
Pyometra in dogs: symptoms, treatment

The reproductive system of any animal requires careful attention to itself, because most of the diseases carry a serious threat to the health and life of the pet. Such dangerous diseases include pyometra in dogs - inflammation of the purulent nature of the uterine lining. It is important to diagnose the disease in time and begin a proper treatment, otherwise the dog faces inevitable death against the background of organ rupture and sepsis.


Pathology factors

The pyometra is an endometritis with suppuration that occurs only in females. If this disease is diagnosed, it means that reproductive problems take place. For example, during estrus, the dog's reproductive system is particularly vulnerable. Chances of picking up pathogenic bacteria that will settle in the uterus, thereby causing pyometra, are increasing.

Pyometra in dogs

In some cases, hormonal disorders that occur on the background of cystic formations, tumors, during puberty are to blame. An imbalance in the body provokes the production of secretions in large quantities, resulting in possible hyperplasia. Against its background, suppurations are often recorded in the uterus. Often, hormonal drugs used for dogs with estrus, knock down the body's work, provoke the development of pyometra.

In most cases, the disease occurs against the background of a violation of the hormone progesterone produced by the ovaries. It is progesterone that is responsible for the growth of the uterine mucosa, for the mammary glands, and prevents pregnancy from a possible interruption.

But if there is a sharp increase (release) of this hormone, the body begins with an effort to produce mucus in the uterus, local immunity decreases sharply, the cervix closes. As a result, there is a serious suppuration, there is a risk of rupture of the uterus, since the mucus can not go outside, but continues to accumulate inside the organ.

Veterinarians also tend to believe that an unbalanced diet and vitamin deficiency adversely affect the reproductive system of animals, indirectly increasing the risks of purulent endometritis .

Unbalanced dog food

Quite often, the infection enters the body during childbirth and estrus. It was at these moments that all favorable conditions were created for the development of the disease - reduced immunity, an open cervix, and drastic hormonal changes.

In some cases, the infection occurs due to the vaginal microflora of its own, and sometimes microorganisms come from the outside. For example, non-sterile conditions at the time of childbirth can trigger the development of purulent infection due to the bacteria that inhabit the dog litter.

Veterinarians identified the following risk factors for pyometra:

  • The mature age of the dog (pathology, as a rule, occurs in individuals from 4 to 8 years).
  • Excess weight.
  • Frequent pregnancy or lack thereof.
  • False pregnancies.
  • Unsterilized dogs.

Read also about the treatment of staphylococcus in dogs .

Symptoms and forms of pyometra in dogs

This disease has two forms of flow:

  • Open
  • Closed.

In the first case, it is easy to diagnose the disease, so complications of the open form of pyometers are less common. The main symptoms of pyometra in dogs include:

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which are manifested by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Against the background of gastrointestinal problems, intoxication often develops, the dog is tormented by a feeling of thirst, and it can often ask to drink.
  • The animal loses its appetite, resulting in a slight change in body weight.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • The dog feels weak, so he may refuse to walk. Once on the street, behaves passively, asking for home. It prefers to mainly sleep or just lie down.
  • The main feature of the open form of pyometra - discharge from the genital tract. Their color can vary - be serous, greenish, with bloody veins.
  • Against the background of secretions, the animal begins to constantly lick, trying to get rid of the discomfort caused by them.
  • Often, the dog begins to smell unpleasant, bathing in this case will help for a short time, the smell will soon return.

The closed form of pyometra is more dangerous, because in this case the pus does not leave the uterus, but continues to accumulate in it. Symptoms are acute, indicating danger. Characteristic features are the following:

  • High body temperature, it can reach 40 degrees.
  • Against the background of heat, a dog may experience a fever, which characterizes the shaky gait of the animal, convulsions, and muscle pain.
  • In some cases, a slight increase in the abdominal cavity is noticeable; the owners may attribute this to pregnancy or overeating.
  • When feeling the abdominal cavity, the dog feels discomfort, may whine from pain, or not at all give a touch to the stomach.
  • Pet refuses to eat.
  • The general symptoms of ill health are recorded - apathy, bad mood, unwillingness to move, refusal from long walks, or completely abandonment of the street.

The closed form of the pyometra can kill a dog in a few hours, so you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

Identification and treatment of pyometra in dogs

Symptoms of pyometra are quite specific, so it is difficult to confuse the disease with another ailment. The veterinarian immediately determines the diagnosis, but to confirm it, smears are taken from the cervical canal, which will show the presence of a purulent mass. Manual examination can also characterize the stage of the disease, the veterinarian probes the uterus, checks the vagina of the animal.

How to cure pyometra in dogs

In addition, the dog will be sent to the pelvic ultrasound, during which the veterinarian will immediately assess the extent of the disease, check the amount of pus in the uterus. If the situation does not require immediate action, general (clinical) blood and urine tests are taken. The results will show the presence of inflammation, as well as demonstrate the functioning of the renal system.

In some cases, the veterinarian should know how the heart of the dog works, for this, an EGC study is conducted.

If the tests confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will choose a treatment path that can be:

  • Medication.
  • Operational.

Drug treatment is used only with an open form of pyometra. It is not effective in all cases, but if nothing threatens the life of the dog, the veterinarian will, first of all, offer a sparing therapy. The animal will be prescribed a course of antibiotics, after which a re-diagnosis is carried out.

If drug treatment did not help, but there was no deterioration in the dog’s condition, the veterinarian may prescribe an antibiotic with another active ingredient. In the case when such therapy does not give the expected result, surgical intervention is carried out.

During surgery, the dog is removed the uterus filled with pus and the ovaries. If the pet suffers from a closed pyometra, the surgical path is the only way to save life. After surgery, the veterinarian also prescribes antibiotic drugs to the dog, which minimize the risks of inflammatory processes in the body.

In most cases, the treatment of pyometra of any form is reduced to surgery, because this way is more effective, and the chance of relapse is practically absent.

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Preventive measures

First of all, veterinarians are advised to keep under special control individuals in the risk zone. It is recommended to conduct regular check-ups in clinics in the case when:

  • The dog reaches 6 years of age.
  • The animal becomes pregnant after each estrus throughout life.
  • If the dog was not pregnant at all or very rarely bred offspring since puberty.
  • False pregnancies were identified.
  • The animal took hormones during estrus or at the time of puppies gestation.
  • The dog did not walk much throughout their lives, less than twice a day, or were not taken out regularly.

Proper nutrition - the basis of the health of any dog. It is necessary to take care of the balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the diet of the animal, to ensure that it has enough vitamins and minerals. Veterinarians are advised to feed the dog a balanced feed, in which all the useful substances are contained in the right quantity.

If a pet is susceptible to avitaminosis , it makes sense to add additional vitamins to food in the autumn and spring, you should consult a clinic before this. The veterinarian will select the best dosage and determine the period of prevention, based on the individual characteristics of the dog.

Since the cause of pyometra is the penetration of harmful bacteria into the body, you need to monitor your dog, do not allow it to communicate with other animals that do not inspire confidence in their appearance, as well as with stray dogs and cats.

It is necessary to observe hygiene, regularly wash the dog and comb the wool, not allowing it to stray into the mats. It is important to provide a sterile delivery, it is desirable that an experienced veterinarian take the puppies. Under his control, the chance of infection will be minimal.

If possible, you need to abandon hormonal drugs. However, if there is no such possibility, then it is necessary to check the level of hormones in the body and, if an imbalance is detected, immediately begin treatment.

Pyometra is a serious and dangerous disease, therefore, if you detect one of the symptoms of an illness in a dog, you should contact a veterinary specialist for help.

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