
Ca de bou

The breed has several names, the ca de bou is called the bull dog, the Major's mastiff, the Malor bulldog, the perros dogo Mallorkin. Dogs have a serious, severe appearance. But there are fans of this breed who are sure that there is no better, kinder, stronger and more loyal pet! For some, ca de bou is a dog with a fierce look, for others it is a gentle, gentle friend. Who are these extraordinary animals?


Breed origin

Experts refer to the earliest references to bulldogs to the 17th century. At that time, these powerful dogs were depicted on the walls of the bullring in Bull’s Mallorca. Here most of the dogs of this breed lived, and in the translation “ca de bou” means “bull dogs”. The dogs went into the arena with the bullfighters and protected them from the angry bull. Ca de Bo read article

Historians do not know for certain how the ancestors of the Malorish mastiffs, the English bulldogs, came to Malta, but it was here that the breeders engaged in improving the breed, crossing them with local shepherd dogs. This relationship has improved the quality of dogs, they turned out great guards, shepherds, hunters, these pets were taken by travelers.

Unfortunately, even universality did not help bull dogs to avoid almost complete extinction. However, in the 20th century. they became interested in felinologists, and the breed was gradually restored. Various mastiff-like dogs that have survived in Spanish farms, Staffordshire bull terriers, and Malor sheep-dogs, took part in the selection.

Recognition breed officially received in 1965, at the time of registration it was recorded as Ca de Bou or Perrot Dogo Mayorkin.

Description of breed ca de bou

Ca de bou resembles mastiffs and bulldogs, medium-sized dogs with massive bones and a large build, slightly stretched body. Dogs behave calmly, fairly friendly, without tension or anger. Although at home the dog is a brave guard and, without thinking, rushes to the protection of family members. In pets, sexual dimorphism is pronounced - in males a larger, voluminous head.

The standard clearly limits the parameters of the representatives of the breed: the growth of males varies from 55 to 58 cm, the weight is approximately 35-38 cm, the bough is within 52-55 cm, and the weight is 30-34 cm. The dogs are described as follows:

  1. The head is rather large and square in shape, with a sloping nape and a broad, flat forehead. The dividing groove is deep, well marked.
  2. The muzzle is wide, slightly tapering towards the nose, with a sharp stop. Some individuals have skin folds, others do not have them, but there is no indication in the standard for this nuance.
  3. The upper lips are well tightened, fleshy, the lower ones form a fold when the mouth is closed. Saggy, sloppy lips are a vice.
  4. The jaws are powerful, with strong, large teeth, possessing a fairly strong, “dead” grip, bite with a slight bite, forming a fence of no more than 1 cm.
  5. Nose is large, pigmented in black.
  6. Eyes with a deep, wide landing, not too large, oval, slightly slanting, with dense eyelids, painted black. The iris is brown, preferably dark tones.
  7. Auricles of small size, with hard cartilage, resemble a rose in shape. When the dog is alert, they rise and turn forward. Ca de Bou breed description
  8. The format of the body is rectangular, somewhat stretched. In ca de bou moderate length of the neck, which smooth line goes into withers. Wrinkles are allowed.
  9. The back is wide, with a bulge, the sternum is voluminous, of decent width and depth. In the back goes into well muscled thighs.
  10. Limbs thick, stable, smooth, with well-defined muscular relief. The front are wide apart, elbows are not pressed against the sternum. The shoulders have a slight forward bend, which makes the dog more stable.
  11. In the hind limbs, the muscles are more voluminous, the hips are of medium length, and the legs are short.
  12. The oval-shaped hands, fingers and claws are strong and strong. On the pads, thick skin, pigmented in tone with wool or black.
  13. Even the tail of the mastiffs is powerful, thickened around the base, but towards the end it is gently tapering. When the dog is calm, the tail hangs down between the hind legs, during work it bends slightly and rises, but not above the line of the spine.

Coat and possible colors

The fur of the pedigree representatives is short, tight to the skin, hard and coarse. It is preferable that individuals have the following colors:

  • brindle - dark dogs are valued as high as possible, but can be ca de bou and with marble wool; Ca de Bou tiger
  • monotonously black; Ca de bou black
  • fawn or red (fawn color) - preferably saturated, deep tones. Ca de Bou yellow color

The standard allows for the presence of white spots, but they can cover no more than 30% of the body. The restriction applies to their location - on the front limbs, sternum and face. Also allowed the dark mask, which is often found in mastiffs.


Independence - this quality was transferred to ca de bou from his military ancestors. These dogs have a stable mind, they behave calmly and restrained in any situation, they do not need the constant attention of the owner.

It is enough for them to be close to the owner, in this case the dog may look at what his beloved person is doing or doze off. But this complacency is deceptive - with any, even the most sudden danger, the dog will take up a fighting stance in seconds.

Major mastiffs have innate territoriality and distrust of strangers, which makes them excellent watchmen and guards. Dogs are dominant, so they definitely need early socialization and training. The owner must have a firm hand and become a real leader for the dog, otherwise the pet will not obey.

Despite the harsh view, ca de bou are an excellent option for families with children. Dogs do not just love children, they take on the role of a nanny and in every way they take care of them - both at home and on the street. From past times, where the dogs have had to fight for their lives day after day, they have incredible strength and sensitivity.

Experts do not recommend starting a dog of this breed to beginners or people who have not previously encountered similar dogs. Without education and training, or with the wrong approach, the dog can become stubborn, trying to dominate people, which should not be allowed in any case.

