
How to teach a dog team "Give"

Raising and training a dog is a rather laborious business, but with a positive result, it provides comfortable interaction with its four-legged friend. The compulsory commands course includes skills - to walk alongside, sit down, give a paw, be distracted from a subject of interest, and so on. But there is another team that is often not paid due attention - “give it!” It allows you to teach the dog to give the owner almost any object that he accidentally or accidentally finds in his mouth. So, let's see how to teach a dog to give a command.


Team Features

Dog owners are mistaken if they consider the animal's ability to give things useless. In fact, it is very useful when aportirovke, because the dog is not always glad to meekly return the object of interest. And aportirovka itself will make walking more active and saturated in terms of physical activity and pleasure for the dog. dog carries a wand

In addition, the command can be used during a training course aimed at developing the protective functions of the dog. Not so rare are pets who are very aggressive when someone, including the owner, approaches a cup of food or toys. They can not only grin and growl, but even try to bite.

This is a confirmation that the dog has a strongly developed sense of ownership and it will make an excellent guard, bodyguard and protector, but only with proper training. However, such behavior in relation to the owner is unacceptable - the dog should, by the first word, without indignation, give the owner anything, be it a favorite toy or a tasty delicacy.

It is not necessary to punish the dog for the manifestation of discontent, and it is better to wean it from such behavior by teaching the command “give!”. Having heard it, the pet must give away what it holds in its teeth. It can also be used when he is guarding something, be it a trinket or a strategically important thing, and does not allow anyone to approach her.

“Give” team - basic training

Serious training for the team takes place in conjunction with another close team - “aport”, when the puppy is 6-8 months old. But even if aportirovka is not included in the training plans, it is still recommended to teach the pet to give things. You can start the process from 2-3 months, when the newly-made friend has already settled into the new house and is used to playing with the owner and the household.

Almost all kids love the game, in which there is a string pulling. So, when the pet will not play, you can go to him and, waving a rope or a toy, wait until he grabs his teeth into the object, and after strict voices say the command “give!”. When the dog releases his jaws and the object is in the owner (without strong pressure from the person), it is recommended to actively praise him and give him the object.

Important is that you must immediately return the item. If the pet does not want to unclench the teeth and share the toy, then you can use various tricks: stroke the baby, bother, while not letting go of the rope and repeating the command in a strict voice. As soon as the grip weakens, the object must be quickly pulled out, not forgetting the deserved praise and return the thing to the puppy.

Experts advise not to use brute force and not to pull the object, as the dog will become even more severely guarding it, and the animal's jaws will shrink stronger. At the initial stage of training, you can use a treat. In one hand, the owner must be the subject, and in the other - a tasty morsel. The person, waving a piece, attracts the pet's attention, and when he releases the object from the mouth, takes it.

But this is done only to ensure that the child understands the essence of the task, when this happened, the practice with a delicacy should be canceled. Henceforth, only praise and return of the desired item should be used as a reward. The frequency of training is three times during the day, but the intervals between repetitions should be large. After it is necessary to include an element of training, when the dog will play a toy independently.

Another nuance - giving the command to the pet, you must take the object in hand, so that the dog is not used to, having heard it, throw it on the ground. Gradually, the time interval between how the dog returned the item, and the owner gave it back, increases.

How to teach a dog to give food?

Learning to give the subject is half the battle. As soon as the dog copes with the task, it can be complicated - to switch to working out this command, but no longer with a string, but with a delicacy. Naturally, a bone from the veins, a pig's ear or another sweets pet will not even want to share, even with the beloved owner. But the foundations were laid, and the process should go without a hitch.

After the next stage comes - the selection of a bowl with food during the dog's meal. Initially, so that the dog does not experience strong stress, it is recommended to do this when the food is almost over. It should be commanded "give!" And at the same time lift the pet's head from the bowl, placing the hand under the throat. For the first two or three times, giving a dog instead of a bowl of tidbits is allowed. And then the bowl returns to its place. bowl and dog

After practicing the skill, when the puppy, having heard the command, stops eating and gives the owner to pick up the bowl, while not showing discontent, it is enough to praise him, not giving goodies. Some owners make a mistake - for 20-30 times a day forcing the dog to perform the task. But it will be superfluous, it is enough to start with 3-4 approaches per day, just so much and feed the puppy during the day. If everything is done correctly, immediately put the bowl in place, then the pet will quickly learn the lesson.

Sometimes even during training situations arise when it is necessary to take a thing from the dog and not to return it. In this situation, everything is done according to the usual algorithm, only when the dog should get it back should it be distracted - to offer the game, cuddle or give something else in return. Training requires consistency, patience and attention. In addition, it is important to choose the right time when the puppy is able to absorb the material.

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