
Dog allergy: symptoms, treatment

An allergy to dogs is not just a manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, but also a rather dangerous situation. Usually it occurs when a new four-legged friend appears in the house, which leads to a subsequent separation with him. How is the disease manifested and are there dogs that do not cause allergies?


The main symptoms of dog allergies

Dog allergy

Having discovered signs of allergy to dogs, people, first of all, begin to think that the reason is their four-legged pet. But experts do not recommend rushing to conclusions, and even more so trying to get rid of the dog as soon as possible, since the symptoms of an allergic reaction to wool are no different from the effects of other allergens:

  • rhinitis develops, nasal mucosa swells;
  • there is hyperemia (redness) of the skin, spots of urticaria, signs of dermatitis are formed;
  • difficulty breathing, swelling in the throat;
  • lacrimation is observed, the development of allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva is possible, the eyes turn red.

It is worth paying attention when the symptoms manifested. If immediately after communicating with the animal, then most likely we are talking about allergies to dogs. However, there are situations when the source of the disease is not so easy to find out. For example, if the signs appeared some time after contact with the dog, or their fault is not the animal at all.

More often, an allergy occurs immediately after the owner’s contact with the pet, but there are cases when it occurs even when the person is in the same room with the animal. Naturally, such situations make it somewhat more difficult to determine the source of the disease. And, in addition, not all dogs can cause allergies, but only representatives of some breeds.

If the symptoms of the disease are associated with constant communication with the pet, then it is enough to give it for a while and evaluate whether there is an improvement or not. Are the symptoms gone? So, the thing is still in the dog.

If nevertheless more accurate diagnosis is required, then it is necessary to consult an allergist for advice. To identify an allergen, a specialist suggests passing a series of tests - skin and blood samples for a radio allergen-sorbent test. Research also helps confirm or refute a person’s belief that the dog provokes the disease. Sometimes the results indicate that plant pollen, moldy fungi or street dust, which the animal can bring into the house from the street, rather than its hair, acts as an allergen.

Dog Allergy Treatment

Dog Allergy Treatment

What to do with dog allergies? In most cases, therapy is to eliminate the existing symptoms of the disease. For these purposes, the specialist prescribes a number of drugs that are used to treat allergic manifestations caused by almost any allergen:

  • Means with an antihistamine effect that block the action of an allergen - Suprastin, Zirtek, Erius, Claritin, etc.
  • Drugs with a pronounced decongestant effect (Sudafed and others)
  • Corticosteroids - are available in the form of aerosols for intranasal use.
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs - used at the first sign of an allergy to eliminate swelling of the nasal passages.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a course of injections for allergies, but they are not always effective and are able to cope with the existing symptoms. To improve the patient’s immune system, immunostimulants may be prescribed. The following drugs belong to this group of drugs: Apilak, Kagocel, Timogen, Imudon. Imunal and others

Doctors warn that one should not ignore allergic manifestations, since without treatment, an acute allergy becomes chronic. Do not have four-legged pets for people suffering from an ailment such as bronchial asthma, as most patients with this diagnosis show allergy symptoms in pets. Communication with your pet can lead to an exacerbation of the disease, including dangerous attacks of suffocation.

Dog Allergy in Children

Most often, the children's body reacts almost immediately to the appearance of an allergen, in this case, the hair of an animal. Sometimes 10-15 minutes of playing with the dog is enough for the primary symptoms of the disease to appear. Children under 5 years of age are most susceptible to allergic manifestations, and if the allergen is wool, then not only its owners, but also things made of wool can act as provocateurs of the disease.

Dog Allergy in Children

The standard symptomatology in children is somewhat different from the manifestations of the disease in adults, the following conditions are included in it:

  • violation of respiratory function (it is difficult for the child to breathe);
  • a rash appears on the skin, it turns red;
  • the child begins to sneeze often;
  • mucous membranes swell.

Serious attention deserves the situation when an allergy is treated with constant contact with an irritant, that is, a pet. However, as practice shows, it is small patients who live with the dog in the same house, more often than adults, get used to the allergen, and the negative reaction disappears.

