How to feed a Labrador

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How to feed a Labrador

Representatives of the Labrador breed are excellent, sociable dogs that can accompany the owners everywhere, babysit, eat from one table. They are not picky about food and can eat the same as the owners. But is it good for the pets themselves? An animal ... Continue reading

Enteritis in a dog

Male author

Enteritis in dogs

Enteritis in dogs is a relatively new ailment, but already conquered "notoriety." At the end of the 20th century, when the first cases of enteritis were recorded in dogs, most of the pets died because they lacked immunity. And today from this disease ... Continue reading

Causes of Vomiting in Dogs

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Vomiting in dogs

Vomiting in dogs is not uncommon, and there are many reasons for this reaction. You should not panic right away, as the gag reflex doesn’t always indicate serious problems. What should be paid special attention to and how to behave ... Continue reading

Mating dogs

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Mating dogs

Most animals are strong enough breeding instincts, it can be said about dogs. However, breeding processes have affected the reproductive system of pets. Today, not all individuals seek to continue their genus, and the selection of the pair and mating itself, occurs most often when ... Continue reading

Dog mastitis

Male author

Dog mastitis

The period of motherhood for the dog and its owners is an excellent, but at the same time, a dangerous time, as the body, which is weakened by pregnancy and childbirth, lies in wait for various ailments. Dog mastitis is one of the most common diseases in the postpartum period. How did he ... Continue reading

Skin diseases in dogs

Male author

Skin diseases in dogs

Dogs, like people, can get sick, including skin ailments. And if the animal appears lesions on the skin, the owners, first of all, suspect that it is deprive. However, this is not the only disease that can develop in a pet. Certain diseases can ... Continue reading

How to brush a dog's teeth

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How to brush a dog's teeth

If there is no specific experience in caring for a dog, but it appeared in the house, a lot of different questions arise. What should be done, and what is better to avoid? So brushing your teeth is no easy task for most dog owners. Is it necessary and ... Continue reading

How to trim the dog's claws

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How to trim the dog's claws

Claw clipping is not the most pleasant, but one of the most important hygienic procedures for the care of a four-legged pet. The growth of claws in dogs continues throughout life, and therefore their circumcision, is a regular event, to which the dog should be taught how to ... Continue reading

Dog in dogs

Male author

Dog in dogs

When choosing a female dog as a pet, owners should be prepared for periods of estrus and know how they appear. Firstly, instability and deviations from the norm can signal that the pet has health problems, secondly, at this time it is necessary ... Continue reading

Male author

Whines puppy. What to do

If a funny puppy appeared in the house, then besides joy and affection, this event will bring with it certain difficulties. The baby will need to be taught everything, in addition, and the owners will have to learn to recognize when the puppy whines and what to do in this case. If ... Continue reading