy consumed is reduced, a special smell emanates from the person, which the dog's nose can pick up. And the dog lowers his nose to the ground not because the person will be buried, but not to feel this dying “aroma”.

In this case, the howling of the dog can alternate with a plaintive whimper, and the pet often avoids the sick owner, tries to hide from it by pulling its tail.

Reasons for Dog Howl

Reasons for Dog Howl

What can a dog howl signal? Maybe the dog, therefore, wants to tell us something? Cynologists and veterinarians have several assumptions about this:

  • "Sad and sad to me." If the dog howls when it is left alone, then this is an expression of unwillingness to be alone. The four-legged friend does not understand why, gathering in the evening in a warm company, in the morning the owners are forced to leave. It seems to some of them that they were abandoned.
  • "I am sick". Everyone knows that dogs are the most patient of creatures. But even their patience may end, and howling may be a sign of internal illness. If the pet howls regularly, then you should seek the advice of a veterinarian.
  • “Oh, how glad I am!” Dogs - they are like people, all different. Some rejoice, cheerfully bouncing and knocking over, others with a loud bark and an intense tail wave, but someone, singing along, howling with delight. If this happens at a meeting constantly, then worry about this manifestation of joy is not worth it.
  • The dog is a music lover. The dog has a fairly sensitive hearing, close to the human range. In addition, this indicator is much higher in susceptibility - dogs can distinguish notes with a difference of 1/8 tone. Shepherds learned to use this advantage, teaching dogs not teams with gestures or voices, but using a whistle. There is an opinion that four-legged friends have the same center in the cerebral cortex as a person who is responsible for the perception of music, which allows not only to listen to it, but also to evaluate it based on their own preferences. This is also evidenced by the fact that in some cases dogs try to get away from the sound source, but sometimes they begin to howl under the tracks they like. Most often, the choice of pets falls on classical music.
  • “Hey, master, I'm afraid!” The full moon mystically affects not only people, but also dogs. If a person can feel bad at the full moon, have problems with sleep, then a bright moon disk can simply scare a pet. Dogs howl at the moon, because in many aspects they have a higher sensitivity than humans, so this period can affect them more intensively. In addition to anxiety, animals, even when indoors, on the full moon can be aggressive.
  • Communication with relatives. Of course, apartment dogs are deprived of such pleasure - to chat with their own kind from neighboring apartments or entrances. But in the private sectors, dogs even with great pleasure inform the district with their howl. As soon as one dog in the yard howls howl, everyone else joins it.
  • Howling as an expression of discontent. Dogs are highly emotional. They are alien to hide emotions, be it joy, sadness, or discontent with the current situation. The pet may begin to howl before procedures that he does not like - washing , cutting, brushing his teeth or dressing wounds. And they do it so skillfully that sometimes "execution" is delayed.
  • Howling, how to attract attention. Dogs, especially young ones, require special attention, they want to be caressed and played. And often howling is another way to remind the owner of himself. In this situation, you need to pay attention to it only after the cessation of howling.

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Is it possible to wean a dog howl and how to do it

If a pet is actively responding to any sounds - an alarm siren, music, howling of other dogs, then in this case you only need to wait for their termination.

In the case of a lone howl when no one is home, you should think about entertainment for your beloved dog. You can equip it with rubber toys, tweeters, and also leave the radio on so that the dog hears that he is not alone. At the same time, returning home, you need to surround the animal with attention, caress and play with it.

how to wean a dog howl

You can devote some time to weaning, going out the door, and returning only after the good behavior of a four-legged friend. The pet must understand that its owner will return to him, only subject to silence.

If howling is an easy way to attract attention, then if possible, you should ignore it. The dog should not achieve the desired in this way.

In this case, the training method is also successfully applied. As soon as the dog begins to howl, you must clearly give her the command: "Speak!" And accompany her with praise. Then the command “Quiet!” Is given in the same tone. Of course, initially you should not wait for complete obedience, but as soon as the pet obeyed, you must answer: “Good.” And be sure to reinforce success with your favorite treat. In the process of training, the last phrase must be pronounced later and later, increasing the time. Dogs grab everything on the fly, and they will soon learn to understand and execute these commands.

There are situations when a dog “outgrows” its small inclinations, and, having ceased to nibble shoes and make puddles, the animal throws and howls.

Of course, you need to engage in weaning if a howl for a dog is just a whim, an activity from boredom. In other cases, he helps her talk about her problems and needs, is a means of communication or a way to have fun, sing. After all, pets also have the right to vote.

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