Flea shampoo for dogs


Flea shampoo for dogs

Flea infection of domestic animals brings them not only discomfort, but also increases the risk of allergic reactions and vector-borne diseases transmitted by bites. The chemical industry, which produces animal care products, is improving preparations for fleas, producing them in the form of sprays, drops, and anti-flea collars. ... Continue reading

How to get a flea from a dog


How to get a flea from a dog

Fleas in dogs cause not only discomfort, but also severe systemic disorders - anemia, allergies, skin pathologies. In addition, fleas are carriers of certain diseases, helminth infections and mycoses. Particularly serious consequences can cause flea bites in puppies, as they have ... Continue reading

How to cook porridge for dogs


How to cook porridge for dogs

Despite the fact that today produce a lot of different dog food, many pet owners prefer to feed them homemade food, arguing that it does not contain preservatives, dyes and stabilizers. But, if the owner decided to prepare their own food, then he should know how ... Continue reading

Heart failure in dogs


Heart failure in dogs

Heart diseases in small domestic animals are widespread and constitute more than 10% of all cases of internal diseases. Chronic heart failure is a pathology with a complex of characteristic symptoms caused by inadequate blood transport through the bloodstream to the tissues of organs at rest ... Continue reading

Dog caries


Dog caries

Caries in dogs occurs with the same frequency as in humans. In 80-85% of dogs entering the veterinary clinic, there are problems with teeth of varying severity. Caries not only affects the state of the digestive system, but also the functions of other organs. ... Continue reading

Dog ulcers


Dog ulcers

Dog abscesses can occur in the form of pyoderma, abscesses, dermatitis, abscesses of various etiologies and degrees of severity. Not always pustules can lead to serious consequences, but in some cases, the lesion can affect the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, leading to purulent ... Continue reading

Dog burn


Dog burn

Animals, especially small ones, are very curious and mobile, therefore they often become victims of accidents. Burns in dogs are possible in the house and for a walk. Therefore, the owner of the animal needs to know what to do if the pet has been burned. Causes of burns in the dog ... Continue reading

Alopecia (alopecia) in dogs


Alopecia (alopecia) in dogs

Alopecia - thinning, thinning or complete loss of hair on the dog's body. There are many types of pathology and causes that cause it. In addition to reducing the aesthetic perception of an animal with alopecia, pathology can lead to serious health problems or be a symptom of systemic diseases. When should ... Continue reading

Kidney failure in dogs


Kidney failure in dogs

Renal failure most often develops in older dogs with acute and chronic kidney disease. Renal failure is a severe pathology in which the kidneys stop performing their functions - cleaning the body of toxins, excreting fluids, synthesizing hormones, maintaining water and electrolyte ... Continue reading

How to pull a dog tick


How to pull a dog tick

Spring is not only a time of love and flowering ... During this warm period, various parasites, including such dangerous ones as ticks, are becoming more active. These small arthropods cannot drink much blood or heavy injury from people and animals. ... Continue reading