

Kangal is a breed of dogs, which is also called the Anatolian Karabash in the homeland, which means “black head”. In other countries, the name is used - Anatolian Shepherd, but Turkish breeders do not accept it. Kangals are valued and revered in Turkey, so they are not allowed to leave the country. In addition, being similar in appearance to Alabayev, any breeder will say that a kangal is a special and exceptional dog, which makes no sense to compare it with others. So who is the Anatolian Karabash really?


Breed origin

These dogs already exist more than one century, but the breed itself has been recognized relatively recently. Kangal - the oldest breed that has existed in Asia Minor since Babylonian times. Today it is a Turkish guard dog. Breeders for several centuries improved the quality of Karabash, crossing them with various large dogs. Kangal muzzle

In ancient times, kangals hunted lions. Although these dogs were used to work with herds, they did not herd cattle, but protected him from the encroachments of predators. Such a defender - strong, powerful, but at the same time light and fast, could easily overtake the wolf.

Modern Karabash is a national treasure; it is prohibited by law to export purebred breeds abroad. In addition, they care about the purity of the breed, strictly rejecting individuals even with minor deviations from the standard adopted here in Turkey.

Since dogs with pedigree cannot be abroad without an owner, RKF Champion does not include the breed in the pedigree book, and it is very, very difficult to get a Turkish “0” pedigree dog that does not have documents. But in any case, the register pedigree does not allow its owners to participate in the breeding, and all the offspring turns out to be extramarital. Naturally, such a situation negatively affects the development of the breed as a whole.

Kangal breed description

Kangal is a tall, stately animal, whose height varies from 70 to 90 cm. Weigh dogs from 50 to 70 kg, have a strong build with powerful legs, a strong neck and developed muscles. Anatolian Shepherd Dogs are moving smoothly and energetically. Because of that, her head is on the same line with the neck and back, it seems that the animal is sneaking.

Representatives of the breed may be disqualified due to deviations in color, underdevelopment of the paws, increased aggressiveness. The standard includes the following description of dogs:

  1. The head is large, neat, harmonious, rectangular in shape, with a slightly convex forehead with a pronounced transverse furrow.
  2. Jaws strong, with large, white teeth, correct bite, scissor, without gaps.
  3. The eyes are medium or small, may be triangular or almond-shaped. Set well apart, the eyelids may have dark spots. Look serious, attentive.
  4. The nose is large, with oval-shaped nostrils, its color depends on the shade of the coat: it may be black or brown. Kangal breed description
  5. The auricles are small in size, arranged neatly on the sides of the head, triangular, with rounded ends. When the dog is calm, they hang, but when excited, they rise.
  6. Dogs have a strong, well-muscled body. The back is straight, wide, with well-pronounced, forward-leaning shoulder blades. The neck is strong, massive, creates a smooth bend.

Wool coat and colors

Anatolian karabash’s hair can be either short - about 2.5 cm in length, or elongated - 10-15 cm. The outer hair has a flat texture, it creates a thicker layer around the neck. The coat is tight to the skin, on the ears, limbs and in the area of ​​the tail, it may be slightly "pinnate."

The Turkish Shepherd dog has a heavy, dense undercoat that protects the animal during the harsh Anatolian winters and summer heat. In addition, wool has an outer layer that does not give moisture and snow to penetrate the skin. This coat provides excellent regulation of body temperature, and its density protects the dog from the fangs of predators.

Turkish canine organizations do not attribute coat color to distinctive breed traits. The presence of black and white spots, longer hair is not a sign of interbreeding. In the KIF standard, the coat color of dogs is not indicated, but there are a number of indications for white spots - they can be located only in the chest area at the end of the tail. In other organizations, they are allowed to have on their paws.

Other clubs are more scrupulous about this issue, in addition, it is the color of wool that is an important difference between a kangal and another type of Turkish dogs - akbash.

Wool should be short, dense, not long and without fluffiness. Colors are allowed as follows:

  • gray-yellow;
  • gray-brown;
  • brownish yellow.

The obligatory condition is that the kangala face should be covered with a black mask and ears with black markings. White markings may or may not be allowed, it all depends on the applicable standard.


Before describing the nature of the Anatolian Shepherd, it is worth considering their purpose. First of all, the representatives of this breed are hard workers, human assistants, able to work even in the most difficult conditions, without needing special care.

There are many stories when kangals, finding a sheep, guarded it for several days, going without food and water. In addition, Karabash, entered into a fight with a wolf, often came out the winner. In this case, he received a generous reward from the shepherd - the biggest ram.

Such activities demanded independence from the dogs; they had to make decisions without human help. It is no wonder that kangal is a rather independent dog. He needs a courageous, strong-willed master, confident in himself. It is forbidden during the educational process to cause excessive anger in the pet. If during training to use tough methods, rudeness, the dog can become an unbridled animal. Kangal beautiful photo

Kangal looks stern, and his dimensions are impressive, but such a pet will definitely find a common language with the children. The dog can patiently endure light-hearted childish pranks; he will guard the child by keeping an eye on him. During the games, he behaves very carefully. But the owner should inspire the fumes that the dog is not a toy and you should not offend it.

The pet of this breed is an excellent guard with excellent inborn qualities. He has a strongly expressed sense of territoriality, he will protect the farm entrusted to him to the last breath. The Anatolian Shepherd Dog barks loudly, rollingly, but it will not give a voice just like that.

