
Mycoplasmosis in dogs: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Mycoplasmosis in dogs is a group of diseases that cause opportunistic pathogens of the Mollicutes class. Three families belong to this class - actually mycoplasmas, acholeplasmas and T-mycoplasmas. Therefore, microorganisms and cause pathology in different organs.


What diseases cause mycoplasmas

In dogs, mycoplasma is parasitic, species-specific only for these animals - Mycoplasma cynos. Microorganisms cause:

  • respiratory tract infections;
  • conjunctivitis ;
  • colitis;
  • mastitis :
  • arthritis;
  • kidney disease;
  • joint diseases;
  • anemia ;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

Mycoplasmas are microorganisms of the normal bacterial flora of the respiratory tract of animals. Thus, in the study, mycoplasmas were found on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract in 27% of healthy dogs. But also in animals with various respiratory diseases, M. bovigenitalium, M. Canis, M. CYNOS, M. edwardii, M. feliminutum, M. gateae, and M. spumans were isolated. Microorganisms cause disease in weakened animals, with reduced immunity. beautiful dog lies

In addition to these diseases, mycoplasmas are very dangerous for pregnant bitches, as infection causes miscarriages, the birth of unviable or dead offspring, persistent infertility. Although most mycoplasmas are species specific, infection can occur through direct contact with a sick animal. For example, a dog may become infected by contact with a cat suffering from mycoplasmosis.

See also: what to feed the dog so as not to get sick .

Symptoms and signs of mycoplasmosis in dogs

Mycoplasma infection cannot be determined without laboratory tests. Pathology is manifested by symptoms of diseases caused by lesions of a particular organ by microorganisms. Symptoms correspond only to a secondary lesion. The owner of the animal need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • redness of the sclera of the eyes, lacrimation , discharge of purulent discharge;
  • discharge from the nose, runny nose;
  • abdominal pain, upset stool, vomiting ;
  • inflammation, swelling of the joints of the limbs, lameness, pain when moving;
  • lack of appetite, thirst;
  • febrile effects (chills, fever);
  • skin pathologies ( dermatitis , dermatosis, eczema ), skin inflammation;
  • apathy, anemia.

Multisymptomatic pathology complicates diagnosis and masks the real cause of the disease.

Methods of diagnosis of the disease

Features of the morphology of the pathogen cause difficulties with diagnosis. Mycoplasmas do not have a cell wall and attach to the host cell, easily adapting to the shape of the cell. The microorganism receives nutrients and growth factors directly from the cell. Due to the fact that the cells of the microorganism and the host exchange proteins, the immune system cannot recognize the pathogen.

Often, this interaction leads to the opposite effect - the cells of the immune system begin to fight not only with the microorganism, but also with their own cells - the autoimmune pathological process begins. In order to establish an accurate diagnosis, use the study of swabs from the bronchi and trachea, samples from the nasal mucosa, smears from the eyes, the reproductive system.

Using the method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) determine the presence of the DNA of the pathogen in samples. However, due to the large diversity of mycoplasmas, several tests may be required to accurately determine all types of pathogens.

Blood may be required for confirmation. The analysis used to be the main diagnostic tool. With this analysis, the sensitivity of microorganisms to various groups of antibiotics is determined. Additionally, studies can be assigned to help determine the condition of the infected organs:

These research methods are not specific and reveal secondary pathologies, not the presence of the pathogen.

See also: why the dog does not eat anything .

Mycoplasmosis therapy in dogs

The treatment of a sick animal is long-lasting and includes antibacterial and symptomatic therapy. Mycoplasmas are sensitive to certain groups of antibiotics, for example, the tetracycline series, which inhibit the synthesis processes in nuclear-free microorganisms. For treatment are prescribed:

  • antibiotics (tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, doxycycline);
  • antimicrobials;
  • immunomodulators;
  • local antimicrobial agents.

During the entire course of treatment, studies are conducted that show the effectiveness of treatment and help to correct it if necessary. Prolonged use of strong antibiotics may have a damaging effect on the liver of a dog, therefore, hepatoprotectors are prescribed as maintenance therapy. To normalize the intestinal microflora, the treatment is supplemented with probiotics and prebiotics.

When treating conjunctivitis caused by mycoplasmas, it is not necessary to use steroid drugs of local action (ointment). Otherwise, treatment can lead to chronic process and ulceration.

Antibiotics of the tetracycline group are not prescribed to dogs younger than six months. In pregnant females do not use tetracyclines and chloramphenicol. Treatment is not indicated before delivery. Caesarean section is used for delivery in patients with bitches. Newborn puppies are examined for the presence of mycoplasmas, since the infection of the offspring occurs in utero. sad and cute dog

In addition to these antibiotics, alternative drugs can be prescribed - Erythromycin, Kanamycin, Spiramycin, Nitrofurans, Tiposin, etc.

Prevention of pathology in dogs

Specific vaccine for the prevention of mycoplasmosis does not exist. In order to suspect mycoplasmosis at an early stage, you need to regularly inspect the animal, and at the first signs of pathology contact the veterinary clinic. With timely treatment and adequate treatment, the prognosis of the disease is positive.

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