
French Bulldog

The Frenchman is a miniature bulldog that is only inferior in size to its larger counterparts. This is quite a popular breed, and its distribution is associated with the unpretentiousness of dogs, their compact size, and most importantly - surprisingly friendly character. What should future owners know about the French bulldogs?


The origin of the breed

According to history, the name of the breed has nothing to do with its country of origin. In fact, the birthplace of the French bulldogs is England, more precisely the city of Nottingham. Initially, small bulldogs were used by workers to fight rodents in factories and other industries. The scientific and technological revolution led to the fact that many workers lost their jobs and went to another country, where workers would not hurt - to France. Naturally, they took with them their little dogs . French Bulldog

And in France they gained popularity in the working and trading environment. And closer to the 20th century, small crepes began to appear in noble families and gradually joined the bohemian life. Being in 2000 at 71 places in prevalence, today the French bulldogs have moved 50 points higher. Is this not a confirmation of their global popularity?

Description of breed French Bulldog

The French bulldogs possess classical signs of Molossian breeds, differing only in modest dimensions. Despite its size, these are powerful dogs with a compact, square body. The growth of males varies from 27 to 35 cm, weight - 9-14 kg, in females the following parameters - growth from 24 to 32 cm, weight - 8-13 kg. Dogs are active, they have developed intelligence. And another feature - expressive, intelligent eyes.

The standard describes the breed as follows:

  • Like all Molossians, the “French” have a large, even more massive head with folds and wrinkles symmetrically arranged. Between the superciliary arches there is a pronounced groove. Occiput is present, but it is mild. But the transition from the frontal area to the face is clearly visible.
  • In the French bulldog, the shortened maxillary and nasal bones, as well as the lobe and the back of the nose are slightly tilted back. The muzzle ends in a snub-nosed, black, broad lobe. It is worth noting that a shortened muzzle can cause certain breathing problems.
  • Lips fleshy, drooping slightly, painted black. Close in the middle and cover the dentition. The jaws are rather powerful, the lower jaws slightly forward.
  • The eyes are large, rounded, with a dark stroke and iris, a living expression.
  • Small thin ears - widened at the base, rounded tips. Are located high, but at a sufficient distance from each other.
  • The neck is slightly short, muscular with a slight bend, the suspension is absent.
  • The body is characterized by a gradual, but not too pronounced rise from the withers to the lumbar belt. All representatives of this breed have this feature.
  • The back is strong, with well-developed muscles, turning into a short, convex loin and well inclined croup.
  • The breast is cylindrical in shape, and because of curved ribs it looks barrel-shaped, with good depth.
  • Belly taut, without sharp lines. The tail is short, but successfully covering the anus. Straight, low-slit and tapered tip.
  • The forelegs are represented by short forearms and metacarpals, set vertically. The paws resemble the cat's appearance, since they are small, rounded in shape, with tightly closed, black claws. Rear - more powerful, long and muscular compared to the front. Delivered vertically due to the presence of a lift. The dog moves freely, powerfully, measuredly.

Wool and colors

The coat of the French Bulldog is short, smooth, tight to the skin, has shine and does not have undercoat. There are dogs of the following colors:

  1. From light fawn to a reddish hue - with or without tigers, with or without white spots:
  • tiger tone - wool can be of any color from light fawn to red with pronounced dark-colored tigers; there may be a mask on the face; french bulldog in nature
  • monophonic color - from light fawn to reddish; the mask may be missing, but it relates more to the benefits, especially black; french bulldog redhead
  1. Color with the presence of white spots:
  • tiger wool with white spots, ideal if they are located throughout the body; French bulldog brindle
  • light fawn or ginger with some white spots. french bulldog in the apartment

Completely white individuals are found and the standard is allowed if they have a black eyelid and nose. However, they are not used for breeding, since there is a high risk of the appearance of offspring suffering from deafness.

The nature and behavior

Some traits of the "French" inherited from their English ancestors, however, they are more mobile, open and good-natured. They are very smart, but the owners must take into account - French bulldogs are difficult to train. No, they are quite clever and immediately understand the desire of the owner, but they do not really want to execute commands. The task of moderate difficulty will be repeated by the dog, but this will require 30-40 times to repeat his request-command.

The mind of these dogs has the direction not to perform service commands, but to high socialization. These pets are able to build relationships with their families, subtly capturing emotions and mood. The French Bulldog is a versatile dog that is suitable for both a large family and single people, including the elderly and those with physical disabilities.

The Frenchman is a real defender, he feels when a person is in real danger. And this despite the apparent decorativeness and modest size. This is due to their original function of the fighter crowd of large and evil rodents - rats. Pets of this breed are quite peaceful, they are distinguished by their devotion and tenderness towards their family. They are not confused by the accumulation of people, and to be the center of attention even impresses them.

Mentally, they are very stable, not prone to panic and are not afraid of anything. Some bulldogs are quite capricious, can be offended, but do not remember the evil and almost immediately "thaw". These dogs are excellent companions and need regular communication with humans. They are very playful, but to be at rest is not alien to them. But long loneliness is not well tolerated. Owners should take into account that such a pet will constantly demand attention, but if the owner can not engage in a dog at a given time, he will not bother.

