
How to raise an obedient dog

Obedient dog - the dream of all pet owners. But in order for the pet to be appeasable and well-mannered, it is necessary to make efforts on the part of the owners. Whether an animal has fallen into the family of a puppy, or already an adult, it is always possible to correct its behavior. How to raise a dog correctly, what methods of encouragement and punishment should be adopted and what line of behavior should be followed?


The place of the dog in the family hierarchy

How to raise a puppy

It will not be possible to influence the pet's behavior (this applies not only to puppies, but also to adult animals) if the owner cannot become an authority for him - the leader of the pack. How to show the dog who is the boss? There are a few simple rules:

  • The owner is always the first to start the meal, this is what happens in a flock of animals - the leader is saturated, then all the others are in turn. The dog should be fed only after the whole family has eaten. If there is no such possibility in the morning, then you can feed your pet first, but at the weekend you can do everything as it should be.
  • The leader comes first to the gates, doors, and gates; the rest of the pack will surely let him through. It is necessary to accustom the pet to such an order. All attempts to climb, squeeze, pushing the rest, should be stopped. To do this, in a strict voice, give the command “No!”, And holding the dog by the chest, enter first. Shouting, constantly pulling the animal by the leash is not recommended.
  • Leadership of the owner must be manifested even in the game. In any fun of a competitive nature, the person must win. Both puppies and adult dogs adore the pulling of objects, in this case the prey should be in the hands of the owner. If the pet is superior in physical strength, or there is no strength left during the game, you can use the “Give” command and pick up the item.
  • Ideally - the game should begin with the filing of the owner. Of course, if we are talking about puppies and young animals, it is very difficult to follow this rule. Sometimes you can and succumb to provocation by the pet. But the dog must finish the game exclusively at the request of the owner. A single command is enough for a pet - “It’s impossible!”, But if it doesn’t work, you need to command “Sit!” And maintain this position for 30-40 seconds. Such a pause will allow the dog to calm down.
  • A well-bred dog must fulfill all tasks and commands the first time. Of course, such unquestioning obedience is not easy to achieve, but later it will be much easier to control the animals, which means time is not wasted.
  • The pet in the house should have its own corner - a place. Not all owners agree that the dog cannot sleep on the sofa beds, but only on its bedding . But when the animal growls when trying to oust him from the master's furniture, it is necessary to take serious measures, as the animal began to forget about its status in the house.
  • The pet's rank will be significantly reduced if for a while you stop all his attempts to lie down on a sofa or bed. You can block the furniture, close the doors, put the animal before bedtime from the rooms - all means are good, except for physical exposure.
  • It is necessary to accustom the pet to the team "Place!". Of course, if the goal is to ensure that the animal always sleeps there, it is necessary to show firmness and send the animal again and again into place, even if the dog is just stretched out on the floor. With puppies in this case is easier - most importantly, the owners themselves do not give up the slack, with an adult individual will have to work hard.
  • If the dog has become too strong, has ceased to obey, it is possible to apply one more method - to expel the dog for no reason from the place where he lies. Even if it is his litter. This should not be the norm, but be used only for educational purposes, as this attitude will remind the pet who is in charge at home. You can also restrict access to some rooms, exposing the puppy at the door.

Schooling outdoor toilet

Schooling a dog for outdoor toilet

An important issue of education, concerning not only puppies. Sometimes the family gets an animal accustomed to street life, or people move from their home to the apartment. In the latter situation, you should not give up the pet, because in most cases you can accustom the animal to new conditions.

There are a number of recommendations of a recommendatory nature, allowing you to quickly resolve the issue with the toilet on the street:

  • Feeding the pet should be carried out at the same time.
  • A portion of food should be rationed, based on the needs of the dog, you should avoid overeating.
  • In the reach of the pet should not be things that can interest him - boxes, rags, any containers. In dogs, they can cause associations with a place for toilet.
  • Walking should first go along the same route, it will allow the animal to feel more confident, not to be nervous and do "their business", and not to look around and shy away from any noise, hoping to get home as soon as possible.
  • Punishment in the form of raising the voice is definitely necessary if the dog defends the need for an apartment, but this applies to puppies older than six months and adult animals. For physiological reasons, kids cannot endure for a long time, and the punishment will not work, except to make the baby afraid of you.

It is necessary to walk with adult dogs two times, with older dogs - three times a day, at the same time - morning and evening, with a three-day walk - also at lunch.

Puppies such schedule does not fit. Here you need to spend a lot of time nearby and carry the baby out onto the street every time, as soon as he gets worried, he will start spinning in search of a place.

Read more about how to teach a puppy to the toilet .

Appropriate punishment for dogs

How to raise a puppy

To use physical force - in no case can you beat or kick a pet. An example of such a relationship are yard dogs, which everyone wants to offend, which leads to the malice of the animal.

In addition, the owner's hand for the dog should cause extremely pleasant emotions. She pet pet, give food, treat damage. If the arm is used for beating, the dog’s trust will disappear, after which it will be difficult to earn it back. The dog will be aggressive even to the fact that the owner takes her for a leash.

Of course, education without punishment is impossible, it is necessary to wean the dog from picking up litter during walking, not to take food from strangers, etc. You must choose other, more suitable methods:

  • Word. A team pronounced in a hard, confident voice in most cases acts better than battering. In this case, the command "Fu!" Will help, it will become an indicator that the owner is not satisfied with the behavior of his pet.
  • The use of force. This is an extreme measure, most often applied to puppies who do not wish to obey. In the case of disobedience, they get from their parents bashing by the scruff. Since the owner assumes the duties of a guardian and educator, he must do the same. It is enough to shake the kid by the withers, while raising his voice, and then stand, looking menacingly from top to bottom. Puppy tucked tail, ears and looks guilty? So it came to him the meaning of punishment.

Sometimes this effect is required for adults. Most often, fighting dog breeds are particularly stubborn, especially if they are already adults in the family. In the pack, the rebellious leader presses to the ground, baring his teeth in a threatening manner, and the owner should do something similar.

Initially, the pet, taking the collar and the croup, should be raised above the ground. Having lost the feeling of soil underfoot, the dog will become agitated and his self-confidence will be shaken. Then you need to lower it to the ground, laying it down and slightly pressing it to the ground. Such an attitude will remind you that a person is a leader and demands respect and submission.

Video on how to raise the perfect dog

Basic rules of education

Basic rules for raising puppies

Of course, having no experience in dealing with dogs, it is difficult to immediately understand all the subtleties of education. If you don’t have time to go by yourself, entrust this business to a professional. If this is not possible, you will have to work hard and do not let things go to chance. An animal of any age needs upbringing, but a number of tips will help find an approach to a pet of any age:

  • The master himself must learn. Without knowledge, you should not take up the education of the dog, as wrong actions can harm. Today there are many films and books shot and written by professional canine and veterinarians to help with this difficult task. It is necessary to allocate time for obtaining new knowledge - 40-60 minutes a day will be quite enough.
  • Cannot use the word "later". You should not think that the dog’s improper behavior can be corrected by itself, or it can be corrected later, when desire, free time, etc. appears. Having missed the moment, you can lose the authority of the animal forever, and the dog specialists will have to carry out the correction.
  • Composure is important. It is difficult to be an educator and educator in any field, be it work with children, an adult audience, or animals. Before training, you need to tune in a positive way, but if any events outraged, you should not start classes until the nervous system returns to normal. Shouting, breaking off, slapping a dog is by no means impossible, not everything works right away, so it is important to be patient.

A raised dog is not only a pride for any owner, but also a reliable support and protection.

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