
Komondor (Hungarian Sheepdog)

Large, strong, Hungarian Sheepdogs - Komondor inspire respect and trust at the same time. Possessing the uncommon appearance of a gigantic bichon with curly hair, dogs are excellent watchmen and guards, and this is the vocation that is in their blood. What is necessary to know about these original dogs to future owners?


The origin of the breed

The Hungarian Sheepdog is one of the oldest breeds. They were met by nomadic Magyar tribes in the ancient Russian steppes and took several individuals with them. And it happened over 1000 years ago.


The modern Hungarian shepherd is the closest relative of the shepherd, but the southern Russian. For the ancient Magyars, dogs were exclusively working tools, and animals were valued only for their ability to protect livestock from predatory animals. They did not receive special care, they did not have a pedigree, but the Magyars had a ban on crossing commanders with representatives of other breeds.

By the way, powerful, hardy and fearless dogs perfectly performed the work entrusted to them. They were not engaged in driving animals, but only performed security functions and played the role of accompanying. The shepherd had the opportunity to leave the cattle without fear. The large shepherds ensure that no one encroaches on the livestock of grazing cattle, dogs collect smaller cattle in a herd, drive them and see that no one is behind.

The original coat, which was twisted into bundles, was a reliable protection of the animal, both from low and high temperatures, and also helped during fights with predators, preventing them from damaging vulnerable areas. In addition, the white wool was an excellent disguise, and the guard merged in a flock of sheep with their wards. The dog remained with the cattle and never chased the predators.

Life in harsh conditions influenced the character of the Komondor, he is angry with strangers, is an ideal guard, has a developed intellect and can make decisions independently. Representatives of this breed do not require special conditions and are distinguished by excellent health.

Komonor story

The manuscript of the History of the King of Astyagis, dating back to the 14th century, contains references to these dogs. And the first description with details was made in 1653 by Amos Comenius. Despite the respectable history, the creation of an official breed standard occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, only then Hungarian shepherd dogs with pedigrees appeared.

During the Second World War, dogs performed the work of security guards and sappers, which led to a significant decrease in the breed gene pool. But already in the 50s the Hungarian Shepherd breed was fully restored. Komondorov can not be attributed to the common breed, since no more than 12,000 individuals are registered worldwide.

Description of the Komondor breed

It is probably difficult to find representatives with a more amazing and memorable appearance in the dog world. Purebred representatives are distinguished by a gigantic size and coat of pure white color, in addition, it forms dense cords that look like dreddies.

Commodore description

Dog Breed Komondor - photo

Hungarian breeders say that if the dog is not large, then he is not related to the Comonorians.

  • The growth of males at the withers reaches 80 cm, the bitches vary between 65-70 cm. Moreover, the size of the dogs is not limited to the standard. The higher the Hungarian shepherd, the more expensive its cost. Moreover, having a high growth, the Komondor has a relatively small weight.
  • The weight of males is in the range of 50-60 kg, females - from 40 to 50 kg. For comparison - the weight of the English mastiff with the same height will average 100 kg.
  • The head of the animal is covered with long hair, twisted into bundles, and under it is a short muzzle with a strong jaw.
  • Eyes hidden hair, they are small, with dark brown or almond iris. Look wary, attentive.
  • Ears of medium size, triangular, hang down.

Wool and komondor colors

As already noted, the main feature of the Komondors is their wool, it is predominantly white, but since dogs can become very dirty, it becomes darker. At puppy age, there are individuals with cream-colored spots, but they turn pale in adult dogs. Dogs with ideal standard qualities have a bluish-gray skin, although they are often pink in the dogs, which is undesirable.

Komondor colors

Hungarian Shepherd photo

Coat is long, somewhat shortened in the area of ​​the back, neck and muzzle. Hungarian Shepherd puppies have soft, curly hair, but with age it becomes longer. The harnesses begin to form from infancy. Dogs do not have an undercoat, the "children's" down from a dog falls to 24 months. And the entire coat, which grows and falls, remains on the animal and weaves into bundles, making them gradually thicker and thicker.

The length of the “dredd” reaches an average of 25 cm, but growth slows down. By two years, they are fully formed into the main cords, and become as long as possible only by five years. In order for the harnesses to properly form and cover the entire body, owners should braid them. Otherwise, the pet will be one giant, felled woolen ball.

The tail of the Hungarian Shepherd Dog is always kept downwards, never bullying upwards. If you glance at the dog, it may seem that it is not at all, as it is hidden under woolen harnesses.

