
Mosh scotland retriever

The West Scots retrievers, also abbreviated as Tollers or Norwich Terriers, are representatives of a rather rare breed. There are only a few dozen such dogs in Russia. But interest in these cute dogs is constantly increasing, which is not surprising. Tollers are hunting dogs with a number of positive qualities and elegant, disposing appearance. What future owners should know about these amazing dogs?


A bit of history

If we talk about retrievers, then Tollers are the smallest of them. However, this is not an obstacle for dogs to possess the characteristic qualities of representatives of this group - power, strength and agility. Where do these fox-like dogs come from?

New Scottish Retrievers

As the name implies, the breed appeared on the territory of Nova Scotia and is rather young. But the very same history of origin is quite interesting and long. For certain, the researchers did not manage to find out all the nuances, but according to the available indirect data, the dogs occurred in the county of Yoshmot in Yarmouth in the early 19th century. Their ancestors, who were called “red luring dogs”, got into the country with the first Europeans who came here.

The same Scots (Canadian) hunters took up the breed. Their goal was to get a dog that could lure (lure) and bring waterfowl. The luring dog begins to run, jump, play on the shore, and does so in such a way that the flock of birds can see it. Sometimes he escapes, but returns again, having received the appropriate command from the host, who at this time is in shelter.

The playfulness of the dog begins to attract the attention of birds, which by nature are very curious, and the dog tries to lure prey, which swims far from the coastline closer so that it can be reached with a shot.

Although the Tollers themselves are a new breed, their supposed ancestors, “small dogs with fiery hair, luring game,” have used more than one century in European states to attract ducks to traps. There is also an opinion that English spaniels, golden and chesapeake-bay retrievers, Irish setters and some varieties of medium-sized Scottish shepherd dogs - collie participated in the selection work.

But whatever dogs would be used, as a result of long-term work a dog appeared that looks like a fox and has unique hunter qualities. She was called “the duck dog from Little River” - it was in this area of ​​Yarmouth county (Nova Scotia - Canada) that breeding centers of this breed appeared.

Dogs from Nova Scotia have achieved official recognition of the Canadian Kennel Club, at the same time the breed was given the name - the Scots Duck Retriever. The first representatives of Tollers in the European states began to appear only in the post-war period, but almost immediately they began to gain popularity in the hunting environment. Naturally, the main role here was played by a set of excellent qualities that make the dogs unique hunters.

So, in England Novot Scots retrievers were introduced only in the late 80s of the 20th century, but today it is one of the most common hunting breeds. Also widespread Tollers received in the states of Scandinavia. As for the history of the breed in Russia, for Novo-Scots retrievers, everything is just beginning. Today there are not so many dogs, but every year the interest is increasing, there are kennels that breed these amazing hunting dogs.

Breed description: Scottish Retriever

Smaller of retrievers have a lean body and are characterized by high endurance. The maximum height for dogs at the withers is 53 cm, weight is 23 kg, bitches - 48 cm, and weight is 20 kg. It is believed that among the ancestors of Novo-Scots retrievers there are curly-haired or curly. They also contributed to the fact that the Tollers showed excellent hunting qualities. From them, the dogs acquired an elongated, elongated face and a powerful, broad chest.

description of the Novo-Scottish Retriever

Representatives of the breed are characterized by such external data:

  • They have a sphenoid, somewhat pointed, head . The eyes are small, almond-shaped, the color of the iris varies from saffron to dark brown.
  • The ears are small, triangular in shape, have a high fit, the tips hang down.
  • The body is compact, with well-developed muscles, a short neck and a broad chest.
  • The ribs are rounded, slightly protruding. The back is flat, with a strong lumbar belt.
  • The front limbs of the Scottish Retriever are compared with the columns, as they are even and massive. Back - muscular with well developed knee joints, strong, widely spaced.
  • Tail with suspension, thicker at the base and tapering towards the tip.

Dogs breed Novo-Scottish Retriever live from 12 to 15 years.

Coat and color

Toller wool is their peculiarity, because, like other retrievers, it is waterproof. The coat is double-layered - moreover, both the guard hair and the undercoat are distinguished by good thickness. It is of medium length, slightly longer in the chest and around the neck.

The color of dogs can be of any reddish or orange tint. A lighter shade towing and hanging on the tail. Representatives of the breed have at least one small white marking. They can be located in the area of ​​the tail - on the end, on the toes of the paws, but not above the metacarpal bone, in the chest or on the forehead.

wool blanket novotkot retriever

If this kind of markings are absent, then this does not lead to a decrease in the exhibition ratings, especially if the dog has other high levels. Color depends on the color of the nose, skin of the lips and eyelids. They can be solid, black and in tone coat.

It will be interesting: the golden retriever .

The nature of the breed

The West Scots retrievers, or as they are called "duck charmers," are cheerful, playful companions, their energy is inexhaustible, and they can play for hours on end. If the dog is kept at home for a long time, then it takes on a melancholic, bored look. But if a pet is released into nature, it becomes completely different.

Dogs of this breed have a well-developed hunting instinct, in addition, they not only swim very well, but simply love to be in the water and do not miss any opportunity to wet their paws or swim. The difficulty arises if you can not let the dog into the water element or kick it out.

