

Pugs are small , funny dogs with serious inquisitive faces, are representatives of the oldest breed. Their roots go so deep into the centuries that the spirit of legends and legends hovers around their origins. Today, representatives of this breed are excellent companions that can relieve from the blues and bad mood. How did they manage to carry their positivity through the centuries and remain faithful friends for a person?


The origin of the breed

Versions about where these amazing dogs came from, a great many, but it is worthwhile to dwell on the most believable of them. Although there are references to little doggies with a shortened face in the works of ancient Indians, most researchers still tend to believe that China is the country of origin of pugs.


In the manuscripts of ancient times there is information about “square, low dogs, with a shortened muzzle. On the territory of this state there were two types of similar doggies - “Ha Pa”, having long hair, and “Lo Jie” were outwardly similar to the Pekingese, but their wool was shorter. However, experts do not have accurate evidence whether these animals were the progenitors of modern pugs, because such qualities of appearance as short legs and a flat muzzle can be the result of inbreeding.

If at that time the Pekingese were imperial animals and were considered sacred, then similar to the pugs Luo Jie lived in the homes of noble people. True, some of them still lived in the palace of the emperor and could not leave it. Naturally, this indicates the privileged position of these dogs.

In ancient times, pug-like dogs did not have such pronounced wrinkles on the face, but folds in the forehead area were already present. The Chinese evaluated them as some kind of hieroglyphs, which is the source of mystical meaning. This was an important trait that remained in the process of breeding these dogs, it was considered a sign of the royal family.

It is believed that during the period when trade between continental and Far Eastern states began to improve, Luo Jie got into the territory of Europe by seamen’s ships. It is not known for certain, but there is evidence that it is during this period that there is a surge in the popularity of pugs, not only among the royals, but also the common people. By the way, the Dutch have these dogs called Chinese mastiff.

Pugs have become a separate breed by the 16th century. Then they could be met at social events, where they acted as companions of social women. At that time it was prestigious to have such dogs with an exotic appearance; moreover, they lived in their owner's boudoirs and warmed them in cold chambers.

During the reign of Napoleon, pugs were even more widespread, since the favorite dog of his wife, Josephine, with whom she almost never parted, was a pug named Fortuna. When the Napoleonic empire fell, the pugs fell into disgrace, however, after a while they gained popularity again from the French.

Pug dog

Pug dog breed - photo

The first pugs that appeared in England had short ears, specially cut in this way, and also tails twisted in different directions in females and males. If the dog had a tongue stuck out, this was a definite advantage. At that time, pugs had muzzles longer than those of modern members of the breed, and flat noses were the result of breeding work. The extremities were not so short, there was also no “square” format that pugs now have.

In addition, individuals with a modern appearance appeared in England, since serious work was carried out to improve this breed. In the 80s, there are three important events in the formation of the breed that occurred in England. Then the first breed club appeared, after 2 years an exhibition of pugs took place, and after 3 years official standard requirements were established for representatives of the breed.

Today, pugs are common in many countries, and at international-class shows these little dogs are found everywhere.

Description of breed pug

According to the standard, there are pugs with different proportions of the head. There are individuals with a convex, rectangular skull, normal head shape, as well as with a wide part of the muzzle and owners of a longitudinal depression.

Puppies should show a slightly pronounced nose. In the event that it is absent, this is attributed to significant shortcomings. But this is connected not only with the data specified in the standard, but also with the problems that the lack of nose bridge entails. In this case, the dog has difficulty breathing, which later becomes the cause of impaired activity of the heart muscle.

Description of breed pug

Dog pug - photo

The main external characteristics of pugs include the presence of specific wrinkles on the face. Among the requirements for them, it is important to mandatory symmetry, the creation of a beautiful pattern. But at the same time they should not sag, as the folds of excess skin in bulldogs. As for physique, pugs are compact, proportional dogs with a developed muscular system:

  • The mass of dogs varies in the range of 4-8 kg, the growth of males - 30.5-32 cm, females - 28-30.5 cm.
  • The head is medium, with a flattened facial area and a small number of folds.
  • The tail is small, has the shape of a tight ring, pressed against the body. If it forms a double ring, then this is the pet's undoubted advantage.
  • The eyes are large, widely spaced, there is a slight or strongly pronounced bulge. They are located on the same line with the nose, which should be black.
  • Pugs have a more developed lower jaw, in the bite there is a pronounced undershot bite.
  • Auricles are small, well fitting to the skull, thin with high seating. The lower part consists of cartilage, and the top hangs down.
  • The neck is thickened, powerful, has a slight bend, the neck is well developed. Thorax wide, ribs have a pronounced bend.
  • Coat short, thick, pleasant to the touch.

There are different colors of pugs, however, gray-silver and apricot-colored animals are more common.

See how a pug looks like a French bulldog .

Character pugs

Among the most characteristic features of the pedigree representatives can be noted their sociability and benevolence, as well as a tendency to pranks. They need and really appreciate the attention of their owners and love to be in the center of events. Having rather modest size and sweet face, pugs can perform security functions and often enough show courage, which is not particularly expected of them. They like to keep everything going on in the house under control and react to any, even insignificant noise.

Character pugs

Pug photo

The owners of pugs are sure that the temperament of these animals directly depends on their color: pugs with black wool are excessively energetic, and with light ones - more phlegmatic. A common opinion is that pugs are very lazy dogs. But, despite the fact that their favorite occupation is lying imposingly near their owner, they happily go for walks and love active fun.

Dogs of this breed can find common language with almost everyone, and even more so if it is surrounded by affection and love. But here it should be clear to the owners that these small dogs have a well-developed self-esteem, so they will be mistaken as a toy. Pugs are real jealous, which manifests itself, if suddenly the owner shows excessive favor to someone else.

