
Blepharitis in dogs

Dogs by nature have excellent health, however, they often suffer from eye diseases. Among common eye diseases can be noted blepharitis - not the most dangerous disease, but requiring mandatory competent treatment. What causes blepharitis in dogs, and how can you save your pet from the inflammatory process?


What is blepharitis

In fact, the disease is a pathological process localized at the edges of the eyelids. Causes of blepharitis can be very different, due to chemical, thermal effects or eye injuries. Blepharitis in dogs

Also, a parasitic tick causing demodicosis or scabies can provoke pathology. In addition, inflammation in this area may be the result of vitamin deficiency, microbial or viral disease.

Types of disease

The classification includes several types of disease:

  1. Simple blepharitis. This form is also called "scaly" blepharitis. It differs from other types of expressed hyperemia, which is associated with an increased amount of blood. The edges of the inflamed eyelid are thickened, covered with grayish-whitish scales. Most often, this type of disease is associated with conjunctival inflammation.
  2. Ulcerative blepharitis. The eyelids of the dog are swollen, covered with festering crusts. Under them is an ulcerated, bleeding surface. The disease affects the hair follicles of the eyelashes, followed by their loss. The tissues at the site of the lesion cicatrize, which subsequently causes the eyelashes to grow incorrectly, such a pathology can cause an inversion or twist of a century.
  3. Meybomium blepharitis. Disease caused by dysfunction of the meibomian glands, which begin to produce too much secretion. Excess fluid penetrates the conjunctival cavity, provoking an inflammatory process. With this form of blepharitis, the edges of the eyelids thicken greatly. If the causative agent of purulent infection is localized in the meibomian gland, then there is a risk of purulent blepharitis.
  4. Furuncle blepharitis. People call pathology barley, and it occurs not only in humans. The causes of the disease may be different, but in any case, the inflammation is localized on the edge of the eyelids, where the eyelashes grow in the animal. There is profuse suppuration, which can also spread to the hair and greasy papillae of the eyelashes.


Regardless of the type of blepharitis, pathology is characterized by pronounced symptoms. Inflammation can occur on one or both eyelids.

The most common features include the following:

  • severe swelling - eyelid increases in size, swells, may hang over the eye; can completely close an eye, the dog has no opportunity to open it;
  • the tissue becomes thicker, more dense, painful;
  • redness;
  • loss of cilia;
  • severe itching - the pet is trying to get rid of it, scratching its eyes, damaging the affected areas, and as a result - an infection gets into the wounds, plentiful discharge from the eyes follows;
  • the eyelid wrap is often observed - cilia can get inside, rub on the corneal layer and conjunctiva of the eye, damaging the surface, such as the development of keratoconjunctivitis.

If the disease is not treated promptly, then over time, the cornea begins to become covered with ulcerations. In this case, the chances are high that the animal's vision is completely gone.

Sometimes when blepharitis dog can often blink, or, conversely, not open the eyes with a sore eyelid. With the strongest edema, another situation is likely when the swollen tissue does not allow the eye to close. This phenomenon leads to the drying of the cornea and the patient feels severe discomfort. With a complication of blepharitis, the dog may develop conjunctivitis, keratitis.

Treatment for blepharitis in dogs

The main method of treating a disease in dogs is the use of drugs intended for topical use. It is used as therapy for all types of blepharitis. Dog in winter

The scheme includes the following activities:

  1. Crusts and scales covering the edges of the eyelids, gently soak and remove. The procedure will require cotton pads, saline, liquid paraffin, or Furacilin solution. Remove the soaked tissue with sterile material.
  2. To eliminate the inflammatory process ointment is applied to the affected eyelid - hydrocortisone or dexamethasone.
  3. If the pathology is provoked by pathogenic microorganisms, use antibiotic-containing products, for example, tetracycline ointment.
  4. When blepharitis is caused by parasitic infection, the use of Metronidazole gel is prescribed.

It should be borne in mind that the inflammation of the century is often not an independent disease, but only a secondary manifestation of the underlying disease.

Cure projections

Most often, you can rid the pet of blepharitis using antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. If the disease is associated with a congenital anomalous structure of the century, a simple surgical intervention is performed that solves this problem. When inflammation is caused by allergies, to recover, it is necessary to exclude the contact of the pet with the allergen.

Blepharitis is a disease that affects the delicate skin of the eyelid of the pet. It is not contagious and, if properly managed, is quickly cured. The owner is required to take the pet to the veterinarian in time, and then treat it according to the prescribed scheme.

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