
Otitis in dogs

The inflammatory process in the ear, or otitis media in another way, can cause discomfort not only to a person. Pets often suffer from this disease, and for their keen hearing and tender surfaces of the auricle this is a rather difficult test. If the dog’s ears become very contaminated very quickly, an unpleasant smell emanates from them, the animal very often shakes its head and tries to comb its ears, then you should show the pet to the veterinarian. Most likely, we are talking about otitis in a dog.


Types of Ear Inflammation

Otitis in dogs

Otitis in a dog photo

There are several classifications of the disease. At the place of localization of the infectious process, otitis media is divided into:

  • External - inflammation affects the external auditory meatus located between the inlet and the surface of the eardrum.
  • Medium - the inflammatory process penetrates deep into the eardrum. It is often accompanied by suppuration - this form of the disease is called purulent otitis media. With a neglected or complicated form of otitis media, inflammation of the outer and middle ear is often found.
  • Internal - a severe form of the disease, the lesion is localized in the inner ear and very often causes various kinds of complications.

Depending on the cause of the disease, the following types are distinguished:

  • Primary otitis media - occurs as an independent ailment and proceeds without concomitant diseases.
  • Secondary otitis media - inflammation is a complication of a dermatological disease. Most often, this type of otitis media appears against a background of atopic dermatitis , dermatosis, autoimmune diseases, adrenal gland or thyroid damage.

There is a classification based on the causative agent of the disease:

  • Chronic otitis media is a complex inflammation that requires specialist advice. It is provoked by staphylococci , streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as E. coli.
  • Fungal otitis media (otomycosis) - fungal bacteria mix with earwax, begin to multiply intensively, causing inflammation.
  • Bacterial otitis media - pathogenic bacteria often cause the development of otitis media, and both one and both ears can be affected.
  • Allergic otitis media - develops as a result of an allergy or hormonal imbalance.

Risk group

Predisposing factors include hereditary tendency and intoxication with thallium. There is a connection between the breeds and the development of otitis media, since the disease and its course are associated with the structure of the auricle.

Most often, inflammation develops in owners of long, hanging ears, which are hidden from natural ventilation and are the ideal "nursery" for the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Among breeds with a similar problem can be noted spaniels and poodles.

But not only the owners of such ears can suffer from otitis media. Pets with too open an auditory meatus, for example, East European Shepherds, are also victims of frequent inflammatory processes. Their hearing organ is not protected from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

Why does otitis media develop in dogs

Otitis in dogs with hypothermia

The primary form of the disease can occur after hypothermia, trauma to the animal, due to malnutrition or infection with helminths. There can be many reasons, and if the pet's immunity is reduced and cannot resist, then the disease affects the ears of the dog.

If we are talking about an infectious pathogen, then most often they are streptococcus or staphylococcus, developing in a weakened body of the animal.

Signs of otitis media in dogs

The clinical picture of the disease is as follows:

  • the pet is restless, as it feels pain in the ear and itching;
  • purulent exudate with a nauseating odor flows from the ear, the discharge may contain an admixture of blood;
  • the pet often tilts its head and shakes its ears;
  • the auditory meatus turns red;
  • the ear becomes hot to the touch, this rises the temperature in the affected area;
  • tissue swelling occurs in the ear;
  • you can feel the enlarged lymph nodes from the side of the inflamed organ;
  • the pet's appetite decreases ;
  • the dog is sluggish, does not find a place for itself, can spin towards the inflamed ear.

During severe forms of otitis media in dogs, the following symptoms and complications are possible:

  • hearing loss
  • development of strabismus;
  • the dog has difficulty eating food - it’s hard to chew because of pain;
  • exudation from the eyes.

Dog Disease Diagnosis

Dog examination for otitis media

The treatment of otitis media, first of all, depends on the etiology of the disease, which is detected in the process of complex diagnosis. It is carried out in several directions:

  • Visual inspection. There is an examination and assessment of the condition of the external auditory meatus and middle ear using a special ENT device - an otoscope.
  • Lab tests. They include a general blood test, a cytological examination of the secretory fluid, the study of biomaterial (exudate, skin particles) under a microscope to identify pathogens, parasites.
  • Roentgenography If laboratory methods do not give a complete picture of the disease, an x-ray is prescribed. It is able to detect the formation of tumors and polyps that provoke the frequent development of inflammation in the ear.
  • CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). One of the most informative modern methods for identifying an ailment not only in the ear, but also in the tissues of neighboring organs.

Making the right timely diagnosis is half the way to recovery. Veterinarians warn owners not to ignore the condition of the pet and not to cure the disease on their own.

Therapy for otitis media in dogs

Given the variety of forms and types of illness, it is difficult not to guess that a single treatment for otitis media in dogs does not exist. Each variety requires an individual approach:

  • Purulent otitis media - antibiotic therapy is mandatory, the affected ears are treated with chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Chronic otitis media - involves the use of antibiotics, dexamethasone compresses are recommended. Candibiotic drops are also prescribed - a drug that fights fungi and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Fungal otitis media - Gaselan 2% is used, the ear is regularly treated using a solution of phosphoric acid.
  • Bacterial otitis media - complex preparations with antifungal and antibacterial effects are used for treatment, for example, the drug in the form of Surolan spray drops.
  • Allergic form of otitis media - includes a three-month strict diet , antipruritic drops are prescribed to eliminate itching. If the allergy is permanent seasonal in nature, you can use antihistamines prescribed by a veterinarian.

The most common antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs include the following:

  • Otibiovin;
  • Otipax;
  • Otophenarol;
  • Normax

For local treatment, camphor oil, aversectin ointment, Decta are used, with tick-borne damage, Amit ointment.

To increase and maintain the immune system, a course of Ascorutin, Vitam, Gamavit and other vitamin preparations is prescribed.

Drops for the ears Otipax, Framycetin have an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Treatment of otitis media in dogs at home

Treatment of otitis media in dogs

It is not recommended to use any medications before visiting the veterinarian. You can only treat the auricle with one of the following tools:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • liquid paraffin;
  • saline solution.

Also for these purposes, you can purchase special lotions for cleaning the ears of the animal. If the disease has developed to a late stage and crusts have formed in the ears of the pet, hydrogen peroxide will help to remove them.

It is recommended that the resulting sores be treated so that infection does not occur, with brilliant green or Fucorcin. With an abundant course of pus, you can extremely carefully wash the affected organ with boric alcohol.

Pet owners need to know that ear inflammation is poorly treated, especially in protracted, severe forms. Therefore, it is recommended that you contact your veterinarian at the first sign of an illness.

An example of otitis media in a video:

Preventative measures

The owner must take care of the health of his pet, and therefore, prevent the development of various kinds of diseases. Prevention of otitis media consists in the following actions:

  • Dog hypothermia should not be allowed;
  • after bathing, you need to remove excess water with a cotton swab;
  • regular hygiene procedures should be carried out - daily inspection of the auricles and cleaning a couple of times a week;
  • it is required to provide a complete diet of the dog , supplementing it with vitamin supplements if necessary;
  • contact with other unfamiliar animals should be limited;
  • if possible, avoid pet injuries and stressful situations.

Otitis can cause deafness of the animal, and, in addition, cause a number of irreversible consequences. To prevent this from happening, you should carefully monitor your beloved dog, and do not try to prescribe and administer therapy yourself.

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