

It is called Congo-Terrier, Nyam-Nyam-Terrier, bush dog and more. This is a compact animal that can become a great companion. In addition, Basenji is a dream of many owners, as it has one unique feature - it does not bark. What is known about this interesting breed, so rare in our country?


Breed origin

Breed Basenji exists for more than one millennium, and it was born in the countries of South Africa. In the early 20th century, it gained popularity in North America and European countries. And still representatives of this breed can be found in the royal houses of Europe.


The dog entered the Russian territory at the end of the 20th century. And the same hour fascinated dog lovers with the fact that instead of traditional barking, dogs produce a special rumbling and then only when they are worried or annoyed. This factor allows you to get dogs, even people who are negatively related to dog barking.

Another amazing feature of Basenji is that the breed originated and developed independently, and a person never participated in its selection.

See all dog breeds with names and photos .

Description of dogs breed basenji

Being formed in nature, the dog has found smooth muscles for free movement and excellent coordination. The fur is rather short, thick, with a pronounced brilliance. It fits tightly to the body. Six colors are recognized:

  • black combined with white; Black and White Basenji
  • brown with white; Brown with white basenji
  • red with white; Nature of basenji
  • brindle (red wool with black stripes). Tiger Basenji

White wool at basenji - on the limbs, in the chest and tail.

There are two types of breed - flat dog and forest.

Plain besyandzhi . In the first case, the representatives of the breed are larger, the height at the withers is 40 cm, and the wool is brown with white. Plain dogs have a white "collar" that captures a little chest and looks similar to the "pants".

Forest tree . Forest pedigree individuals received an unusual name - “Pygmy dog” for their small height (below 40 cm at the withers). They are distinguished by a darker color of the eyes and coat.

All Basenji have their own characteristics:

  • Representatives of the breed have high legs, small head, ears are in a standing position and slightly tilted forward.
  • The neck of the dog is high, strong, the chest is of medium width, the tail is curled into a ring.
  • Nose in dogs narrowed with black lobe. The eyes are almond-shaped and dark iris. The look is very intelligent, understanding.
  • The setting of the front paws of basenji is slightly turned inward. The animal moves quickly, taking wide steps, while its back remains straight.

In general, the dog looks elegant, with a certain amount of aristocracy. Among the external features can be noted the presence of folds on the forehead, which are strongly pronounced in puppy age.

Character dogs basenji

Dogs are vigorous and agile. Nature disposed of in such a way that all individuals of this breed are by nature excellent hunters. Owners should take this into account, as in the race for prey, the dog may be so carried away that it will not hear commands. For a dog to be healthy, it must move a lot and intensively.

Pets are very attached to all family members, and not just to the one who feeds them. They perfectly coexist with other representatives of this breed.

Beendzhi dog

Photo Basenji

Taking the family basendzhi dog into a family, a person acquires a devoted, intelligent friend, distinguished by fearlessness, and an excellent guard. Due to the playful and good-natured temper, this breed is recommended to acquire for families with children. But still the dog has its own character, and most likely it will not want to be a toy. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave the pet and the child alone for a long time.

The basenji are sharp-minded and respond well to training. But because of their curiosity and quickness, they can get into unpleasant situations, therefore they require a firm hand.

Being formed under natural conditions, representatives of the breed acquired such a quality as independence. Hence, their disobedience and demanding constant employment. Leaving them for a long time without attention, you can expect all sorts of "surprises". The dog will not sit, and will find what to do.

There is a danger of losing a pet, so it is not recommended to lower it from the leash in unfamiliar areas. After seeing the "prey", Basenji will pursue it, not reacting to external stimuli.

Despite the fact that dogs are not watchdogs, they have a unique flair, and will give a signal when strangers appear - standing in a rack and issuing a characteristic rumbling.

Features of dressure

The basenji are able to understand the team almost the first time, but approval and encouragement is very important for them. The best place for walking a dog is an open large playground away from transport. Here the restless and energetic animal will run until it throws out excess energy.