These doggies are very patient, which makes it possible for them to communicate with small family members. Cats are not that they do not like, but they treat them quite calmly, looking a bit down. They also get along well with other dogs. Goodwill pugs can play a cruel joke with them, since many cases of theft of these dogs are registered. Therefore, the owners should take a very careful look at their four-legged friend on the runs so that he does not communicate with strangers.

Care and peculiarities of keeping pugs

To rank pugs as too capricious breeds is unlikely to turn out, but they also need certain care and have a number of nuances. The eyes of these dogs deserve special attention, since representatives of this breed suffer from corneal erosion, a chronic disease of congenital nature. Therefore, it is necessary to look for no changes with the eyes to occur, and in case something happens, to give the pet antibacterial agents, naturally, after consulting a veterinarian. It is also important for pugs to get the right amount of vitamin A.

Pug puppies

Pug puppies - photo

As you know, pugs love to spend time next to the owner, lying with him on the bed or sofa. However, the pet still needs its own place where the dog can rest, tired of the hustle and activity. The bed should be located away from drafts and heating devices.

Walking with an adult pet should be twice - in the morning and in the evening, with a puppy or teenager more often. On the runs, the pet must throw out excess energy, so you should play with it or give commands. And since pugs are decorative breeds, they do not require long walks, moreover, they are not adapted to them at all.

These dogs are designed exclusively for home keeping, as they find it difficult to tolerate low or high temperatures. In addition to the eyes, you should regularly inspect the dog's ears, skin and teeth. If there is a discharge from the eyes, it is necessary to wipe them gently with a cotton pad, soaked in herbal decoction.

Read more : how to care for a pug .

Features breeding pugs

This process has its own subtleties, so it is not recommended for beginners to engage in such activities. Incorrect crossing can cause offspring to appear with an appearance far from the existing standards. But if you want to breed dogs of this particular breed, you should listen to the opinion of professionals:

  • Before knitting, you should undergo special training - for 3-4 weeks to give your pet preparations with an antihistamine effect and to take care that the dog gets rid of excess weight, if it has one.
  • The earliest age for mating is 10 months.
  • Fertilization will occur on average 10 days after the bitch began to flow.
  • Pugs need time to get acquainted, so you should not try to force events.
  • To mating 100% occurred, the meeting should be repeated after three days.

And most importantly, like many decorative females, pugs may require surgery during childbirth, that is, a caesarean section. Therefore, it is important that pregnancy proceeds under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Interesting names for pugs .

How to feed a pug

This process has a number of features with which it is desirable to get acquainted before a four-legged friend got into the house. For example, liquid food is not suitable for pugs because of their peculiar muzzle structure and nostril position.

Owners note the unpretentiousness of these dogs in food. But veterinarians are advised to introduce 2-3 meals a day for pugs, while controlling the weight of the pet. Dogs are prone to obesity, and can gain weight, even eating only industrial feed. Therefore, you should give food to your pet only at the norm, even if he, with his mournful appearance, begs for an additive. And these big-eyed cunning can deceive even the most vigilant owner, pretending to be hungry.

What to feed a pug

As for food, it is advisable to consult with the breeder and the first time to feed the pet as he was used to before he got to the owner. This will make the process of getting used to a new home more comfortable. When feeding pug puppies in kind, it is advisable to give food containing milk - porridge, cottage cheese, steam omelette. You can also give soup. But all these dishes are excluded from the dog's diet by the 3rd month.

It is advisable to feed pets of this breed in a mixed manner, combining premium and super premium categories with meat dishes and adding vegetables, giving fermented milk products. Although you can adhere to one type of food - dry rations or natural food. It is important not to experiment, changing the types and brands of feed for no particular reason, or giving not very useful products to your pet. With natural feeding you must follow a number of rules:

  • The pet menu for 70-80% should consist of the meat part, this also includes fish, poultry meat, offal.
  • 2-3 times a week pug is recommended to give chicken yolk, boiled or raw.
  • In the daily diet must be present vegetables and dairy foods.

The main thing is to strive to ensure that the pet received a balanced diet in the required quantity. In some cases, the dog will need additional sources of vitamins and trace elements, but they need to be given only after consulting a specialist.

Read more : how to feed a pug .

Photo of a pug

Pug laughsSad pugPug wants to eatPug curiousPug runningPug on the bed

Pug Video

The cost of a pug puppy

As with representatives of other breeds, the purpose of acquiring a dog is an important factor. Pet for subsequent exhibitions and breeding will cost a little more than a puppy for the role of spiritual companion. The average price of show-class puppies is 25000-30000 rubles, and the home dog costs around 10,000-12,000 rubles.

It should be noted that through the Internet sites you can buy a pug puppy even cheaper, even from well-known breeders. But in any case, the health of the baby, the absence of defects and the availability of the necessary documentation. But to acquire a pet without a passport passport from random breeders is not recommended, since there is a high risk of acquiring a dog with physical disabilities, which may appear with time.

Pugs are amazing tiny pets with a brave heart. They are able not only to brighten up the leisure of their owners, but also to be guards, giving voice at the slightest danger.

Read which dog is better to have in the apartment .

Pug nurseries

  • Moscow http://dom-ushkovoy.ru
  • St. Petersburg http://shani-shan.ru
  • Kiev http://goldenpack.at.ua
  • Minsk http://mops-lotos.by

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One comment
  1. I have a pug girl. Just a miracle. I highly recommend this breed to those who lead a not very active lifestyle. Since the pug quickly gets tired go and have to pick it up or put it in the carrier.

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