Education and training Ca de bou

Strong and powerful mastiff, whose appearance is devoid of grace, is actually a very intelligent animal, not devoid of high intelligence. He does not create problems during classes, doing everything that his master tells him. But only if the owner was engaged in raising a pet from the first days of the puppy in the house.

It should be remembered, like all the pickling dogs, were taken out in order to respond to any aggression directed at them. Therefore, during the training should eliminate all rigid methods. They will not give a positive result, but will only set the dog against such work and the owner himself.

A calm tone, a positive attitude, consistency, and obligatory rewards are what will make joint activities a pleasant and fruitful pastime. It should start with the main commands - “Location”, “Ko me”, etc. Usually, the whole complex learns the pet rather quickly, and gradually it will be possible to include more complex exercises. Ca de Bou beautiful dog

Even as a small puppy, the dog must learn - the owner is the leader, the leader, he has already taken a dominant position and hasten more on him. If this aspect has been missed, and the grown-up dog takes liberties, you should definitely contact an experienced trainer. With the right approach, the pet will be an excellent guard, protector, friend.

Care and health features

Owners should be aware that puppies of this breed are contraindicated for any high jumps, walking on steps, because there are high risks of deformation of large joints - immature tissues are damaged under the pressure of great weight.

The coat is short and it is advisable to treat it once a day with a special glove or brush, removing dirt and dead hair. And during the link it is recommended to brush your pet with a rubber or silicone brush. Regrown claws are cut with sharp scissors.

Pet teeth deserve special attention. They should be regularly cleaned from plaque, you can use a 3% peroxide solution. In the care of the oral cavity will help special hygienic devices - treats, toys, sticks, etc.

Ears should be inspected 2-3 times a week for inflammation and parasites. But it is enough to clean it every 3-4 weeks. To do this, soak a cotton pad in camphor alcohol and gently wipe the inside of the ear.

Eyes wipe every day, using boiled water, washed as they are only when necessary. Standard procedures are also needed:

  • age appropriate vaccination;
  • anti-helminth medications once a quarter;
  • regular treatment of external parasites, especially relevant in the spring and summer.

Mallorian bulldogs need daily intensive loads: he needs jogging, playing in the fresh air, and not less than 2.5-3 hours a day. The life expectancy of ca de bou is on average 12 years, but this is not the limit. In many ways, it depends on the care and quality of life.

Breed diseases

The immune system of these dogs was developed for a long time, because once the offspring was selected naturally - the weak and the sick died. In addition, no one was engaged in the treatment of pickling dogs - they recovered from their wounds themselves.

However, the breeding work made its own adjustments, on the one hand, improving the character of ca de bou, on the other - rewarding with genetic diseases. Representatives of the breed are prone to developing the following diseases:

  • myositis - inflammation of the skeletal tissue;
  • liver damage - from dystrophic changes to cirrhosis;
  • hip dysplasia.

Dogs with low immunity can develop demodicosis, and in older animals, cancer can develop.


An adult bulldog is fed twice a day - in the morning and evening hours. The diet should be complete, well balanced. The owners have a choice - to prepare pet food from natural products or to purchase production feed. In the first case, the perfect combination of components is as follows:

  • 50-60% - animal proteins;
  • 20-25% - cereals;
  • 20-25% - vegetables.

The dog must be given raw meat, previously scalded with boiling water. This may be beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey. Offal can also be given, but only in boiled form. Ca de bou trio

Once a week the dog is given a fish - lean, sea, boiled and cleaned of bones. For normal digestion, dogs should include dairy products in their diet, but milk should be discarded. Porridge (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, barley) are included in the daily diet. Like vegetables - carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower.

When feeding the dog naturally, vitamin supplements are given - bone meal, crushed egg shells or complexes, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

As for dry rations, then you should choose only high-quality products - premium, super-premium or holistic class. The first ingredient in the composition should be meat, not grain or meat meal. The food should be intended for dogs of large size, leading an active lifestyle.

Dog content

Ca de bou are suitable for both street and flat content. But it is worth considering that the dog is not ready for severe frosts. Ideal conditions - this is when the dog lives in the yard in the summer, and in the winter it moves into the house. But in the apartment it may be contained, as it does not have saliva, abundant molting.

Photo ca de bou Ca de Bou for a walkCa de bou runsCa de Bou liesCa de Bou smallCa de bou in winter Ca de Bou with a wheel

Video about ca de bou

Pet Purchase

Breeders warn - pets of this breed are not suitable for everyone. First of all, it is a big responsibility, long daily walks, dressing and the need for a strong hand. The owner needs not just to play with the puppy, be touched and wipe the puddles, but from the first days bring him up, confirming his superiority.

It is not recommended to buy a puppy from random sellers or in the bird market. In this case, there is no talk about any purity of blood and stable psyche. You should contact the specialized kennel, which is competent breeding of dogs of this breed, with the rejection of animals with defects, including genetic.

The best nurseries are the following:

  • Alferor Moscow, http://alferor.ru/contacts;
  • "Ganadores de Dios" Kiev, https://cadebou-ua.jimdo.com/.

If the owner in the future wants to participate with a pet in various exhibitions, then you should pay attention to promising puppies of the show class, their price varies from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles. The offspring with good characteristics, allowed to breeding costs 20000-35000 rubles.

Slightly cheaper will cost the baby, having minor flaws, who does not participate in mating and show programs, but he has all the advantages to become an excellent four-legged friend.

Ca de Bo - Spanish serious dog with excellent physical data and working qualities. So that he could show them and show himself only in a positive light, efforts will also be required from the owner.

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