Parson Russell Terrier


Parson Russell Terrier

Parson Russell Terrier is a universal hunting breed of dogs, bred in the UK. This dog, specially bred for hunting small animals and game, is an excellent hunter and a wonderful companion, capable of making happy a travel lover, an active and cheerful person who needs a true friend. ... Continue reading

Thai Ridgeback


Thai Ridgeback

Thai Ridgeback is a representative of the most ancient aboriginal breed, which was recently adopted by the world community. Connoisseurs of these dogs call them max-tai or shortly TRD. Like other types of ridgebacks - Rhodesian and Phu Quoc, the Thais have a characteristic feature - ridge, comb,… Continue reading

Russian Pinto Hound


Russian Pinto Hound

Once it is a working breed, it is important to emphasize right away - the Russian pinto hound is good in its work, it will not become a guard, watchman or shepherd. This is an energetic dog that possesses natural data, making it a great hunter. Getting such a pet ... Continue reading




Drathaar is a universal hunting dog, whose working qualities will not leave indifferent the hunting enthusiasts, and the original appearance - those around them. A characteristic feature of the appearance of the Drathaar is the hard wool, which gave the name to the breed. Literally translated, "Drathhaart" is translated as wire wool (hair). ... Continue reading

Hungarian survived


Hungarian survived

Hungarian vyzhla, or in another way, the Pointer - a luxurious working dog with excellent natural qualities and an elegant appearance. The breed has a long history, its representatives are not only excellent hunters, but also friendly and open companions. However, owners should take into account the peculiarities of the dog - if ... Continue reading

Canine dogs


Canine dogs

Métis dogs are a mixture of different breeds or pedigreed with mongrel dogs, on the exterior of which the signs of one or both parents are clearly visible. Half-breeds or half-breeds are not mongrels, some are design or copyright breed groups and cost a lot of money. History of origin Interbreed ... Continue reading




Kangal is a breed of dogs, which is also called the Anatolian Karabash in the homeland, which means “black head”. In other countries, the name is used - Anatolian Shepherd, but Turkish breeders do not accept it. Kangals are valued and revered in Turkey, therefore… Continue reading

Pyrenean Mountain Dog


Pyrenean Mountain Dog

The Pyrenean mountain dog is a charming animal that cannot leave anyone indifferent who saw a huge snow-white dog with intelligent and slightly sad eyes. Representatives of this breed in our country are not as popular as in European countries, in America and Japan. ... Continue reading

Canary Great Dane


Canary Great Dane

Representatives of this breed, in Spanish its name sounds like Perro de Presto Canario, are rather ambiguous - during the long history they had to be both fighters and shepherds. Their appearance does not have to communicate, and people are more often afraid of them, but the owners ... Continue reading

Ca de bou


Ca de bou

The breed has several names, the ca de bou is called the bull dog, the Major's mastiff, the Malor bulldog, the perros dogo Mallorkin. Dogs have a serious, severe appearance. But there are fans of this breed who are sure that there is no better, kinder, stronger and more loyal pet! For one… Continue reading