
Cesarean section in dogs

Such surgical intervention is prescribed in order to extract offspring from the uterus of a puppy female. Although caesarean sections are performed in dogs quite often, they are considered serious surgery and are only performed with certain indications. Most dogs undergo surgery well and recover quickly, but there are situations when the pet needs more attention and help in caring for the offspring that have appeared. Owners should be prepared for this and know how to behave correctly with the operated animal.


When is caesarean section indicated?

Ultrasound of the dog during pregnancy

Should we focus on the fact that any operation is recommended if conservative methods do not give the expected result? Of course, natural childbirth, that in humans, that in animals, is the most preferable outcome of pregnancy , but often there are situations when this option is impossible, and not only puppies, but also mommy are at risk. This occurs in the following cases:

  • Wrong position of the offspring, for example, when puppies lie across.
  • A caesarean section is recommended if an ultrasound examination in a first-born female has revealed a large number of large puppies.
  • If abnormalities or malformations of puppies are detected during ultrasound. Often there is a pathological enlargement of the skull and other parts of the body.
  • Bitches with an abnormal structure of the pelvis cannot be born on their own, in this case the birth canal is very narrow, and the offspring cannot fully pass through them. Such pathologies can be congenital or acquired, for example, if the dog, being a puppy, received less food rich in calcium. This phenomenon leads to the development of rickets and subsequent degeneration of bone tissue.

Complications of Caesarean section in dogs

Owners are interested in the question of whether it is possible and when to find out in advance whether the dog will need surgery. Of course, the presentation of the fetus often changes before childbirth, but the remaining points can be identified much earlier.

Cesarean section in dogs

To do this, bring the bitch to the veterinary clinic on the 50th day of pregnancy. Here she is examined and on the basis of diagnostic data they will give a result. Naturally, such an event costs money, however, the negative consequences can be much more expensive.

If the dog has already had a cesarean section, this does not mean that in the future she will not be able to give birth to herself. Since labor in animals is much easier, and tissue regeneration is faster, there are more chances for a full independent birth for the dog. Of course, when it comes to a young, healthy animal. Naturally, in this case it is necessary to consult with a specialist and get clinical confirmation that the dog can give birth naturally.

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The differences between large and small breeds

If we talk about technology, then surgical intervention is carried out equally in huge mastiffs and in tiny chihuahuas. But experts note that it is somewhat more difficult to carry out a cesarean section in small dogs.

This is due not only to the smaller size of the organs, but also to the accelerated rhythm of the metabolic processes, since in this case it is much more difficult to choose the right dosage of anesthetics. The operation is performed using general anesthesia.

Price for Cesarean section in dogs

It is impossible to say unequivocally how much the cesarean section will cost, since many factors influence the cost of the procedure. But the price varies from 4,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Care after surgery

Females undergoing a caesarean section require special care. Upon returning from the clinic, owners should take care of the following:

  • until the animal has completely moved away from anesthesia, more often inject water into the mouth with a syringe;
  • after taking the dog out more often;
  • apply offspring to the bitch only after she has fully come to herself;
  • provide mom with high-calorie, well-digestible food; if the dog eats ready-made rations, then you can offer small meals for pregnant women, lactating bitches or puppies.

The surgeon prescribes the care of the postoperative suture, or it is performed in a clinic. Veterinarians can confidently say that a cesarean section does not affect the well-being of the puppies, does not worsen the lactation processes, and is not a contraindication for subsequent reproduction by the female offspring.

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