
Afghan hound

Afghan Hound is the most beautiful dog of the world, the fruit of natural breeding and human effort. Elegant and graceful, it is not a decorative animal, but belongs to the category of hunting dogs. The oldest breed. There is an amazing legend that there was a spot on the Noah's Ark for the Afghan hound. This dog is to the liking of not only hunters, it is acquired by artists and people who are particularly active.


How did the breed

Archaeologists have discovered drawings in Iran depicting dogs that look like an Afghan hound, dated to the 11th century BC. Later, on the lands of Afghanistan, images of this dog were found, but later - II century BC.

Afghan hound

These findings were the prerequisite for the name of the breed, although it has been historically confirmed that this country is not the birthplace of the Afghan hound. However, it was in her that these dogs were very much appreciated and were actively engaged in breeding and maintaining the breed.

Until now, the people of Afghanistan refer this breed to the symbols of the state. For a long time in the country there was a ban on the export and sale of greyhounds. It was possible to receive such a pet only as a gift.

Hunters, already at the beginning of the formation of the breed, developed in their pets the most important hunting quality - speed. But, even considering that the greyhounds are naturally inclined to hunt and sport races, it took more than a century to improve this property.

Afghan hounds participated in the hunt for the most different game, from hares to wolves. Their endurance and inexpressible strength was enough not only for the pursuit, but also for the long retention of the prey. The dogs, moreover, coped well with the role of watchmen, they guarded the dwelling, livestock, and the local aristocracy had personal bodyguards.

An important difference of the breed is that only the Afghan hound is considered by Muslims to be “clean”, while the rest of the dogs are not valued by representatives of this religious denomination.

The dogs came to European countries with English officers returning home from the borders of Afghanistan and India.

Breed Afghan Hound

The 1st Breed Club was registered in 1926 in England. A little later, they were recognized as dog breeders of America. The perfection of external qualities, an excellent gene pool and excellent adaptation qualities allowed Afghans almost immediately to have confirmed standards.

Today, the Afghan hound has gained world fame, primarily because of its non-standard, attractive appearance, dedication to the owner and refined manners. Perhaps this dog more often adorns the covers of magazines.

Description of breed Afghan hound

Despite the apparent effeminacy, the Afghans are strong, hardy dogs that move smoothly and gracefully. They are large, have a long muzzle with strong jaws.

  • The thoroughbred representatives head planted in such a way as to maximize the review of the area.
  • The sternum is wide enough, its depth ensures uninterrupted work of the heart muscle and lungs with a long and fast run.
  • Greyhounds have long, hanging ears , eyes with an almond-shaped incision, usually with a dark iris, and the nose is black or brown, depending on the color. The tail is somewhat understated.
  • Wool is the undoubted pride of the Afghan hounds. It is distinguished by its length, density and extraordinary silkiness. There is no long hair only on the animal's face, here the coat is very short. Maybe someone surprised, but such a hair does not prevent the dog to develop super-fast speed. If the greyhound accelerates, then its speed can reach 50km / h.
  • According to the standard, greyhounds are any color . Only the presence of white spots is not allowed. The maximum height of Afghans is 75 cm at the withers, weight is up to 37 kg. There are also individuals with smaller dimensions - a height of 67 cm, and weighing only 25 kg.

The unique character of Afghan hounds

Appearance of the representatives of this breed is 100% aristocratic, to match his style and manners. However, the nature of them, oh, what, difficult. They are very difficult to educate, often for a full socialization of the pet takes more than one year. And the fault of all their natural qualities - stubbornness and nearness.

The character of Afghan hounds

But owners may have difficulties not only in learning. Afghans are characterized by increased activity, and, given the size, they can not be left with a small child. No, they do not show aggression, but can drop, push, offend a child inadvertently.

Greyhounds find it difficult to get used to other pets, unless their growing up together. In addition, we should not forget about their highly developed hunting instincts. Cats, rodents, ferrets and other greyhound will be perceived only as prey.

Such an overly active pet is not suitable for people who are often absent from home and do not lead a moving rhythm of life.

See more greyhound dog breeds .