But the Tollers are not only excellent hunters, they also have protective qualities. Dogs are incredulous and wary of strangers. To the dog trusted and began to show sincere joy when meeting, you need quite a long regular communication with him. Only having understood that nothing threatens him and his family, the dog can allow him to stroke and take part in the game.

With a gentle temperament, retrievers from Scotland can show aggression towards people intoxicated or strangers. But this is the exception rather than the norm. In general, dogs are very balanced and to get them out of themselves will have to try. Tollers have a keen sense of smell and are extremely hardy. He will be happy to accompany the owner on jogging, run for the bike, walk for long distances.

Well, what these dogs don't like is loneliness. They carry it extremely hard and love to be close to their family. It is worth considering that it is common for a toller to choose one master to whom he will be infinitely devoted. But to treat other family members with respect the dog will not cease.

Well, if there are children in the family - that’s what you don’t get bored with is a compact retriever. He will jump and run until the other participants are exhausted. Pet loyal to small children and their pranks. Even feeling the pain of careless handling of the baby, the dog will not allow himself even to grin. In addition, the dog can be left alone with the child and be sure that nothing happens with that.

character of the Novo-Scottish Retriever

As for the other animals, here we must be careful. The dog will get along well with any pets only if their growing up goes together. Toller can get along with dogs, but smaller animals can awaken hunting instincts in the dog. Getting acquainted with the positive qualities of these dogs, it seems surprising that the breed received world recognition only in 2003.

How are dogs of this breed used

Thanks to universal working qualities, the Novo-Scottish Retriever was no longer just a duck-catcher and found himself in other areas. No, of course, he has not lost his ability to attract feathery game and even get it out of the icy water, but the dog also showed himself to be an interesting and cheerful companion.

In addition, tollers give good performance in sports competitions. Frisbee, obedience, agility - that's where they are really good.

Features of training

Opinion cynologists about intellectual abilities Novot Scots retrievers diverge. Some consider them to be limited and not too smart. However, this opinion is due to the fact that training a toller takes more time and patience. But this is not due to their intelligence, but rather to their restlessness and activity.

Another character trait of dogs of this breed, which is clearly manifested during the training - stubbornness. In order for the process to go on as usual, the owner must use the indisputable authority of the pet and do everything in stages, without changing the chosen tactics.

The enemy of fruitful work is monotony. With the constant repetition of the same teams, the pet begins to get bored and more and more distracted by the games. A set of exercises should include a variety of actions that do not allow the dog to get used to and get tired of monotony.

Each lesson should be as short and intense as possible. This will keep the attention of his four-legged friend and give him the necessary physical activity. Densely train a retriever to discipline and train teams from 5 months of age. Fundamentals of education are given from the first days of finding a puppy in the house.

Content Features

The Scots Retriever can be kept in a residential environment, and the size of the dog allows it. However, there are a number of nuances. First of all, a certain upbringing is required. If you do not take control in their hands immediately, the dog will grow self-willed and little controllable. Then, the future owners who choose a puppy of a given breed should take into account that the new family member will take a lot of time - it will take a long time to walk with the toller.

beautiful Nove Scots retriever

The ideal place to keep a Novo-Scottish Retriever is your home with a spacious yard. In such a territory, the dog will be able to entertain itself independently and throw out excess energy. Like other representatives of hunting breeds, these dogs need special attention during their walking. After all, any cat or bird can cause the interest of the hunter, and the dog will rush, forgetting everything. On walks, it is better to use a leash, and to release a pet only where it is not in danger, in case of an unforeseen situation.

The playfulness of Toller puppies leads to damage to property, and it is very, very difficult to explain to them their guilt. But this does not mean that the baby does not need to be brought up , it just takes extra effort. Another nuance - representatives of the breed are not silent at all and can bark loudly for a long time, feeling joy or anxiety. Sometimes a long barking turns out to be a call from family members to participate in joint fun.

How to care for a pet

Retriever wool sheds year-round, more vigorously in the autumn and spring. To reduce the amount of wool in the room, you should regularly brush your pet with special brushes .

As for pollution, the coat of these dogs is non-stained, and bathing is extremely rare. When washing it should be borne in mind that detergents can destroy the protective lubricant covering the hair, so they should be used as little as possible.

Otherwise, there are no special problems - the ears are cleaned when dirt appears, you also need to regularly inspect your teeth and eyes.

Useful: how to teach a puppy to the toilet .

Feeding the Scottish Retriever

Dogs are not allergenic, so they can be fed with both natural food and feed, choosing a premium and super-premium food category. Ready-made rations should be suitable for hyperactive medium-sized dogs.

cute Nove Scots retriever

As for natural products, then the tendency of dogs to obesity should be considered, therefore all high-calorie meals should be excluded.

Photos of the New Scots Retriever

Novo-Scottish Retriever in the foresttwo cute cattle retrieversNovo-Scottish Retriever sitsNovo-Scottish Retriever with preyNovo-Scottish Retriever with a ballNovo-Scottish Retriever with a collar

Video about Novo-Scottish Retriever

How much is a Toller puppy

Naturally, it is necessary to take into account the rarity of the breed, so cheapness is not a question. The price varies from 55,000 to 87,000 rubles, depending on the puppy class. The breed has its pros and cons, so before the acquisition, it is worth weighing the pros and cons.

Kennels Novo-Scottish Retriever

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