Also, infants need special attention, since they often have signs of an allergy to wool. The most common sign of ailment in infants is atopic dermatitis. The skin of the face is more often affected, but in the process of disease progression, the rash can cover other parts of the body. In addition, allergies in infants may be accompanied by swelling of the larynx and mucous membrane.

How to choose a hypoallergenic pet

Numerous studies have confirmed the existence of hypoallergenic dog breeds (dogs that do not cause allergies), which rarely cause disease symptoms in people prone to it. First of all, their feature is associated with lesser molting, during which an abundant spread of the allergen occurs. In addition, dogs are less likely to cause allergies, in whose salivary fluid there is a low protein content that causes allergy symptoms. And, of course, representatives of “slobbery” breeds are not suitable for an allergic owner.

Allergy Free Dog

But among other things, it should be borne in mind that hypoallergenic breeds can still cause the onset of the disease in certain people. In medicine, there have also been cases when two dogs of the same breed have different effects on human health. One dog provoked an exacerbation of allergies, while the second did not cause such a negative reaction.

Since it is impossible to find out in advance whether a pet can provoke an exacerbation of an illness in an allergic person, it is necessary that the person stay with the dog for a while before a new member appears in the family. And if the body does not react in any way to the proximity of a four-legged friend, you can think about taking a dog in the house.

If this is not possible, then you need to agree in advance with the breeder on the likelihood of the puppy returning if his presence in the housing affects the health of someone from the family. When choosing a hypoallergenic dog, it is necessary to take into account some points:

  • It is worth giving preference to dogs that shed less. There is an opinion that a strong allergic reaction is caused by animals with a long coat, however, this is not so. The risks of exacerbation of the disease are higher if there is a dog with short hair in the home, molting constantly. In addition, the cleaning of short hairs is a rather difficult and sometimes impossible task. In a house where an allergic person lives, it is better to take a modest sized dog, since less hair will be separated from it than from a large animal.
  • Loud pets are more likely to cause allergies. This observation is associated with the fact that when the dog barks heavily, it releases a lot of saliva containing allergens.

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

The American Kennel Club conducted a study, which resulted in a list of breeds whose representatives are suitable as pets for allergy sufferers:

  • Bichon Frize - a small dog from the group of lapdogs, originally from France. Does not need daily hair care, as it does not fade;
  • poodle - mostly decorative dogs that also do not fade. There are 4 types of different sizes - large, small, dwarf and toy poodle;
  • York (completely called Yorkshire terriers) - tiny dogs with long hair, do not have undercoat;
  • Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier - strong dogs with soft, silky hair without undercoat;
  • Schnauzers - a group of breeds includes mittenschnauzers (a medium-sized dog), miniature schnauzers (a dwarf variety), Giant schnauzers (giant schnauzers). They are distinguished by hard coat with a dense undercoat. The hair does not fall out on its own, so regular plucking or trimming is required;
  • Mexican Hairless Dog (Xoloitzcuintle) - Dogs without hair, although individuals with hair can be found in litters. They rarely cause allergies and are odorless;
  • Flanders Bouvier - large shepherd dogs, with hard, dense hair and thick undercoat. Like schnauzers, they require regular trimming and trimming;
  • Bedlington Terrier is a brave little dog-like dog. They almost do not fade, but need a haircut 3-4 times a year;
  • Bolognese - a small lap-dog from Italy, like other breeds on this list, is not subject to molting. They should be combed daily, and you can cut it at will;
  • maltese is a species of bichon with long, luxurious hair;
  • American Hairless Terrier - dogs without hair, but require skin care and special clothing;
  • Chinese crested dog - hairless individuals have hair on their heads, tip of tail and limbs, and downy ones are completely covered with hair, but have no undercoat;
  • Welsh Terrier (Welsh Terrier) - has a hard, non-shedding coat, a rather unpretentious pet to care for;
  • affenpincher - an ancient breed that belongs to dwarf pinchers;
  • dwarf spitz - includes several pedigree varieties - orange, Japanese, German, bear type. Small dogs with a very pretty appearance and fluffy hair.

When choosing a hypoallergenic pet, it should be borne in mind that if there is a person in the house who is allergic to wool, it is nevertheless necessary to limit the pet's presence in the bedroom, as well as monitor the hygiene of the animal. Then the owners will be healthy, and the four-legged friend is happy.

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