
Dog ulcers

Dog abscesses can occur in the form of pyoderma, abscesses, dermatitis, abscesses of various etiologies and degrees of severity. Not always pustules can lead to serious consequences, but in some cases the lesion can affect the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, leading to purulent fusion of tissues. To prevent serious complications, it is necessary to know the signs and methods of treatment.


Causes of ulcers

The main reason for the appearance of ulcers on the dog's body is the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms into the wound surface - staphylococci, Escherichia coli, streptococci and other pyogenic microbes. The reasons why this penetration becomes possible are as follows:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin as a result of mechanical injuries (cuts, bites, scratches);
  • inhalation allergy (atopic dermatitis);
  • dermatitis caused by exoparasite bites;
  • skin infection combined with demodicosis and dermatophytosis;
  • skin manifestations of distemper;
  • vaccination and injection sites;
  • due to the violation of trophic processes in tissues (diabetes, heart attack).

With pyoderma or purulent skin lesions in dogs, the surface of the epidermis and hair follicles, sebaceous glands (superficial pyoderma) or the deep layers of the dermis, up to the subcutaneous tissue (deep pyoderma) can be affected. Factors contributing to the development of purulent inflammation of the skin are:

  • violation of the diet;
  • change of conditions of detention;
  • poor hygiene;
  • deep folds on the skin.

Pathogenic microorganisms are a natural component of microbial cytosis of the skin and the whole organism; they are found in the soil and air. With strong immunity, they are under control and do not cause inflammation and pus formation. In animals whose immunity is reduced for any reason, pathogens penetrate the skin and begin to multiply, causing the characteristic symptoms of inflammation and intoxication. Purulent formations differ in appearance:

  • pustules - inflamed red formations, rising above the surface of the skin and filled with pus;
  • nodes - located deep in the skin cavity with purulent contents;
  • cysts - purulent conglomerates formed by merging nodes.

Each type of ulcers is accompanied by corresponding symptoms and manifestations.

Symptoms and manifestations of the disease

The basis of pyoderma is inflammation, which is caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Pyoderma is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • swelling and redness in the introduction of an infectious agent;
  • sensation of severe itching;
  • the formation of reddish and yellowish bubbles with purulent contents.

If the dog is not treated on time, the pus seeps into the underlying tissues, causing their purulent fusion. Abscesses and boils are formed, which can be localized in different parts of the body. Pathology is accompanied by a local rise in temperature. Ulcers are able to merge, causing extensive purulent lesions on the skin. In these places, the hair falls out, skin covered with pus crusts is exposed. Dog abscesses read article

If purulent infection takes root further, deep cavities and fistulas are formed. The dog's body temperature rises, there is chills, weakness, and refusal to eat. Against the background of purulent skin lesions, sepsis can develop, leading to the death of the animal. Seek medical attention in a timely manner can keep the animal healthy.

Treatment of ulcers in dogs

If the entrance gate is a lesion on the skin of a dog, then they are treated with antiseptic solutions - Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Fucorcin, Brilliant green. For superficial lesions, this is enough to stop purulent inflammation.

At home, it is possible to process and treat ulcers, if the animal feels normal, there are no pronounced symptoms of pathology and the dog's behavior does not change, and the purulent contents lack a strong odor.

If the abscess is located under the skin, then bandages with Liniment balsamic according to Vishnevsky or Ichthyol ointment are applied on its surface until the skin becomes thinner and pus becomes visible under it. The abscess is opened independently, and the owner is required to process the place with a disinfectant solution, change dressings and ensure that the wound edges do not close before the cavity is completely cleansed of pus.

After pure sukrovitsa begins to flow from the wound, without admixture of pus and blood, dressings can be applied with a healing ointment, for example, Levomikol, Stellanin-PEG, which not only relieves inflammation, itching, but also regenerates tissues without the risk of scar formation. If the dog has a fever, it has become apathetic, refuses to eat, and green pus with a sharp putrid odor is oozing from the wound, then it is worth contacting the veterinarian immediately to avoid sepsis.

The doctor opens the abscess, cleans it of pus and rinses the cavity with an antiseptic, sets the drainage for the outflow of pus. After applying a sterile dressing that the owner must change daily, the animal is sent home. The dog is under the supervision of a physician until full recovery. The animal is put on a protective collar to avoid licking the wound and injuring it.

For washing the opened abscess, homeopathic remedies are used, for example, Calendula and Hypericum saline solution. They are washed with a syringe 2-3 times a day until it is completely cleansed and healed. If the cavity is very deep, then, in order to prevent the accretion of the wound edges until the pus is completely released, it is washed only with a solution of salt and Hypericum (Hypericum). Calendula solution is used only after cleansing the cavity.

The dog requires medical treatment. To reduce the temperature, they prick antipyretic drugs or give antipyretic tablets dissolved in water. If necessary, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. As a rule, the treatment of ulcers in dogs is carried out with the help of homeopathic remedies and vitamin therapy. To raise the immunity prescribed vitamins A, C, E. In the treatment of purulent wounds used Arnica montana. If the drug arnica impose on the cleaned and disinfected wound immediately, it prevents the formation of an abscess and accelerates regeneration.

When spontaneous opening of the abscess and discharge of purulent contents prescribe Calcarea sulphurica - calcium sulphate. It is applied even if the abscess is cleared, and its healing is slow. With the outbreak of fetid pus and deep melting of tissues, Hepar sulphuris calcareum (sulfuric liver) or Mercurius (vivus, solubilis) is used. For suppuration, Myristica sebifera is used around the foreign body.

Homeopathic treatment should be under the supervision of a physician. With proper and timely treatment, ulcers in the dog are not dangerous and in 98% of cases are successfully treated.

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