See also: Tibetan Mastiff .

Komondor character

Komondor character

The Hungarian Shepherd Dogs are true watchmen and fairly independent dogs, but this does not in the least detract from their attachment to their family members. But to strangers they have no confidence, they always treat with suspicion the newcomers. So that the dog began to trust, it will take a lot of time, but then the pet will remember the person for a long time and always welcome him joyfully.

  1. Aggression . When bad socialization Komondor can show aggression to outsiders.
  2. The instinct of protection . In dogs, the instinct of protecting their own territory is genetically instilled, and they will do it regardless of whether the owners want it or not. If you need a four-legged friend who will be a guard and protector of the family and property, then the representatives of this breed are what you need.
  3. Leash Choosing a puppy of the Hungarian shepherd, it is worth considering that it is impossible to lead them without a leash, as the dog may be suspicious of people who are passing by. The breeders and owners are unanimous - the Komondors are wonderful pets for some, but not all. The period of maturation in animals is long. They can behave like puppies for a long time. The purpose of the Komondors is to protect and protect livestock, and they are responsible for their activities. Dogs will protect any person or animal that they consider to be a member of their pack, and will not show aggression towards them for no good reason.
  4. Jealousy But they are jealous of the invasion from the outside, and the appearance of other animals, including dogs, on their territory, definitely, will not please them. They can lash out and drive away strangers, and given their size and the centuries-old experience of fights with predators, they can not only cause serious injuries, but also kill them. Those who are familiar with the Komondor habits say that it is easy to get into the territory of these dogs, but it is extremely difficult to leave.

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Training Hungarian Shepherd

If we train Komondor, then we must begin to do it as soon as possible. However, please note that the pet has a habit of working away from its owner. It speaks of their independence and willfulness. Moreover, these qualities can occur even in well-trained sheepdogs.

Like most herding dogs, the Hungarian Shepherd dog has a tendency to dominate. The owner will have to constantly remind the pet - “who is the owner of the house”, otherwise the dog will quickly take over the reins of government into “his paws”.

Training Hungarian Shepherd

Thanks to a developed intellect, Komondors quickly assimilate commands, but still, their training will take a lot of time and patience. And to bring up and train a dog of this breed for full socialization is necessary all his life. Any relaxation, even in small things, the dog will take for granted and will constantly violate the prohibitions.

Like other "shepherds", the Hungarian Sheepdogs require very heavy loads. After all, their ancestors could accompany the herds day and night. And they are so hardy that any stagnation and boredom immediately negatively affects their behavior. Again, if you take into account their dimensions, the losses can be enormous.

Another thing future owners should know about is that Komondor is by no means a quiet breed of dog. They loudly and with pleasure bark, warning that strangers are walking, and more even scaring away "uninvited guests." The owners will receive excellent guard, but the neighbors such a noisy animal may not like it.

How to care for a comdorom

Wool is what requires constant and intensive care, and many believe that this is the reason why the Hungarian shepherd did not receive world popularity. Some owners found a way out, and they cut the pet several times a year, leaving the wool short.

How to care for a comdorom

Komondor puppy - photo

But quality care implies regular separation of cords. And since not every city has a specialist who knows how to work with this breed, it is better for the host to master the skills for caring for a pet's pet. The procedure itself is simple, but takes time and patience, especially if it is an adult Komondor with long harnesses. It is not so easy to wash the dog, as the coat is wet for a very long time, and it dries even longer - 2-2.5 days.

Fleas , ticks and other parasites are more dangerous for Hungarian shepherd dogs than for other four-legged dogs. They are extremely difficult to detect, and most members of this breed are highly sensitive to insecticidal agents. You should regularly inspect the ears of pets, and to avoid infectious diseases, you must regularly clean them of dirt.

Read about proper dog care .

Photo Komonor

Komondor dogKomondor dog breedKomondor on the beachDog with dreadlocks KomondorKomondor puppyKomondor with puppies

Video of komondor and bobtail

Hungarian Shepherd puppy cost

If the upcoming grooming and the difficult temper of Komondor are not scary, then those who want to buy an unusual puppy may face another problem - the breed in the Russian territory is quite rare. But if you managed to find a proven breeder, the puppy will cost from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Komondor - a serious pet for the strong-willed and responsible. He demands a firm hand and will faithfully guard his family, even at the cost of his life.

Kennels komondora

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