Dog from the movie Electronic


Dog from the film "Electronics"

Often animals become heroes of films or cartoons. The children's musical film “The Adventures of Electronics. Ressi - dog from the film "Electronic" won the hearts of boys and girls. It is not surprising that many viewers are interested in the breed of a four-legged boy-robot companion. The story of the Ressi ... Continue reading

cute german shepherd puppy


How to choose a German Shepherd puppy

The German Shepherd is a very popular breed. There is a great demand and a corresponding offer for puppies of this breed. Therefore, to find an appropriate nursery, professionally engaged in breeding German Shepherd dogs is easy in any country. But before you buy a pet in it, you need to know a few rules ... Continue reading



How to choose a puppy

A dog for thousands of years lives side by side with a man, changes with it, develops new skills and abilities, bringing great benefits to its owner. Sometimes a pet appears suddenly in the house - a puppy is brought in from a walk by a child, some of the close ones offer ... Continue reading

best friend


The best movies about dogs

Dog lovers are engaged not only in bringing up a pet, but also enjoy watching Soviet and foreign films and TV shows with the participation of four-footed. Films, in which the main characters are dogs, a lot. Consider the best movies about dogs. White Beam, black ear 1976 ... Continue reading

little dog with a beautiful tail


Why does a dog need a tail

Almost every third family has a four-legged barking pet, and in some there is not one. However, adult dog owners rarely wonder about the anatomical features of their pet. But children are often interested in why a dog needs a tail, big ears, wool? Why ... Continue reading

beagle on the couch


Which dog is better to have in the apartment

The dog is no longer one millennium living next to the man, following him everywhere. With the advent of cities, these animals have adapted to live in urban environments. However, some breeds did not succeed. We will tell you which dog is better to have in the apartment. ... Continue reading

Dog and religion

Male author

Dogs in religion

Perhaps everyone will agree that dogs are the best four-legged friends of man and it is difficult to find a loyal animal. However, from a religious point, everything is not so clear. What place do these animals occupy in different beliefs? Dogs in Orthodoxy According to Christian, including… Continue reading

Male author

Dog rescuers - let's talk about the heroes

Lifeguard is not a breed, it is a vocation! No, they will not be able to provide first aid; they cannot give life-giving moisture to a person and will not relieve pain. But rescue dogs are able to give more - life, finding the victim in a timely manner and notifying about it ... Continue reading

How to choose a chihuahua

Male author

How to choose a chihuahua

Choosing a four-legged friend is not an easy task, especially when it comes to chihuahua decorative kids. Cute and funny, they, however, have their own characteristics, about which an ignorant person may not be aware. How to choose a chihuahua and what you should ... Continue reading

Male author

Why does a dog eat grass outside

The owners of four-legged pets notice that animals periodically eat grass. And there is no particular preference for shaggy "vegetarians". They are happy to use as coarse plants - wheat grass, field cereals, tear down, and bright flowers, fresh juicy herbs. Accordingly, the question arises: "Why is the dog ... Continue reading

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