
How to get a flea from a dog

Fleas in dogs cause not only discomfort, but also severe systemic disorders - anemia, allergies, skin pathologies. In addition, fleas are carriers of certain diseases, helminth infections and mycoses. Particularly serious consequences can cause flea bites in puppies, since they have not yet formed an immunity, and the consequences of infection can be especially severe for babies.


Means for the destruction of fleas

Firms specializing in the production of pet care products annually supply the market with new means of fighting ectoparasites. A wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic agents is presented:

  • drops on withers;
  • sprays;
  • chewable tablets;
  • collars;
  • shampoos

Many drugs are aimed at destroying not only fleas, but also other blood-sucking insects - lashing, lice, ticks. Each form of release has its advantages and disadvantages, so the owners of animals should be guided in this in order to choose the best means for fighting pet-sucking parasites for their pet. How to get a flea from a dog read the article

Many products are developed taking into account the age and breed of dogs, conditions (weakened, old, pregnant or lactating), the length of the coat. When choosing, you need to pay attention to whether the drug meets certain requirements:

  • match the age of the animal;
  • be safe - do not cause adverse reactions;
  • maximum hypoallergenic;
  • Insecticides used must be classified as Class 3-4;
  • easy to apply;
  • have a prolonged action;
  • have an instant effect on parasites;
  • do not penetrate the systemic circulation of the dog;
  • destroy fleas at all stages of development.

Licensed funds meet the maximum number of requirements, so for your pet you need to buy only proven drugs that have passed clinical trials and have a certificate of conformity.

Shampoos for dogs

If a dog has a small flea infestation, then flea shampoos can be used. The advantage of flea shampoos should be given when handling dogs with delicate skin that are susceptible to an allergic reaction. For example, only delicate detergents are suitable for representatives of such breeds as bare dogs, collie, Pincher or Toy Terriers:

  • Phytoelite - includes extracts of medicinal plants that care for the skin and strengthen the coat, and a small dose of natural powder of Dalmatian chamomile.
  • Beaphar - recognized as the best medicine for fleas, as it is suitable for dogs of all breeds.
  • Celandine - contains insecticide and a complex of essential oils, which are repellents for blood-sucking insects;
  • Bruno - does not cause skin drying, allergies, has an insecticidal effect due to permethrin.

Shampoo is the means of choice in the treatment of very small puppies for parasites that are not yet separated from their mother. Rulers Mr. Bruno and Beaphar are made for them. For large and giant dogs, you can use shampoos Lugovoy, Celandine, Rolf Club, Bim and others.

Dogs who like to swim, are happy to wash with shampoo. Some water is taken in the bath, the dog is placed in it, the wool is moistened with water and a small amount of shampoo is applied. Beat the foam and leave for 5 minutes. Thoroughly wash off the shampoo, avoiding water in your ears and eyes. Wool dry and comb. Only shampoo will not be able to protect the animal from new infection. Most often, its use is combined with the use of other means, for example, sprays.

Flea spray

Means in the form of a spray have the speed and ease of use. It is enough to apply the drug to the entire body, avoiding the animal's muzzle area, and rub it in easily. After 20-30 minutes, the pet is washed.

Spray preparations are not recommended for handling puppies, pregnant bitches and weakened dogs due to illness. There is a possibility that the animal is licking the remedy. But if you follow the dog after processing and follow the instructions, the spray will protect against flea attacks for a long time. Preparations destroy adult insects and their larvae. How to get a flea

Spray is indispensable when you need to quickly rid the animal of fleas. They are used in the treatment of hunting dogs, in animal shelters - where there is a risk of constant infection. According to consumer surveys and expert estimates, the leading positions among flea sprays are:

  • Front line;
  • Beaphar;
  • Stronghold;
  • Hartz and others

Increasingly popular with breeders and dog lovers are getting drops from fleas.

Flea drops

The convenience and effectiveness of flea drops have gained great popularity among dog owners. Drops produced in convenient disposable vials, pipettes with already measured and calculated dose. There is a label on the bottle that indicates how many drops to apply, in accordance with age and body weight.

Drops applied to dry, intact skin under the coat and lightly rubbed. The peculiarity of this form is that the drug penetrates into the cavity of the sebaceous glands and, together with the fat secretion, reaches the surface of the skin in doses, ensuring a long-lasting effect. The drug acts even after bathing the dog. In contrast to the spray, the risk of poisoning the animal during processing is minimal, since the drops are applied to the area inaccessible for licking - at the base of the skull, between the shoulder blades and 2/3 of the body along the spine. The most popular drops for dogs are:

  • ADVANTIX - the tool has a delayed action. The drug begins to act after a day. Keeps efficiency from fleas for 2 months.
  • Frontlayn Combo - drops act instantly - they destroy insects in a few minutes after application. The duration of the damaging effect lasts about a month. Cannot be combined with the treatment of other forms of insecticides.
  • Advoсate - several multidirectional insecticides are included in the droplets, which expands the spectrum of action, eliminates the development of habituation in parasites.
  • Promeris - have a similar composition and indications.

Special chewable tablets that act “from the inside” can be considered a novelty among flea remedies. This is a drug for NEXT GARD, which has a pleasant taste and aroma of beef and is happy to be eaten by animals along with food.

Not only foreign companies have mastered the production of drops at the withers. Domestic pharmaceutical companies produce effective and cheap products - BlochNet, Mr. Bruno, Bars, Dana, Rolf Club, Celandine. They are not inferior to imported drugs for quality, but more affordable.

For animals that often walk in the woods, in the fields, or come into contact with other animals, flea collars are a prerequisite for protection from infection by blood-sucking insects.

Watch the video and learn more about how to get fleas from a dog at home:

Flea collar

The easiest to use tool. It is enough to get the collar out of the sealed package, put it on the neck of the pet and fasten it. On the package are indicated insecticides that are included in the structure of the collar, the age of the dog and the girth of the neck.

The disadvantage of the collar is the sharp smell emitted by the product. But pet owners often put it on a pet only during a walk, which effectively protects the dog from flea infestation. The longest-running collar is a Beaphar product. It is valid for more than 4 months and it is enough for the owner to purchase one to save the dog for the entire period of activity of the blood-sicking insects.

Hartz collars are not only effective for 3-4 months, but can also be used in puppies from the age of 5-6 weeks. This collar is often used by breeders in nurseries. Kiltix collars are considered to be very convenient, aesthetic and effective among dog breeders. They can be used for 6-7 months. The composition includes insecticides of the last generation - non-toxic for dogs, but deadly for parasites.

In their products, companies combine several insecticides with multidirectional effects and special additives that enhance the effect. The composition of many drops and sprays includes medicinal ingredients that help cope with the effects of flea bites - relieve allergies, treat eczema and dermatitis.

In addition to insecticides with an improved formula, use natural additives that repel parasites and create a barrier effect. A novelty in the chemical industry that produces products for animals is the introduction of parasite-like juvenile growth hormones into drugs, blocking their metamorphosis and disrupting the growth and development of insects.

To protect your pet from fleas, you can combine the treatment with shampoo and collar while walking, or shampoo and drops on withers. But the treatment will be ineffective if you do not sanitize the sleeper of the dog. The litter is washed in an insecticide solution and dried in the sun. Periodically, the whole apartment should be treated for fleas with special means. Only with an integrated approach can a dog be protected from fleas and other blood-sucking insects.

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