
Moscow guard dog

Moscow guard dog is the result of breeding work on the removal of guard and guard breeds. And its representatives turned out just such - strong, powerful, efficient dogs with a stable psyche and innate qualities. But such large dogs require a special approach, and the owner will have to take on greater responsibility. How are Moscow watchdogs different from other giant dogs and what should the owner expect?


Breed origin

Specialists of the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery were engaged in breeding a new breed in the 50s of the last century. The St. Bernards, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, hounds participated in the breeding, the work continued for several years. From the original breeds, the guard received the best qualities: the appearance and equilibrium of the St. Bernards, distrust and anger towards strangers from Caucasians, endurance and a keen sense of smell from hounds. Boy with Moskvoskoy Watchdog

Yes, dogs do not have a long history, everything is simple and clear, but they almost immediately gained popularity, which is understandable. In the postwar years, people needed good watchdogs, and the breeding of Moscow watchdogs provided the needs of the national economy. These dogs faithfully serve the person, are perfectly trained and do the work entrusted to them.

Breed description Moscow guard dog

The modern representatives of the breed are often confused with Caucasian Shepherd Dogs or St. Bernards, and indeed they inherited the common features of these giants. But with a more detailed comparison, it can be noted that color and general proportions distinguish them from Caucasians, and St. Bernards are distinguished by bone width and musculature.

Despite the impressive size, representatives of the breed are very mobile, hardy and agile. The minimum height of males is 68 cm, weight - 55 kg, bitches are slightly inferior: with growth from 66 cm, they weigh 45 kg and more. The standard dogs are described as follows:

  1. The head is voluminous, large, wedge-shaped, the skull part is well developed. The forehead is high, the separation groove is not expressed. The nape of the nape is well developed, but not very visible due to the development of musculature.
  2. The stop is well expressed, the area under the eyes is full, the cheeks are muscled. The muzzle is strong, with thick, not too dry lips, the back of the nose is even.
  3. The jaws are powerful, with a full set of large, densely set, strong teeth, scissors bite, there is no gap. The nose is large, with rounded, open nostrils.
  4. The eyes are set wide apart, round, with dense eyelids and a dark iris. The look is calm, attentive, the dog observes and controls the situation, without fussiness.
  5. Auricles are set wide apart, medium planting, semi-erect, triangular in shape, covered with abundant tow. The tips are rounded, lowered forward.
  6. The body is rectangular, powerful, athletically folded, with a heavy muscle mass and a wide bony skeleton. The neck is strong, has a slight bend and a pronounced neck. In adults, the presence of a suspension - fold. redhead
  7. Withers raised, evenly pronounced, located slightly above the level of the croup. The back is elongated, wide, goes into the smoothed lumbar region. The croup has a slope towards the base of the tail.
  8. The sternum is spacious, oval in shape, with ribs widening towards the rump, falling down to the elbow joints.
  9. The limbs are straight, well muscled, placed under the body. Outwardly it seems that the dog is very stable. The limbs have elongated shoulder blades, middle forearms and short pasterns. The hind legs are wider than the front.
  10. The brushes of a large size, resemble the cat, are collected in a tight lump, with curved claws and well-developed pads.
  11. The tail is strong, it is bent in the form of a saber, the length is kept natural, covered with luxurious tow.

Wool coat and colors

The skin of the Moscow guard is thick, covered with thick, thick, straight hair with abundant undercoat. On the neck of the dog, the adorning hair forms a luxurious mane, there are feathering on the paws. In the area of ​​the lumbar belt, croup and hips, the standard allows for a slight waviness. There are two breed types: dogs with long and short hair.

There are individuals with the following coat color:

  • red-spotted;
  • spotted - the basic tone is white, the spots are brown, red or pale yellow;
  • fawn - dogs have a dark mask on their faces.

The most spectacular are the red color with a white chest, mane, tip of the tail, limbs to the elbows and knees and with a dark mask, black hair on the ears and around the eyes.


Moscow watchdogs look very impressive, but at the same time have a submissive temper. They are confident in themselves and their own actions, naturally endowed with pronounced guard and guard instincts. For households - it is a friendly, affectionate pet, on the street, he becomes a formidable guard. The enraged dog looks scary and looks like a bear. He will not fawn and flirt with strangers.

In dogs of this breed a balanced psyche, they get along well with children, but any threat makes them excited and aggressive. To bring such a large and serious animal is not worth as a pet for adolescent children, the elderly, beginners and those who do not have a strong character to engage in his education. In a weak-willed owner, a dog may become overly vicious or cowardly, lose its excellent qualities. Moscow guard dogs

Watchdogs are perfectly trained, a sharp mind and ingenuity helps them in this. Raised dog will not give voice without a reason. But he can periodically be independent and stubborn. Therefore, it requires compulsory education and training in order to correct behavior.

The hostility to strangers in these dogs applies not only to humans, but also animals. Therefore, in no case should a dog walk alone in the streets, being a threat to others.

Education and training

First of all, the owner must indicate the pet in its place. He must show the puppy that he is above the rest on the hierarchy and is the leader in the house. Dogs of this breed are prone to domination, so this aspect can not be missed in any way - you can not even notice how the dog will take a leadership position.

Representatives of this breed, especially males, can not immediately put up with the status quo. A person should not show fear if the puppy tried to bite, it is impossible to pull the hand out - it should be released slowly, grab the animal by the scruff, shake and give the appropriate command. This should be done when the dog is not large and has become unmanageable.