Dogs love to travel, so if there is an opportunity - do not leave a pet, but it is better to take him as a fellow traveler. He does not take the trouble and will tolerate a trip to any transport. The French Bulldog does not like its own kind and is extremely negative towards cats. This is not surprising, since he himself loves affection, attention, and it is difficult for the dog to come to terms with the competition. Therefore, it is desirable that he was the only pets in the house. The only exception is if pets grow together. Such a dog is the best companion for games, so the French adore children and are happy to frolic with them.

See also : what to call the French bulldog .

Upbringing and training

If you do not require something complicated from your pet, then even a child can cope with the training of a bulldog. They perfectly assimilate the basic commands that are required for comfortable interaction - “sit”, “near”, etc. It is better to raise a puppy from the first days of its appearance in the house.

If the dog got into the family as an adult, then in this case he will be able to learn the basics of dressure. From the owner does not require special knowledge - it is enough to show perseverance, consistency and not give vent to the senses.

Bulldogs very quickly get used to the toilet on the street, learn that it is impossible to pick up trash and eat other people's hands. They quickly grow up, and a one-year-old pet will not be naughty, causing damage to property.


The Frenchman needs some attention and the puppy's hygienic procedures need to be taught from the first days. The coat of these dogs is easy to care for; in addition, they almost do not shed and have no specific smell. To make the wool shine, it is enough to process it 2-3 times a week with a soft bristled massage brush. By the way, wool is the first indicator of a pet's health - if it has become dull, it means that violations occur in the body. cute french bulldog

Bulldogs are not washed as often - 1 time in 2-3 months or as needed. It is possible to use both special means, and children's soap. It is necessary to regularly inspect the pet's ears and, if contaminated, treat them with a cotton swab. Eyes are treated with a wet cloth daily.

Teeth can be called a weak point in the health of the dog, they are prone to various diseases and grinding. Therefore, to give the pet often bones should not be. As a preventive measure, you should regularly brush your teeth and give special delicacies with a cleansing effect. The claws of the animal are cut regularly - more frequently in winter.

It will be interesting: dry food for small dogs .

Feeding features

Nutritional value of the diet depends on the lifestyle of your pet. If it is an active dog, then its menu should be more high-calorie than that of the “homebody”. Meat should be the basis, its share in the daily rate is about 70%. Suitable products for bulldog are lean beef, lamb, horse meat, rabbit meat. It can be given raw, but pre-thawed.

You can also give boiled offal - liver, kidney, scar, heart, etc. Usually, the amount of meat is calculated based on the pet's age - 20 g per 1 kg. The remaining 30% includes cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy products. Porridge can be cooked from buckwheat, rice, barley and oat groats. They are prepared in water without salt, at the end of cooking meat and vegetable ingredients are added. It is also useful to season the dish with vegetable oils.

It is not recommended to give milk to adult pets, as their body does not digest it well. But they can be treated to kefir, yogurt, yogurt, cottage cheese. Vegetables are given as raw (if the pet eats them), and boiled. Suitable for this pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, beets, carrots, etc.

Fish can be included in the diet - they replace meat, but not more than 1-2 times a week. River fish is given boiled, but the sea is better to give raw. This food must be cleaned of bones. If the pet loves fruit, then they are recommended to give as a treat. In some cases, such a snack is a great incentive for learning a puppy.

Trying to diversify the pet's ration, the owners can harm its health. For example, one should not give a sour milk and meat dish at one time. In addition, there are a number of products that should not be in the dog's diet:

  • potatoes (you can occasionally give boiled tubers, but only young, the old vegetable is rich in starch, poorly digestible digestive tract of the animal);
  • flour products (bread, macaroni, etc.);
  • sweets (cookies, muffins, sweets, ice cream, etc.);
  • smoked meat;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • sausages;
  • bones - tubular, hard;
  • pork, lard.

You should not give your pet food with spices, sauce, ketchup, fried, fatty dishes. If the owner prefers dry rations, then it should be premium and super premium quality food. If the pet suffers from food allergies, then you should choose a hypoallergenic diet, which is usually available in the line of holistic-feeds. Proper nutrition - the guarantee of health and longevity pet.

Read more about feeding french bulldog .

Photo of french bulldog french bulldog in the forestfrench bulldog with ballthree french bulldogsfrench bulldog with blue collarfrench bulldog photopretty french bulldog


How much is a puppy

Due to the fact that this breed is quite popular, problems with the acquisition of a pet will not arise. Options will be many, and in any price category:

  • A puppy without documents and, as a result, without guarantees of pure breed and health, can cost 2500-3500 rubles. It is worth considering that such a dog is suitable solely as a pet.
  • A puppy from a nursery without a pedigree, but with the possibility of its receipt and a guarantee of health compliance, can be purchased for 10,000–20000 rubles.
  • The cost of "French" with documents varies from 20,000 to 80,000 rubles. It depends on many factors, such as the titularity of the producers, the compliance of puppies with the standard and so on.

The French Bulldog is a dog that is not bold in size, cheerful and devoted. This is a great travel companion, a friend who will look forward to the return of his master. And what does he require in return? Attention, love, affection, friendly attitude and quality care. This is the key to a good relationship between the owner and his four-legged pet.

French Bulldog Kennels

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