
Shedding dogs

Planting a dog, the owners are faced with such a completely standard phenomenon as shedding. Naturally, few people like wool throughout the house, but it should not be tolerated. No, it is not necessary to demand the impossible from the dog - to stop shedding, but it is worth helping the pet during this period. In addition, molting in dogs can be non-seasonal, and associated with a special condition, or any disease. In this case, the pet requires the help of a specialist and special care.


Natural molting in dogs

Shedding dogs

The coat of the dog performs a number of important functions:

  • Makes the skin of the animal inaccessible to all sorts of parasites - fleas , ticks .
  • Prevents the development of infectious diseases.
  • Protects against atmospheric agents.

In addition, a beautiful, shiny coat gives the dog a well-groomed look. The owner often wakes up the desire to stroke his pet on a luxurious fur coat, and this gives pleasure to both parties.

But wool has one property - it is renewed 2 times a year. This is a very important process for the health of the animal, which occurs in spring and autumn.

Frequently asked question: "How long does the molting of dogs last?" Duration of natural molting - 7-14 days. During this period, it is necessary to take certain measures, and, of course, you will have to clean the house more often, since you will not be able to completely get rid of the ubiquitous wool. The first molt begins after they reach the age of six months.

Shedding, not related to the change of wool

Shedding is not associated with the change of wool

In a healthy animal, molt passes quickly, not much affecting the appearance of the pet, since the renewal of the coat is almost immediately.

The cause for concern should be a protracted molt, when the wool creeps out, and the one that remains looks lifeless and untidy. The growth of wool slows down, its structure and the density of the cover may change. The reasons may lie in the failure of the body, and in the presence of any disease:

  • lack of vitamins and beneficial microelements in the dog's body;
  • liver disease (hepatitis);
  • violation of the gastrointestinal tract or endocrine system;
  • malfunction of the kidneys;
  • parasite infection;
  • immune system disorder.

In this situation, you will need to consult with a veterinarian. Abundant hair loss can be associated with stress transferred by the pet, for example, after parting with the owner, moving to another place of residence, or a conflict situation.

In the event of a weakening of the body after childbirth, injury, surgery, or a long illness, an unplanned shedding is also possible.

The reason for a strong molt in a dog can be the man himself, if too often he bathes his pet. Yes, this is due to good intentions, but shampoos can deprive the dog of the necessary protective fatty layer on the skin. In this situation, the hair follicles are significantly weakened, and the hairs begin to fall out.

Wool can react shedding and environmental conditions. For example, lapdogs, rarely in the open air and kept in a poorly ventilated room, can update their fur permanently, but this does not occur in street dogs.

How to comb the fur during the molting period

How to comb a dog during molting

It does not matter what caused the change of coat - the onset of the season or other factors, but it is important to help the dog and alleviate its condition in this difficult period.

The main way is to daily brush the hair with a special comb or brush. Such manipulation is extremely useful for the health of the animal, since:

  • will help the dog get rid of dead hair and accelerate the growth of new hairs;
  • It will have a stimulating effect on the blood circulation in the upper layer of the epidermis, which will improve the supply of nutrients, vitamins and beneficial microelements to the hair follicle;
  • improve the appearance of wool - it will become more smooth, silky.

And also, if you daily brush your dog, you will rarely have to take up a broom or vacuum cleaner.

Similar care requires special tools:

  • To remove tangles from the undercoat, you will need a comb made of hardened steel, not bad if it is covered with nickel.
  • Where the tool from metal does not approach, more delicately operating brush-pukhoderka is useful. Suitable for use in delicate areas.
  • Well removes dead hair from the body of the dog brush in the form of gloves.

Using this set of devices daily, it is possible in 4-5 days to save a pet from old wool. There is also a tool capable of performing almost all of the above functions - the furminator. It looks like a rake, and acts without traumatizing the new wool, hooking and lifting the layer of undercoat.

There are restrictions on its use - it cannot be applied if there is damage on the skin of an animal - irritated areas, ulcers, wounds, hematomas or abrasions. It is also not suitable for the treatment of certain breeds - the frieze, American spaniels, terriers, Chinese crested , poodles, lapdogs, curly-haired retrievers.

Another important condition is that the dog should not have tangles, which means that before the procedure it is necessary to comb out the hair with a comb or comb made of metal. If you do not, the pet will be too painful.

You can quickly rid your beloved pet of dead wool by using the furminator after bathing. The tool must be driven along the growth of wool, gently and without pressure.

You can watch a video about the correct combing of the dog:

Additional activities during molting

In addition to combing, during the molting period, it is recommended to use dry conditioners that improve the structure of the hair and nourish them.

During the washing of the pet, a balm or conditioner can be applied to the coat for use during the moult. This will strengthen the hair roots and make combing more comfortable, as the wool will not be very confused. For this period, suitable shampoo, which includes protein, which creates a protective film on the skin.

Pet Wash During Shedding

It is worth paying attention to the nutrition of the dog during the molting period. At this time, the pet needs to be given vitamin complexes. In the veterinary departments or pharmacies, you can purchase special preparations that improve the quality of wool. The main components necessary for strengthening wool are vitamins of group B, copper and zinc.

If an animal eats natural food, it is worthwhile to increase the amount of protein products in the diet, since protein adds shine and elasticity to wool. The dog needs more meat, only low-fat, boiled liver and chicken hearts can be given from the by-products. A couple of times a week, you can pamper your favorite sea fish, but you need to choose low-fat varieties and carefully remove the bones before serving.

It is recommended to give the dog during molting fish oil. It is desirable to include cereals and vegetables in the diet, and if the dog is not interested in this food, add canned food to the food to which the animal is not indifferent.

Care for different types of wool

Shedding in different breeds is different, it all depends on the length and quality of wool:

  • How to care for long-haired pets . Dogs with long hair shed intensely, they need frequent haircuts and regular combing. During the molt you can bathe the dog once in two weeks. Such procedures are required for pets belonging to the breeds of poodles, spaniels, terriers, shih-tzu, Scottish shepherds - collie and sheltie, golden retrievers and St. Bernards. If you do not pay enough attention to the pet's hair, then it will become loose in mats, and the skin will be covered with irritation and sores. And such a pet is very easy to become infected with parasites. The owner of a long-haired friend during a molt should have a brush and a lot of patience on hand.
  • Care for dogs with short hair. Often, people prefer dogs with short hair, hoping that there will be no hassle with hair. However, such a pet also has the ability to update its coat, like all other breeds twice a year. In addition, short bristle hairs are very difficult to remove from carpeting. Such breeds include Dobermans, Bulldogs, Great Danes, Dalmatians, Rottweilers, Boxers , etc. During the change of wool, the body of the animal must be wiped with a towel from a mahra or velor, and several times a week they require cleaning with a special brush with natural bristles.
  • Care for owners of tough wool. Representatives of breeds of schnauzers and terriers have lost the ability to eject on their own, and this is definitely a plus. But still they need to remove dead wool. To do this, dogs do a pinch (it is also called an “artificial molt”) - trimming . There are two ways - use a special knife or make by hand. The procedure for animals is carried out at least once every six months, you can do it yourself, or contact a specialist - a groomer. In this case we are talking not only about aesthetics, but also protecting the dog's skin from possible irritation and discomfort.

Shedding is not an easy period, both for dogs and their owners. But if it treats the situation as a given, and alleviates the condition of the pet, any difficulties can be overcome.

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