
Nicknames for Akita Inu boys and girls

Akita Inu - a breed that bravely guarded the imperial person, accompanied the samurai, became a national treasure and nature monument of Japan. If it is necessary to describe a dog in one word, then Akita Inu is Dignity. Therefore, when choosing a name for Akita Inu boys and girls, you need to consider the noble past of the breed.


Nicknames and names for dogs

As a rule, the name for puppies of this exotic breed is recommended by the kennel in which they acquire a puppy. Traditionally, the names of the puppies are chosen by the Japanese, but you can pick up such nicknames that characterize the individual qualities of the dog, it is easy to pronounce and be more familiar to the European ear.

Beautiful nicknames

Courageous and aristocratic boys fit nicknames:

  • Irish, Aks, Alan, Altair, Amigo, Amethyst, Amulet, Aristocrat, Atilla;
  • Buddy, Baksik, Balu, Banderos, Barton, Baf, Blade, Bolto;
  • Vincent, Wooddy, Valiant;
  • Helios, Genius, Gizma, Gold, Guchi;
  • Diamond, David, Darchi, Damon, Dex;
  • Ziki, Zlat, Zordan;
  • Ivory, Ilim, the Emperor;
  • Calypso, Kirk, Clark;
  • Laer, Leo, Lotus, Lucky;
  • Maximus (Max), Mulder, Mango, Mathis;
  • Niro, Nikas, Nice;
  • One, Osiris, Orco, Onyx;
  • Pike, Plush, Poirot;
  • Glad, Rice, Red, Ridick;
  • Simon, Sandy, Sapphire, Snoop;
  • Tai, Teffy, Takesha, Tornado;
  • Urmas, Urs, Ursus;
  • Faust, Fredy, Friend;
  • Heiko, Hunter, Hass.

In the kennel, you can name the first letter of the future name of the pet, since to facilitate the tracing of the line, all puppies in the litter have a common first letter. Do not rush to call a puppy a name that characterizes character traits, as the Akita Inu change their habits in the process of growing up.

Funny and funny nicknames

Anyone who came across a small fluffy puppy Akita Inu, could not hide tenderness and smile. These moving, curious, funny bullies do not leave indifferent and set up a naughty mood. Hence the nicknames: Orange, Oranjad, Wasabi, Keks, Loki, Banzai, Bonsai, Kamikaze, Sushi, Yakuza. Akita Inu

But an aristocratic, discreet, wise dog grows from a cute funny ball. Remember Hachiko, and it will immediately become clear that such a dog will not suit playful names.

If the owner wants to call Akita Inu jokingly, then you can choose a funny nickname from the Japanese language. For example, the following will do:

  • Daitore - president;
  • Daitensai is a great genius;
  • Zai - money, wealth (analogue of the Baksik);
  • Zedan is a joke;
  • Dyke - "your honor";
  • Esoro - “keep it up!”;
  • Ikken - dog;
  • Oji –prinz;
  • Kaizoku is a pirate;
  • Rambo - a bully.

So, before the owner wants to demonstrate to others his creativity, originality and sense of humor, you need to think about whether it will be so funny to him and others in a couple of years.

Nicknames with meaning

To emphasize the originality, exoticism and ancient roots of this beautiful breed, it makes sense to call the puppy a Japanese nickname, especially since each of the following has its own meaning:

  • Akio - handsome;
  • Akayo - clever, intelligent;
  • Akarui - cheerful;
  • Atsui - hot;
  • Adaptoi - charming, charming;
  • Aibo - attachment;
  • Aiken is a pet dog;
  • Busy - warrior, samurai;
  • Baisey - satellite;
  • Biso - ancestor;
  • Vacari - understanding;
  • Vadzin - Japanese;
  • Ganken is healthy;
  • Ganto - the top of the rock;
  • Hekane - the sword of the emperor;
  • Daigan - a cherished desire;
  • Daimon is the great gate of the temple;
  • Daitan - brave, courageous;
  • Dunkin is a bosom friend;
  • Junsu - thoroughbred;
  • Essimi - friendship, etc.

These nicknames characterize the devotion, loyalty, courage of Akita Inu. In Japanese, there are many poetic comparisons that can be matched to the pet's appearance. Red-fawn and red color babies are called:

  • Aki - autumn, bright;
  • Akadama - amber;
  • Eco - sunshine;
  • Ezakari - the dawn;
  • Dzaykin - golden sand;
  • Makka is bright red.

Puppy color sesame with white:

  • Eakegasaru - morning raven;
  • Ezakura –sakura blooming at night.

White puppy is called:

  • Avayuki - light snow;
  • Sangetsu - the moon above the top of the mountain;
  • Shinju is a pearl.

Nicknames and names for Akita Inu girls

For beautiful, graceful Akita Inu girls, you can choose a beautiful name from Japanese poetry:

  • Akemi - bright beauty;
  • Akane - brilliant, red;
  • Ayaka - a colorful flower;
  • Yoshi is a fragrant branch;
  • Ibara - a rose;
  • Kiku - chrysanthemum;
  • Koheku - amber;
  • Marie - beloved;
  • Mizuki is a beautiful moon;
  • Mizeki - the flower of beauty;
  • Madoc - calm;
  • Mazumi is perfect;
  • Nana - seven, the seventh;
  • Ren - water lily;
  • Sayeri is a little lily;
  • Sakara - cherry blossoms;
  • Takara - a treasure;
  • Fuji - wisteria;
  • Hotaru - firefly;
  • Hoshi is the star;
  • Cho - butterfly;
  • Shinju - the pearl;
  • Yuki - happiness, snow.

In order to emphasize the peculiarities of a puppy's character, you can call her not less beautiful and significant names. Moreover, dog experts argue that a name given at an early age with a value further forms the character of an adult dog.

Cute names

For a girl to grow affectionate, obedient, loyal, calm, intelligent, she should be called:

  • Akiko, Ayako - smart child;
  • Banco - well-read;
  • Jun is obedient;
  • Yoko - confident;
  • Kay - respectful;
  • Kazuko - harmonious;
  • Madoka is calm.

To emphasize the brightness, the uniqueness of the appearance, the color of the girl, she is called: Mommo (peach), Sakura, Yukiko (snow child), Yuri (lily), Akai (red), Cira (white), Ippin (pearl), Akatsuki (morning dawn), Maiso (dawn), Takibi (fire). akita inu small

Akita Inu's favorite can be given the title - Naysi (maid of honor), Naishino, Odze (princess of the blood), Nesin (goddess).

Funny nicknames

If you wish to call your puppy a cute, funny name, you can also find it in Japanese:

  • Inari - the fox goddess;
  • Aybu - weasel;
  • Kazari - decoration;
  • Botan - button;
  • Buroti - brooch;
  • Kaibutsu - cast;
  • Kairay - puppet;
  • Matera - tigress;
  • Matsudo - nirvana;
  • Nezumi-mouse;
  • Tanuki is a cunning fox.
  • Papetto is a doll;
  • Poti is a doggy.

Today, many children are fond of painted Japanese sagas - anime. They can suggest the name of a little pet, calling it in honor of the beloved cartoon character - Etsuko, Fumiko, Hana, Izumi, Katsumi. Akita Inu puppies

An exotic Akita Inu requires the same beautiful, meaningful name. Before assigning the name to a puppy of one of the most ancient dog breeds on Earth, it is worth making a little effort - to watch a pet, learn character traits, learn the history and traditions of a people who consider Akita Inu to be their national treasure.

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