When raising such a serious dog, you should behave properly so as not to make it angry and overly aggressive. If any manifestation of discontent should immediately put the dog in place - she should not forget about his place and responsibilities.

It is necessary to lay the foundation of obedience at puppyhood, as soon as the pet crossed the threshold of a new home. Otherwise, in the future, you can not cope with such a large, masterful dog. Learned skills dog remembers for the rest of his life.

If the owner understands that he can not train the pet properly, you can always ask for help from experienced dog trainers who know the characteristics of the representatives of this breed.


Already in breeding the breed was meant that its representatives would be hardy, workable, but at the same time unpretentious. However, the dog still needs basic grooming procedures:

  • abundant wool is recommended to be combed weekly, during periods of seasonal hauling, it is advisable to use a brush-pucherk or furminator;
  • wash Moscow watchdog once every 5-6 months using a special detergent;
  • street dogs are usually not washed, it is enough to brush the pet's hair with snow or to handle a glove of coarse cloth;
  • regularly examine the mouth, ears and nasal mucosa - they should not be allocated purulent fluids or an unpleasant smell; if necessary, clean the ears with a cotton swab dipped in water, wash the eyes with tea solution or chamomile decoction;
  • grooming claws — usually street dogs grind off naturally, but apartment dogs should be trimmed.

As well as representatives of other breeds, the Moscow watchdog should be given the necessary vaccinations, process flea and tick hair, and give anthelmintic preparations every 4 months.


The breed is distinguished by good health and good endurance, but dogs are not protected from the diseases that most representatives of giant breeds suffer from: large-scale dysplasia, food allergies and a tendency to obesity. The rest of the disease in Moscow watchdogs are diagnosed no more often than in dogs of other breeds.


Dogs, in fact, are predators, which means that the basis of their diet is meat. Watchdog should be given raw, cut into pieces, but it is not recommended to feed the pet with minced meat. To ensure proper nutrition of the articular and cartilage tissue, dog should be given a stringy meat, with cartilage. Best beef, lamb, horsemeat. But pork is very harmful to dogs, as it is very loading the liver. Beautiful Moscow guard dog

A useful delicacy is large bones, with cartilage and tendons - they are rich in useful minerals. The dog can be fed offal, pre-boiled: liver, kidneys, stomachs, lungs, etc., they contain a number of necessary enzymes.

A couple of times a week you can give boiled eggs to an animal, boiled sea fish, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt. Additionally, the animal can be given vegetables, cereals, seasoned with vegetable oil. In addition to useful products, it is necessary to introduce vitamins that support the health of the pet.

If the owner decides to feed the pet production rations, then it should be food for representatives of large breeds, premium or super premium class. Many brands produce separate lines of feed intended directly for large breeds.

Conditions of detention

To keep such large animals preferably in a private house with a spacious house territory. For a pet, it is imperative to equip a booth of a suitable size, also captive content is allowed. Dogs tolerate high and low temperatures, so do not require special conditions. But if the puppy is taken in winter, immediately send it to the street is not recommended. It is kept at home, highlighting a warm and bright place.

Moscow watchdogs can be kept in an apartment, naturally, having previously estimated possible inconveniences. First of all, these dogs need large loads, which means that the pet will have to walk twice a day, and the walk should last at least an hour, including activities, games, and jogging. Of course, the street dog also needs active exercises, but it can be done less often.

In addition, the Moscow watchdog puppy is not distinguished by delicacy and obedience, it is able to spoil personal items, furniture. Coming from work, the owner can detect the consequences of this shaggy "tornado." Of course, the upbringing and maturation will make the dog more docile, but this period is very difficult to calmly survive.

Keep in mind that such a large pet is quite expensive. First of all, it concerns nutrition, veterinary examinations and care procedures.

Photos of the Moscow guard dog Moscow guard dog is playedMoscow guard dog on stoneMoscow guard dog next to the ownerMoscow Watch Dog WickedMoscow guard dog liesMoscow guard dog muzzle

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Where to buy and how much is a Moscow watchdog puppy

If the family needs a good guard and watchman, there are all conditions for its maintenance, then you can safely, as an option, consider the Moscow Watchdog breed. Today, its popularity has declined slightly, which affected the price, but there is no shortage of nurseries and breeders.

Naturally, it is important to get a dog without defects, genetic abnormalities, and most importantly - with a stable psyche. To do this, it is better to contact experienced breeders who strictly reject individuals with defects and not allow them to be bred.

Well proven nurseries:

  • Grand Sentinel, Moscow http://storozhevaya.com/feedback.html;
  • Royal Guard, Kiev https://pitomnik-korolevskij-strazh-kiev.uaprom.net/.

It is not recommended to purchase an animal without documents from random sellers, since the risks of buying a half-breed or a puppy with serious physical or mental health problems are high. In addition, acquiring breeding offspring from the nursery, the newly-made owner enlists the support of the breeder, who will advise on any questions that may arise.

The cost of Moscow watchdog puppies with minor deviations from the standard - a weak pigment, curly hair, etc. ranges from 6,000 to 18,000 rubles. The price of the offspring allowed for breeding is 20,000-25,000 rubles. Puppies from titled parents with excellent breed qualities, suitable for show career, can cost much more, more than 60,000 rubles.

The Moscow Watchdog is the result of painstaking selection, which resulted in these loyal, calm animals. Such a dog will fearlessly guard his family, but he needs a strong hand and a mandatory upbringing. Buying a puppy, the owner acquires responsibility for his behavior and exploits.

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