Training basenji

Breed dogs Basenji photo

First of all, the owners must train the pet to respond to the nickname, at the first call to resort to the owner. It has already been noted that dogs are notable for curiosity, and the spirit of the “breadwinner”, established by a century of history, has by no means died out, so they can pick up unfamiliar objects and food from the ground. It is important to wean them from this harmful and dangerous habit.

In the process of training it is strictly impossible to raise the voice on the dog and use force. The punishment for basenji will be the serious look of the owner and lack of praise. Dogs love to climb all the heights and settle down there for the night. In the house it is fraught with falling asleep in the master's bed, so from the puppy age you need to stop it.

How to care for basenji

Caring for a pet basenji breed does not require special procedures. You need to comb the wool regularly, but you can only wash it if it is necessary because the dog is afraid of water.

Representatives of the African breed are not too cold-resistant, so for winter walks it is better to buy special clothes. Selection in the corners of the eyes are cleaned with a cotton swab, the auricle is cleaned with cotton swabs. Claws 1-2 times a month are eaten by a special nail file.

How to care for basenji

Like other dogs, Basenji requires regular use of anthelmintic drugs, timely vaccination , treatment of skin parasites, you can use a collar from fleas and ticks.

Among the diseases to which the tendency is noted in dogs of this breed, it is possible to note diseases of the kidneys, digestive organs, hernias. These pets can be kept in a residential environment, but with mandatory attention and care.

Feeding features

Basenji requires special nutrition. At the heart of the diet is raw meat of low-fat species. Bones are allowed to be given, but not more than once every 7 days. Among the permitted products, which are given to basenji in small quantities, can be noted:

  • offal;
  • fish;
  • buckwheat and rice without salt.

Dogs of this breed can be transferred to dry professional feed. It is forbidden to overfeed the pet, as the pedigree representatives have a tendency to obesity.


Choosing a basenji puppy

If you want to have a dog basenji, it is recommended to acquire an animal in the nursery. Of course, you can save money by buying a pet from the market or from private sellers, but there are certain risks here - the dog may not be purebred or sick. If the appearance of a new member is waiting for the children, then it makes sense to come to the bride's family and solve the issue with the choice together.

It should be chosen from 2-month basenji puppies, since at this age their unusual temperament is clearly manifested. It is better to inspect all available litters.

Choosing a basenji puppy

If sellers offer to purchase monthly babies, this fact should be alerted. Professional breeders do not give puppies before one and a half months.

Among the main signs of health of the dog is the correct closure of the dentition (bite), ears, nose and eyes without secretions, clean, pink mouth.

The puppy should be active, not be too thin or fat. Clumsiness at basenji is a sign of ill health. The tip of the neat nose should be exactly black, and the eyes dark with glitter.

If you have experience in dog breeding, then you can purchase an adult pet. But you have to make an effort to obey him. For future owners without experience it is better to choose a puppy with the most calm and docile temperament.

The advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Before you start a pet of this breed, it is important to weigh the disadvantages and advantages. The positive qualities include the following:

  • have the ability to learn;
  • very clean;
  • are odorless;
  • get along with children;
  • very positive and active;
  • don't bark.

But, as in every breed, there is a "fly in the ointment." The basenji are quite demanding in food, need constant attention, there is a risk that the dog will run away. They are quite capricious, and thanks to natural tricks they are able to manipulate the owners.

Video about basenji

How much is a basenji puppy

The price of puppies depends on a number of factors. As a rule, first of all, the class of the animal is taken into account:

  • The starting price of a show-class puppy is 30,000 rubles. These are the future ring stars and show champions. They are provided with pedigree, may be producers of offspring.
  • The representative of the breed class is from 25,000 rubles. Can not participate in exhibitions, as it has minor defects in the exterior, not visible to the eyes of a dog lover. Suitable for the production of offspring.
  • A puppy that belongs to the pet-class will cost at least 15,000 rubles. They have more pronounced deviations, therefore they are not suitable for exhibitions and breeding. But, like the rest of the puppies, healthy, have all the necessary documents.

Whatever class a puppy is purchased, it will definitely become the favorite of the family and will reciprocate its owners.

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