
How and what to comb the wool of the dog

Dogs, like any pets, require care. And if everything is more or less clear with food and walking, then how to properly care for the dog's coat, namely, to comb it out? In this issue, the mass of nuances, because the representatives of the dog have a variety of fur coats - with long hair, short, curly or even rope. What kind of knowledge you need to arm, and what tools will be required for this procedure?


Dog grooming equipment

Combs for combing dogs

There are quite a lot of different tools that can keep pet's hair in perfect shape: these are combs, and pooderhoks, and cutters, and combing, etc.

The most common tools, of course, are combs. But, of course, we are talking about special tools suitable for wool, and they have certain requirements:

  • Any comb for animals should have blunt teeth, otherwise you can damage the skin. You can check its safety on yourself by rubbing the teeth on the palm of your hand, if the teeth are hooked on the skin or an unpleasant feeling appears, then such a tool is not suitable.
  • Choose a tool that has teeth that are shorter than pet hair.
  • It is recommended to purchase at least two combs - for primary processing (removal of tangles, disentangling of fallen sections) and final processing.
  • Comb-comb, whose teeth are very frequent (the distance between them is 0.5 mm), is intended for combing parasites. However, in the presence of a thick coat of wool, it will not be possible to use it for its intended purpose, but it is quite possible to apply it in shedding to remove old wool.

If the pet has a long, silky hair, it is better to give preference to a massage brush, for dogs with short hair a brush with bristles will suit, in appearance it resembles an attribute for cleaning clothes or shoes.

One more important subject - “Pkhoderka” helps to cope with ordinary thick wool. Their working surface is made of metal.

As with the combs, the puhderok teeth should be blunt. On sale you can find a similar tool of various sizes, but experts do not recommend acquiring the largest. Not only will they not speed up the combing process, but they are not very convenient to use. For an average dog, a puhoder with sides of 6-7 cm is suitable, for a pet of a larger size - a little more. When choosing it is worth assessing the strength of the landing teeth, they should not freely hang out.

Koltunorezy - this tool allows you to reliably get rid of such troubles as matted mats. But they do not cut the nodes, and they unravel. In fact, this is a great helper for owners of long-haired pets, as almost always during combing you have to deal with clumps of wool.

Koltunorezy for dogs

3 types of cutters

Made koltunorezy stainless steel. They are equipped with handles suitable for use. Like the rest of the tools, this device is selected based on the size of the pet and the length of its fur.

Cheshalki - got this name for its appearance. People have a name - "rake". This is one of the most necessary care devices. Here, when choosing, it is necessary to focus on the length of the teeth, the longer the fur, the longer the teeth should be. The combes perfectly comb the wool, and, in addition, clean the skin of the animal from dead cells and remove the old wool during the molting period.

Dog chesalka


During use, keep the “rake” at an angle to the dog so as not to damage the skin.

Rubber or silicone gloves, brushes are used to care for smooth-haired dogs, not burdened with a thick undercoat. They are convenient to get rid of dead hair during seasonal molting. For these purposes, you can use a small piece of suede fabric.

High technologies have touched both animal care products and the furminator confirmation. The tool is made of stainless steel, and the plastic handle is provided with a rubber non-slip braid. According to studies, at one time up to 90% of old wool can be removed.

Furminator does not damage the skin and does not affect the new hair and is suitable for almost all breeds, except for those that have a minimum amount of undercoat or do without it. The device is very simple to apply, it is enough to move it without effort in the direction of hair growth.

Read how to properly care for a dog .

Combing various types of wool

Combing dogs

In nature, there are six types of dog hair, so it is important to know what type of pet is in order to care for it properly:

  • Wool "normal". Differs in medium length and thickness. Its owners include many breeds, for example, huskies , labradors , German shepherds, and spitz. Wool double - long and hard outside, softer and shorter inside (undercoat). Like other breeds, these dogs molt twice a year and during this period it is necessary to comb the dogs as often as possible to help get rid of dead hair. The rest of the time combing is done no more than 2-3 times a week.
  • Non-thinning hard wool. Nature disposed of in such a way that these breeds lost their ability to change wool. But it is still necessary to help them get rid of the old cover, though combing here will not help. Here is the plucking - trimming . This procedure is necessary for terriers, schnauzers, wire-haired terriers and some other representatives of rare breeds.
  • Wool "smooth". Despite the poor coat, dogs of short-haired breeds can shed intensively, and to remove their wool from carpets and furniture is very difficult. They are combed out with special rubber brushes, but in this case the pukhoderka is not useful. Such care is suitable for dachshunds , Dobermans , Dolmatins , Rottweilers, Bulldogs, etc.
  • Wool "curly" non-fading. She has poodles, some types of terriers. The main care product, in this case - a haircut . Combing is carried out, of course, also, especially often during the molting period. In the course goes pukhoderka or brush with a wire surface.
  • Wool "long." The breeds that wear it are quite spectacular and always attract the eye - they are Afghan hounds , briar , setters , long-haired collie and sheltie, spaniels, etc. In order for the wool to look well-groomed, it needs to be daily combed out with a comb with occasional teeth. The advantage of such dogs is that their rich undercoat is suitable for yarn and knitting of warm clothes, healing belts, which some pet owners enjoy and use.
  • Atypical wool. If you are lucky enough to become the owner of a pet of an exotic breed with a unique coat of wool, for example, twisted by type of harnesses, like a bullet, then in this case you can hardly figure out what to do with the dog's hair. Consultation will help the breeder or a specialist in this matter.

Video about the proper dog combing:

General recommendations for combing dogs

Needless to say, almost all dog breeds are subject to combing, except for a few exotic ones. This is not only bringing the dog into proper form, but also a hygienic procedure that removes insects that have penetrated into the fur, including parasitic ones, and the elimination of old hairs, dirt and dust. And, in addition, it is an excellent massage of the skin, which improves subcutaneous blood circulation.

In order for the dog to calmly endure the combing out of wool, it should be added to the case as soon as possible. Moreover, many breeds require grooming from an early puppy age. In order not to frighten off the animal, it is necessary to use suitable tools, then the dog will feel a minimum of discomfort, and after the event you should not skimp on affection, kind words and, of course, treat.

Here are some guidelines on how to make the procedure more fruitful:

  • The procedure should be started with a comb with sparse teeth (this does not apply to animals with short hair).
  • In long-haired dogs or long-haired breeds, it is important to pay particular attention to certain areas of the body: areas of the ears (related to spaniels and setters), muzzles (schnauzers, lapdogs), hind limbs, where the coat forms so-called pants, and tail.
  • After combing it is recommended to use a special brush, leading it in the direction of wool growth. You need to start with the head, brush along the back, processing the sides and ending on the legs.
  • Pukhoderka is used most often for dogs with the usual type of coat, but for long-haired dogs it is better not to use this tool.

If combing out a pet seems unattractive and you don’t want to carry out the procedure yourself or if you don’t have time, then you can contact a specialist, a groomer. Armed with a special tool, he is able to put in order even the most neglected wool.

In addition, the specialist will be able to help if the dog got into the spines, correct the consequences of unsuccessful haircuts and, most importantly, prepare the pet for an important event in a short time.

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