
Skin diseases in dogs

Dogs, like people, can get sick, including skin ailments. And if the animal appears lesions on the skin, the owners, first of all, suspect that it is deprive. However, this is not the only disease that can develop in a pet. Certain diseases can be transmitted to humans, while others are purely canine. What can provoke skin diseases in dogs and how to recognize whether an illness is dangerous or not?


Causes of skin diseases in dogs

Skin diseases in dogs

Among the most common factors contributing to the development of skin ailments are the following:

  • Improper nutrition. If the dog's food does not contain the proper amount of vitamins and microelements , this will adversely affect the general condition of the animal, including the skin. When choosing a diet, it is advisable to consult an experienced breeder or veterinarian.
  • Negative influence of the environment. A dog that lives in the city, breathing polluted air, walking in the winter without blankets, which would protect a pet from chemical reagents, is unlikely to have healthy skin. But if the dog does not display at all, it will also negatively affect its skin.
  • Hereditary diseases. Some dog breeds ( Bordeaux , Chow-chow , Bulldog, Poodle, etc.) have a predisposition to skin inflammations.

Skin pathologies associated with the immune system

Atopic dermatitis in dogs

Atopic dermatitis in dogs

Recently, not only in humans, but also in animals, autoimmune diseases, as well as many different allergic manifestations, are increasingly detected. Most often, representatives of small breeds suffer from such ailments, besides many of them have a hereditary predisposition to them.

The most common disease of this type can be called atopic dermatitis . This, in its essence, is the body's response to external stimuli - flowering of plants, allergenic food, medications and other substances that surround us.

The percentage of the incidence of this disease is quite high, it affects about 15% of all dogs, regardless of their breed, age and physiology.

It is important not to confuse atopic dermatitis with a normal allergic reaction. It is primarily characterized by the formation of inflamed areas of skin that occupy a large area and practically cannot be healed.

Bald spots with scaly skin appear on the sides of the dog, in the stomach, and later on all over the body; bubbles can often be observed filled with muddy purulent exudate. At the same time, inflammation develops rather quickly, and the disease penetrates into deeper and deeper layers of the epidermis.

Against the background of atopic dermatitis, diseases caused by pathogenic fungi can appear. Diagnosing this disease is a very difficult task, so if symptoms develop, you should immediately consult a qualified veterinarian.

Dermatitis of various origins

Traumatic dermatitis in dogs

Traumatic dermatitis in dogs

Inflammation of the skin can be caused by a wide variety of irritants. There is the following classification of the disease:

  • allergic dermatitis, including flea;
  • traumatic dermatitis - appears if a negative factor affects the skin for a long time;
  • inflammatory process affecting skin folds - dogs with excess skin are susceptible - chow-chow, Mastino neapolitano, Shar Pei, Bulldogs.

First on the list is flea dermatitis, as flea infection in dogs is not uncommon. Sticking into the skin, these parasites, along with saliva, trigger harmful substances into the body of the animal. The body naturally reacts to such an invasion - the bites swell, redness appears, and fever may occur. In most cases, the dog combing itchy bites, which leads to the appearance of ulcers, that is, purulent dermatitis.

Also, there are often contact types of the disease, in which inflammation occurs when skin gets on irritating substances. Most often, the lesion is localized in the abdomen.

If we talk about dermatitis, which affects the skin folds, then the initial stage of the disease is very difficult to detect. Initially, slight diaper rash appears in the folds, which later penetrates the infection, and the affected skin begins to rot. In this case, you can feel the unpleasant smell emanating from the animal, the dog becomes lethargic, the body temperature increases significantly. As soon as this disease is detected, it is important, as soon as possible, to deliver the sick pet to the veterinarian, since the percentage of death from dermatitis of the skin folds is quite high.

Dermatitis caused by fungus

Trichophytosis (ringworm) in dogs

Trichophytosis (ringworm) in dogs

If you delve into the details, then there are several forms of similar dermatitis, which are combined into one group - ringworm.

Trichophytosis, a dermatitis caused by pathogenic fungi, occurs more frequently than others and is best known as ringworm. This disease can also infect a person from a dog. The vectors are not only infected animals, but also insects, bloodsuckers. The disease can affect dogs of any breed and size, but it is most easily transmitted to pets with a short coat.

Among the main symptoms are the following:

  • round spots appear on the body, asymmetrically located;
  • the surface of the affected areas is peeling off, forming “cigarette ash” on the surface;
  • in places of localization of the disease concentric circles are formed.

The treatment of fungal dermatitis is quite complex and should only be prescribed by a veterinarian. Therapy is complex and includes the following steps:

  • the introduction of vaccines, for example, Wakderm;
  • external application of ointments, most often prescribed means Yam;
  • the introduction of the antifungal agent Griseofulvin, which is very toxic, so accurate dosage is very important.

It is worth remembering that if the sick animal lives in an apartment, then all the premises, bedding, clothing and household items must be disinfected, since the fungus can live for a long time outside the carrier, waiting for a suitable candidate.

Skin diseases caused by ticks

Skin diseases in dogs caused by ticks

Skin diseases in dogs caused by ticks

Among the ills caused by parasites of the smallest size, the most famous is demodicosis. Mites multiply rapidly, forming giant colonies in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Adults feed on living cells of the body, and their larvae with dead remains.

It is not difficult to diagnose the disease, since it is accompanied by quite bright specific symptoms:

  • skin in places of defeat is hyperemic;
  • balding patches appear;
  • skin covered with scales;
  • with further development of the disease, scabs appear, the skin erodes;
  • there is a large number of bubbles with purulent contents.

In most cases, the dog affects the skin in the head.

Veterinarians and doctors still have not figured out what causes demodecosis development - some believe that it is transmitted by contact with an infected individual, others that ticks are everywhere, and a pet with a weakened immune system falls ill.

Practice shows that both theories have the right to exist, since the disease passes in two forms:

  • Focal - several foci appear on the body (3-4). In this situation, there are often cases of self-healing, subject to additional strengthening of the immune system.
  • Generalized - the body is covered with multiple lesions, which subsequently capture the entire surface of the body. In this case, the probability of a general intoxication of the organism is high. Ticks, penetrating deeper and deeper, may appear on the internal organs.

Treatment of the second form is carried out only in clinical conditions. Therapy is long, expensive and at the same time there is a high risk of recurrence.

Prevention of skin diseases in dogs

Of course, it is impossible to protect pets from all misfortunes, but it is still possible to significantly reduce the risk of infection. What can be done for this?

  • provide your dog with proper nutrition;
  • in periods of off-season, with poor health and other situations, to give the pet vitamin complexes;
  • prevent the dog from communicating with stray relatives;
  • monitor the condition of the skin and overall well-being of the pet;
  • keep the dog clean, wash and clean the wool in time.

If you follow these simple rules, it is quite possible to protect your beloved pet from any misfortune, especially from skin ailments.

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