
How to choose a puppy

A dog for thousands of years lives side by side with a man, changes with it, develops new skills and abilities, bringing great benefits to its owner. Sometimes a pet appears suddenly in the house - a puppy is brought in from a walk by a child, some of the loved ones offer a gift for a charming baby, or he gets in other ways. But often people themselves think about the need to have a four-legged pet.


How to choose a breed

Having decided to buy, there is a mass of questions - how to choose a puppy, where to buy it, for what purposes is a dog required? But it is even more important to decide on the family council whether all members agree to accept a new tenant in the family, because it is very important for the dog to feel love from the owner and the household. Siberian Husky puppies

There are several important steps involved directly in the process of choosing a suitable puppy, and one of them is which breed to choose or stop the choice on the outbred pet. The International Cynological Association speaks about impressive figures - today there are over four hundred breeds of dogs and with each year they become more and more.

Representatives of each of them have different characteristics, characters, breed skills. Some are excellent companions, but they cannot guard or guard, others are excellent hunters, but they cannot live in the same house with a person.

If the future owner clearly knows what breed he wants to have, then he is very lucky. Then you can not suffer doubts and immediately go for the baby. But, if the question is open, then do not panic, you can safely figure out for what purpose the dog is purchased. There are several options:

  1. Companion dog. This category includes dogs, friendly to the person, loving children, docile and adoring games. Among the common breeds that fit this description are Labradors, Retrievers, Collies, Miniature Schnauzers. puppy retriever
  2. Companion guard. Special demands are made on these dogs: they must be distinguished by devotion, be able to make independent decisions, be wary of strangers. Most often these are dogs of rather large size, successfully trained and ready to give their lives for their owner. Among the brightest representatives of the guard dogs are the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, the Moscow Watchdog, the German Shepherd Dog, the Rottweiler, the Doberman. rottweiler puppy
  3. Helper and companion for hunting and travel. If a dog is required by an active lifestyle person who loves hunting, hiking, fishing or other similar activities, then you should pay attention to the hunting breeds. Their representatives do not like to sit in one place, they are freedom-loving and ready to follow their master anywhere. They love adventures and calmly adapt to any conditions. If the qualities of hunting dogs meet the requirements of a person, then you can take a closer look at the cops, greyhounds, spaniels. puppy spaniel
  4. Dog for show career. Does the owner need a pet, with which it will be possible later to participate in various exhibitions? So that the pet is not just a participant, but receives titles and awards? In this case, you can take a puppy of almost any breed, but with a prerequisite - it must be recognized by the international canine federation. A puppy should have all the required documents, vet passport, certificates confirming his state of health. Canine experts recommend taking the baby from parents with championship titles, which belongs to the show class. Chihuah puppy

Outbred or abandoned dog

If the future owner needs a friend and comrade, and it does not matter whether he is pedigreed or not, then we can consider the options offered by shelters for homeless animals and volunteers involved in the maintenance of abandoned animals. This is a great way to shelter a homeless dog, and he will be grateful for the rest of his life.

But in this case there are certain risks that you should think about in advance:

  1. If we are talking about a puppy without a breed, the intrigue about its future size and appearance is maintained until it matures. Sometimes a surprise awaits the owners - real giants often grow out of tiny lumps, and sometimes the other way around - the baby on strong legs, with strong bones, turns out to be a short, small doggie. purebred puppy
  2. It is impossible to know in advance about the nature and habits of the dog metis.
  3. The street dog may be ill, so it is important to immediately show it to the veterinarian, to deliver the necessary vaccines, previously progestosis and treated for parasites, including as a preventive measure.

But, despite the existing risks, puppies without a breed have advantages:

  • due to the natural selection of these babies stronger health than their purebred counterparts;
  • noble dogs are better amenable to training and education, they remain loyal to their master, regardless of conditions of detention and attitude.

Professionals involved in breeding, treating or training dogs believe that it is not so much whether a purebred dog or a metis will be more important to find a common language in animals, learn to communicate and always remember about responsibility. After all, a dog is not a toy that can be abandoned when it wants to relinquish its obligations.

Features of the pet, depending on gender

When the family decided on the breed of their future pet, you can think about whether it will be a male or a female. If there is no doubt, you need a bitch for further breeding, or you only need a dog, then you can proceed to the next stage. two puppies

But if the future owners are still weighing possible pros and cons, then they should be familiar with the characteristics of each sex.

Features males

Among the benefits worth noting the following:

  • Males usually have a more colorful appearance, they are larger than females in size, have stronger bones and a muscular body;
  • males have a stronger nervous system, are more enduring than females;
  • Males are able to work with the same intensity all year round, since females drop out of the process during gestation and feeding of offspring, and, besides, their activity decreases during leaks. cute dog

Despite these advantages, the males still have several disadvantages:

  • more aggressive and prone to dominance, and this is manifested not only in communication with their own kind, but also the owner; if the owner is not able to immediately take a leadership position and will not be engaged in raising a puppy, the dog may grow unmanageable;
  • usually less attached to the owner than bitches, and some of them can only submit to the owner, ignoring the rest of the household;
  • smelling the bitch in earnest, the dog can lose control over their behavior and ignore the host team; some males may escape during this period;
  • an important ritual is the label of the territory, so walks can be longer than with a female.

