
Blood in the feces of dogs: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Blood in the stool in dogs can appear for various reasons. From mechanical or chemical trauma to the gastrointestinal tract and ending with various dangerous diseases. But any reason poses a threat to the health and life of the dog, and therefore it is necessary to immediately seek veterinary help if only traces of blood are found in the feces.


Causes of the appearance of pathology

Blood in the stool of a dog suggests that bleeding is in the digestive tract. By the color of the blood, you can determine the place where the focus is located.

If the blood is native - not exposed to digestive enzymes, then it is bright in color - red or scarlet. It can remain unchanged only if the source of bleeding is in the distal gastrointestinal tract - in the colon, rectum or in the area of ​​the anal sphincter. sad labrador

It is more difficult to detect the presence of blood in the feces if it has been exposed to enzymes. Such blood has the appearance of "coffee grounds", and the blood source can be located in the esophagus, the initial sections of the intestine, and the stomach.

The consistency of feces and the amount of blood in it can also become a diagnostic sign of various diseases. So, for example, liquid, plentiful feces (diarrhea) with an admixture of blood or a large amount of it can be with the following diseases:

  1. Parvovirus enteritis - the virus has a highly specific focus. It affects only representatives of the canine and raccoon family. Most often, young dogs and puppies suffer. The virus with food or when sniffing feces of a sick animal enters the dog’s mouth, is carried by blood into various organs, including the intestinal mucosa. One of the symptoms of the disease is watery feces mixed with blood.
  2. Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis - the causes of this pathology are called different, but one of the signs of the disease is profuse diarrhea, in which feces are stained with red, native blood. In this case, before the appearance of bleeding, other symptoms may not be.
  3. Some medicinal, chemical or biological substances can cause bloody diarrhea. For example, derivatives of coumarin or inandione, which are part of the preparations from rodents, cause profuse diarrhea with blood. funny dog
  4. Carnivore plague is a deadly disease that is accompanied, among other symptoms, by diarrhea with bloody contents of scarlet or black.

In addition, traces of blood in the stool can be caused by:

  • ulcers in the colon. 12 duodenal ulcer or stomach;
  • intestinal inflammation (colitis);
  • neoplasms, for example, gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma;
  • Addison's disease;
  • helminthiases that cause intestinal worms that attach to the intestinal mucosa and destroy it;
  • mechanical damage;
  • bleeding from hemorrhagic nodes;
  • allergic reactions.

There are too many reasons for it to be possible to differentiate the disease without a serious diagnosis.

Methods for diagnosing bleeding

Bleeding of various intensities leads to anemia, malnutrition of tissues, limits the transfer of oxygen to organs. Therefore, one of the first tests is a clinical blood test of a dog. In addition, it is assigned:

  • analysis of feces for the composition and presence of worms; sad dog
  • biochemical analysis of feces and blood in order to exclude the infectious nature of the pathology;
  • coagulogram - to study the function of blood coagulability;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • roentgenogram;
  • enteroscopy:
  • gastroduodenoscopy - a visual examination of the state of the upper intestines;
  • rectocolonoscopy - a study of the lower (distal) intestines.

The treatment regimen for bleeding in dogs depends on many factors and is developed depending on the general condition of the animal, massive blood loss, localization of the focus and cause.

Bleeding treatment methods

First of all, therapy is aimed at stopping bleeding and restoring blood volume. To do this, apply a blood transfusion and drugs to stop bleeding.

The drugs used for symptomatic treatment are as follows:

Drug group Drug name Route of administration Dose
Hemostatic drugs Calcium Chloride 10% Intravenous infusion 5-10 ml
Sodium Chloride 10% Intravenous infusion 5-10 ml
Aqueous solution of Ichthyol Intravenous administration 1 ml / 3 kg
Vikasol, Dicinon Intravenous administration (solution), oral (tablets) 0.1 ml / kg 2-3 times a day
Mezaton Intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular injection (solution, powder for solution preparation), oral (tablets) 0.002-0.003 g.
Preparations for restoring the water-electrolyte balance Polyglukin Intravenous infusion 15-20 mg / kg
Ringer's solution Intravenous infusion Small breeds 100 ml, large - 300-400 ml
Glucose Solution 5% Intravenous infusion Small breeds 100 ml, large - 300-400 ml
Anemia medications Iron complex Intravenous infusion 0.8 mg / 10 kg
Imposil, Hemodex, Rubrafer, Ferrect, Ferrodistim Intravenous infusion 1-2 ml

After stopping the bleeding, they begin to treat the causes of bleeding. For the treatment of infectious pathologies, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used - Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Meronem, Imipinem, Levomycetin. Drugs are used only as directed by the veterinarian.

For the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and relief of symptoms of dyspeptic disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite), Katozal, Koredon, Bifitrilak, Clamoxil LA, Veracol are used. To normalize microflora use - Bactoneotim, Lactobifadol, Lactoferon. the dog is lying

Of great importance in the treatment of bleeding is diet therapy. With the help of products that stimulate hematopoiesis, you can restore the blood formula, stop diarrhea, stimulate the regeneration of the gastrointestinal mucosa and reduce the burden on the digestive system.

Blood in the stool is a dangerous symptom, therefore, having noticed streaks of blood, you must immediately contact a veterinarian, without waiting for serious consequences.

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