A pet can be quite capricious, but if it is provided with regular, intensive work, then the dog will have no time to show unreasonable aggression or dirty tricks. Representatives of this breed have a stable psyche, they are friendly to all members of the family. Until now, kangals are used in dog fights, and often these dogs become winners, this happens even in fights with the Alabai.

Kangal education and training

Kangal is intelligent and obedient, the main purpose of his life is to serve his man. Therefore, training can produce amazing results. Training should start as early as possible, paying particular attention to early socialization. A puppy should live and communicate with people, go outside the house, see and get to know fellows.

In the training of Anatolian shepherds use the method of motivation. The owner is required to: be firm, confident, he must respect his student. A large, seemingly severe, dog literally "melts", receiving a portion of deserved affection or praise, he will subsequently seek to get it even more.

But cruelty, humiliation, rudeness can negate all the results and embitter the dog. In addition, if such a serious dog feels threatened by the owner, he may try to protect himself. Naturally, for a person it can turn badly.

Most of the representatives are sensitive even to the change in the intonation of the host’s voice, so it is easy to do without a harsh correction. Kangals perfectly assimilate the basic program, but it is important to constantly warm up the interest of the pet, introducing new, interesting tasks. In training, the authority of the owner is important, the dog must take him for the leader, without questioning his decisions.

Care and health features

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs - unpretentious animals that do not require special procedures. They are subject to strong molting, during these periods it is desirable to comb out a pet, helping him to quickly get rid of his wool. In the remaining periods, it is sufficient to do this once a week and a half.

The dog must be equipped with a place to rest, there must be at least two bowls - for food and water. It is important from puppyhood to teach him that he can sleep at home, and not on the master's couch. Otherwise, it will be practically impossible to drive out the calf-dog with your favorite furniture later. Kangal for a walk

They do not often wash these krupnyakov, in the summer period it is enough to give the dog a swim in the local pond. In winter, instead of washing, you can rub your pet with snow. The dog needs regular walking, one walk must be at least 40 minutes.

Breed diseases

Representatives of the breed have excellent health, they have no special, specific ailments. But, like other large dogs, they often suffer from joint inflammation and connective tissue dysplasia. The development of such pathologies is influenced by body weight, excessive loads and excessive physical activity, in addition, dysplasia can be inherited.

Another problem, not alien to the Anatolian Shepherd Dog - reduced immunity. This is due to the later development of the immune system, the processes of its formation in Karabash are completed later than in other dogs. Owners and veterinarians should also consider the high sensitivity of these dogs to anesthesia. Before using these drugs requires a test.

Statistics indicate a number of diseases that are most often diagnosed in kangals:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • volvulus century;
  • spinal injury;
  • skin diseases.


If the owner decides to feed the pet with natural food, the basis of the menu should be meat, offal, fish. They contain the necessary animal proteins for the dog and useful components. The menu should be supplemented with vegetables, herbs, cereals, seasoned with vegetable oil.

Many owners make the mistake of overfeeding the dog. In fact, Karabashi need less food than their large counterparts. It is also important to take into account when feeding the dog with drying - it is impossible to increase the portion, it is enough to follow the table indicated on the product packaging. Kangal powerful

Proper nutrition should be given special attention from puppyhood. Just getting everything you need, the dog will grow strong and healthy pet, without problems with bones and joints. With natural feeding, it is recommended to give the puppy calcined cottage cheese, crushed egg shells, bone meal. It is advisable to consult with a veterinarian about suitable vitamin complexes.

An adult dog is fed twice a day, it is advisable to adhere to the regime. Turkish Shepherd dogs drink a lot of water, so you should provide your pet with a large, deep bowl and ensure that it always has fresh water. It should be changed when feeding. Kangals are neat and tidy, they do not part excessive dirt in their place.

Dog content

Anatolian Karabash is not an apartment option, and there are a number of good reasons for this:

  • dogs need to be in the fresh air for a long time;
  • large and active kangals in the four walls feel like in a cage, they have nowhere to move and be active;
  • the pet cannot idle loose or lie, it is important for him to work most of the time;
  • dogs fade long and plentifully.

Sheepdog must protect the house, the surrounding area and people. It is desirable for her to constantly be in the courtyard and watch the events around her. It is not advisable to keep a pet on a leash, ideally, if he can move freely around the local area.

Photo kangal Kangal in winterKangalsKangal standsKangal with the ownerKangal in natureKangal in a fight

Kangal video

Where can I get a puppy

Anatolian Shepherd Dog is a rare and expensive treat. But interest in the representatives of the breed is constantly growing and is fueled by the Turkish ban on the export of representatives of pure blood.

Even in the bird market puppies without documents, but similar to kangals, will cost at least 30,000 rubles. Private breeders set the price at 40000-50000 rubles. Naturally, the guarantees of health and quality of the offspring here can not provide.

On the territory of Russia there are also breeding nurseries - monobreed or engaged in breeding other, but close breeds, for example, alabai. The cost of a puppy will be on average 65000-7500 rubles, for the elite kid you will have to pay much more than 120000-300000 rubles.

The best nurseries include:

Kangal is a dog with many advantages, but such a pet is not for everyone. He is capable of being capricious, obstinate, and only a strong hand can make him a better caretaker and loyal friend.

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