Features of learning Afghans

Before the stubbornness of these dogs, sometimes even professionals retreat. Most often, it is not possible to achieve complete obedience and obedience from the dog. But the fault in this is at the genetic level - the hunters who develop the breed demanded only one thing from them - to catch the prey completely, ignoring the educational moments. The animal did not need a sharp mind, developed thinking, so the result was achieved solely at the expense of speed.

Afghan Hound Training

To master the animals of complex commands and tasks definitely need the help of dog handlers. Therefore, do not waste time and nerves on self-study.

But to instill the basics of behavior so that coexistence with a person does not cause discomfort on both sides, it is possible with the help of the owner. But even the standard commands “To me”, “Sit!”, “Fu!” And others will require long and monotonous repetitions and further consolidation. You need to be prepared for the fact that in certain situations the animal can even defiantly ignore its own nickname!

Care and conditions

The main care activities are as follows:

The Afghan hound will look like an animal from glossy editions only if you spend a lot of time on it, spend decent amounts of money on funds for grooming. And after bathing, thorough blow-drying is obligatory. To keep the coat fresh and clean longer, it is recommended to remove dirt and dust with a brush after each walk.

With regard to nutrition, then this issue is much easier. Greyhounds require a balanced fortified diet. Fried, fatty, spicy foods should be completely removed from the dogs menu. In addition, they can not give sweets, smoked meats, as well as food containing artificial food additives.

Content of Afghan hounds

Photo - Dog breed Afghan hound

Despite the animal's need for intensive loads, the best housing for it is an apartment or a house, where the greyhound will always be near the owner. In addition, her gorgeous wool will not look so attractive after living in captive conditions.

Historically, the Afghan hounds lived side by side with a man, so they need constant communication. Without a cozy home and the attention of the owners, the pet will feel discomfort.

An adult dog will definitely choose a place to relax master furniture. And in most cases, the owners, tired of the long struggle, give up, securing the right for the pet.

But despite this fact, the dog must have its own angle. Here they are sent when there is fatigue from excessive attention, the need for a long, sound sleep. The place should be comfortable, away from drafts, heating devices and prying eyes. The bed should be of a suitable size and preferably with an orthopedic base.

So that the greyhound does not miss and entertain itself by sharpening its teeth on furniture, shoes and interior items, it needs a large number of toys.

It will be interesting :

Health features

Fortunately for the future owners, Afghans have excellent health. Among the propensities for disease are cataract, insufficient fermentation, hip dysplasia and thyroid hormone deficiency. To reduce the risks of such ills, it is necessary, when acquiring a pet, to learn about the diseases of its parents.

Greyhounds have a very low pain threshold, so even a minor wound can give them a lot of anguish. It is important to promptly treat any skin lesions. Representatives of this breed are extremely difficult to tolerate anesthesia, therefore, if possible, it is better to do without this extreme measure.

Photo Afghan hound

Afghan hound dogAfghan hound with a stoneAfghan Hound at homeAfghan hound in the parkAfghan hound trainsSnowy afghan hound

Video about the Afghan hound

Puppy price

Afghan Hound belongs to the breeds of the average price category. You can buy a puppy from private sellers for 15000-18000 rubles, both with and without pedigree.

If you buy in special nurseries, the price of puppies varies from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles. By the way, there are not many nurseries in Russia that breed this breed.

At breeders with a famous name a puppy of the Afghan hound will cost at least 45000-50000 rubles. The magnificent representative of the breed, the future champion and successor of the clan, can cost as much as 80,000-100,000 rubles.

But whatever the dog, he is, first and foremost, a family favorite, who is accepted, despite his shortcomings, and gratefully appreciates dignity. Difficult temper is more than paid off with boundless devotion and love.

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Happybowwow recommends:

  1. Think very hard before you buy afghan. First of all, care. high material costs in the content.

  2. When buying an Afghan puppy, think that any dog, and even more so an Afghan, needs to devote its time to bathing once a week with shampoos and balms for active walks. to communicate with the dog. Material costs for the maintenance of no more than any pedigree dog. Afghans eat a little but high quality. The main desire. For me personally, there is no better breed of dog, the Afghans, like people, would not trade for any other breed. Care of hair with modern tools is not difficult. Clothes for dirt is, the rest is all nonsense ... Better afghan - only two afghan!

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