
What cereals can be given to dogs: understand together

When feeding their pet with natural food, owners should take into account the needs of their pet. If the basis of the diet consists of meat products, the second most important component is croup. It is a natural source of carbohydrates, fiber, as well as vitamins and trace elements necessary for the growth, development and health of four-legged pet. But it is necessary to understand that not all cereals are useful for dogs. In addition, in some cases, you should consider some features.


Features feeding porridge

Choosing cereal for your dog, you must rely on age, health, physiological features, conditions that contain the animal, and breed requirements. Cereals should be 25-40% of the daily diet.

What cereals can be given to dogs

Cook cereals can be separate or cook porridge with meat and vegetable additives. The optimal combination of ingredients is 30% of cereals, 40% of meat or fish, and 30% of vegetables and fortified supplements.

You can add a little salt in the dish, but only after cooking. But if the pet has a tendency to the formation of stones in the bladder or kidneys, then it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt or not to salt the porridge at all.

Among the groats, which are better to exclude from the diet, is pearl barley, its normal digestion of the gastrointestinal tract of the animal can not. So what kind of cereal benefits our smaller friends?

Useful dog cereals

Dog food

In fact, there are not so many cereals with which you can feed dogs without harming your health:

  • Buckwheat is in the first place, as this is the most useful croup and suitable for all dogs. It is enriched with iron, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B and proteins of plant origin. Of course, this refers to high-grade croup, not past steam and other treatments. An important quality of buckwheat is that in the process of cooking it does not lose its usefulness. Buckwheat porridge has a positive effect on the metabolism in the dog's body. It also has a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthens the immune mechanisms. Cooked porridge to crumbly state.
  • Rice groats are a natural absorbent component that stimulates metabolism. In addition, rice contains vitamin substances, magnesium, calcium and iron. Boil rice porridge until it acquires a crumbly consistency. After the dish is cooked, it is necessary to let the porridge insist for 20-30 minutes. The croup is characterized by a particular benefit, which has not been processed, because the shell of rice contains many nutritional components. Uncooked cereals are suitable for feeding sick animals, as well as for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In cases of intoxication, it is recommended to feed your pet with rice water.
  • Barley grain is a highly fortified product, which even contains trace elements such as silicon, fluorine, and chromium. However, one should not hope that the animal's body is able to fully assimilate all the useful substances. But barley porridge still gives the pet the necessary energy and makes up for the deficit of individual elements. In addition, barley grain stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. But to give a similar mess every day is not recommended.
  • Oatmeal - this includes oatmeal and Hercules, it is a storehouse of beneficial trace elements - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and all sorts of vitamins. This is a great product to diversify your dog's diet, but you should not make it the main course. And yes, this porridge should not be included in the diet of a dog suffering from urolithiasis or having a tendency to this ailment.

This is almost all the cereals that can be given to the dog. But there are still cereals that are included in the diet in certain cases.

Find out:

Porridge for nutrition in certain conditions

Corn porridge

But about the following cereals can be said that they benefit only in certain cases:

  • Corn - this porridge has a low nutritional value and very few useful ingredients in it. This makes it unsuitable for feeding a healthy dog. But it has a lot of carbohydrates. Corn porridge is recommended to give the animal with an inflammatory process in the intestinal mucous tissues. Its consumption reduces fermentation processes and rotting foods in the intestines.
  • Semolina is the central part of wheat grain, which is deprived in the process of processing most of the useful components. There is very little fiber, vitamin and mineral substances in semolina. But it is precisely the low fiber content that made this product important in the menu of pets with diseases of the digestive system. This is because it is better digested. And in this case, it is suitable for feeding both puppies and adult dogs. However, experts do not recommend regularly and without the need to give it to an animal, as this will lead to a set of excess body weight and the acquisition of a loose constitution.
  • Wheat groats are a product rich in magnesium, zinc, iodine, and vitamins. However, the wheat kernel is not completely digested in the dog's digestive tract. And the high content of starch does not make porridge suitable for a daily diet. But undigested residues can clean the intestinal walls, which is an undoubted advantage. This mess is recommended to give active dogs with a healthy gastrointestinal tract. In other cases, its inclusion in the diet is better to refuse.

As you can see, cereal is not such a simple product, so before you cook your favorite porridge, you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances. I hope we answered the question: “What cereals can be given to dogs?”

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One comment
  1. My opinion is that porridge with meat is not a very good combination of products for digestibility

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