Experts pay attention to one important point - if the owner, who has taken a puppy-boy, is not going to breed a breed, then it is best to neutered a dog in the future. This will improve its behavioral characteristics, as well as reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases in the pet.

Features of females

Females, in comparison with males, have several advantages:

  • smaller, more squat, have a slightly elongated format;
  • more attached to the owner and the house; cute puppy
  • more docile, easier to educate and train;
  • if males are highly emotional, then females tend to think about their decisions, because of this distinction, it is recommended that a couple of dogs be found at home to protect the house - a dog and a bitch.

But females are not without certain disadvantages:

  • less hardy than males;
  • 1-2 times a year in heat passes - the dog can become disobedient, refuse to work, in addition, during walking, it is of interest to almost all dogs in the area;
  • if the owner did not inspect his favorite during the heat, then the likelihood of unplanned offspring in the form of half-breed puppies is high;
  • A pregnant or lactating female is less active and not suitable for professional work.

The female is more suitable for breeding, as it takes more effort, time and money to grow an excellent male dog. If the owner does not intend to use the pet for further breeding, then the dog is recommended to be sterilized, this will help to avoid various diseases in the future.

Where it is better to buy pet mestizo

In this case, everything depends on a number of factors and, first of all, on whether it concerns a pedigree or outbred baby. A pet without a breed can be taken at the shelter, from the hands or in the poultry market. But here we should not forget about caution: it is important to assess the conditions of the puppy, the way they are treated and to find out if the baby is in stressful situations. alert puppy

This will help to establish contact with the pet and facilitate its adaptation. You can not immediately take the animal into the house, but pre-visit it to find out about its character and habits, watch it from the side, this will allow you to understand whether the puppy is suitable or not.

If the baby is taken from the street or from other not very trustworthy places, then it is imperative that you show it to the vet to make sure that the new friend is healthy.

Where better to buy a purebred puppy

When a person is serious about choosing a breed, evaluates his own capabilities and expects a certain result, it is not worth buying a puppy from random breeders or at a flea market. In this case, the risks are high to buy a puppy mestizo, with genetic abnormalities or other health problems.

Experts recommend not to save, but to contact the nursery or experienced breeders. There are certain guarantees to get a healthy, vaccinated pet that meets the standard requirements and has the necessary documentation. If the seller is not able to perform at least one item, then the puppy buyer may require their execution or contact another breeder. bigel puppy

It is not necessary to hurry with the acquisition of a pet, the future owner, if possible, it is better to visit several nurseries or breeders, to assess the conditions of animals. After all, if dogs are kept in dirty cages, they don’t clean the territory, they don’t take them for walking, they feed poorly, then they can hardly give a good offspring.

It is important not only to see the puppies themselves, but also to pay attention to their parents. Of course, a nursing female may look tired and thinner, but she still needs to be healthy. Interesting questions about the parents of the baby can always ask the owners.

When acquiring a healthy puppy with an excellent pedigree, the owner must remember that in order for him to grow a large and obedient dog, there are few natural skills. All responsibility for the further education, training and training of the pet falls entirely on the shoulders of the new owner.

Recommendations for choosing a puppy

People who are ignorant in this case may not know certain subtleties that are better taken into account:

  1. It is better to take a puppy from a litter in which there are no more than 6-7 kids. In this case, all puppies receive good nutrition, which means they develop well. Too few offspring should be alerted (of course, if we are not talking about decorative breeds, where this is the norm), since it is possible that the other puppies have died.
  2. Having chosen the puppy you like most, it is still worth looking at the rest of the offspring from the same litter. Even if the owner got the largest and most active kid, this is not an indicator of excellent genetics. Perhaps his little brothers or sisters still have any abnormalities, including genetic ones, and it is better to find out before acquiring a pet. puppies males
  3. Having defined the breed, it is worth getting acquainted with the standards. The future owner will find it easier to inspect the puppies if he knows what standard requirements they must meet. Bite, coat quality, color, setting ears and other nuances are important. The dog must be healthy, cheerful, stand steadily on the paws and not have external damage. It is worth paying attention to the skin to find out if he has any tumors. The baby should have a wet, cool nose, clear eyes without souring. You can check the puppy's hearing, he must respond to the sound source.

If a person needs a show-class dog who successfully performs in the ring, then it is best to choose a dog that can stay upright and more calm than others who behave in this situation. It is desirable that the parents of the baby have high titles, he must have a veterinary passport and have all vaccinations, according to the schedule.

Having decided to purchase a four-legged comrade, a person must approach this idea with all the responsibility. Choosing one of the largest and most mobile babies from the litter, it is better for him to immediately realize that only with the right approach to upbringing and education, an excellent dog will grow out of a puppy - faithful, faithful and obedient, able to become not just a pet, but a true friend and helper .

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