Skin diseases in dogs

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Diseases of the ears in dogs

Diseases of the ears in dogs are very unpleasant phenomena that can disturb not only people, but also our smaller brothers - dogs. And for pets, these ailments are a real test, since their ears are more vulnerable and sensitive than human ones. How to ... Continue reading

Male author

Bull terrier

Bull terriers can rightly be called the most controversial breed of dogs. According to the owners, these are kind, loyal creatures, incapable of offending flies, perfectly suited as pets. But the media give a completely different characteristic to dogs - bloodthirsty and merciless. What ... Continue reading


Male author


Bullmastiffs - dogs with a formidable, severe appearance. But quite often flashed their photos with small children, which giants allow any pranks. How power and guard qualities get along in the character of one dog along with patience and calmness? And what caused the popularity ... Continue reading

Pneumonia in dogs

Male author

Pneumonia in dogs: symptoms, treatment

Pneumonia in dogs (pneumonia) is an inflammatory process in the lung tissue. Veterinarians distinguish several types of this disease. All of them differ in the causes of development, as well as symptoms. If you do not treat this ailment, then the animal may begin irreversible changes in the body. ... Continue reading

Pancreatitis in dogs

Male author

Pancreatitis in dogs

Successful treatment of any disease depends on early recognition of symptoms, competent diagnosis and subsequent prevention. The more attentively the owner treats his four-legged pet, the lower the chance of occurrence of complications of the disease. One of the serious diseases is pancreatitis in a dog. If you don’t do it in time ... Continue reading

Dog cyst

Male author

Dog cyst

A number of diseases in dogs at first sight do not cause unrest in the owners, since they seem to be quite harmless, however, the consequences may be irreparable. Such diseases include pathological formations. In most cases, a cyst in dogs is not dangerous, but some of them ... Continue reading

Dog stress

Male author

Stress in dogs: symptoms, treatment, drugs

Dogs are perhaps one of the most emotional pets. They always actively rejoice at the arrival of the hosts, even if they leave for five minutes, show enthusiasm before each run, react violently to the arrival of strangers and in many situations show a storm of emotions. Most owners ... Continue reading

Deprive the dogs

Male author

Deprive in dogs: symptoms, treatment

Deprive is an unpleasant infectious disease that can affect both humans and domestic dogs. Infection affects the skin; disease causing fungi or viruses can be the causative agent. A sick dog is a danger to all family members and other pets, so it is imperative ... Continue reading

Fungus or dermaphytosis in dogs

Male author

Fungus in dogs: signs, symptoms, treatment

Fungus in dogs, or dermatophytosis, is a disease of infectious etiology that requires veterinary care. No domestic animals are insured against this disease, regardless of the conditions of detention. For owners, it is important to identify the disease in time, based on its symptoms and primary ... Continue reading