Caucasian Shepherd Dog

author Male

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Not many dogs have the same strength as Caucasian shepherds. These dogs are characterized by reckless courage and are able to protect members of their family from a predator of any size. In his desire to protect the property and those close to him, the Caucasian shows all the rage and anger, ... Continue reading

Potatoes for dogs

author Male

What you can’t feed a dog: understand together

Eating natural foods still causes difficulties for dog breeders. If there are practically no questions with ready-made rations, except what brand is better, then what products can dogs, and how to feed a dog, many owners of four-legged friends do not know for sure. Ah ... Continue reading

What cereals can be given to dogs

author Male

What cereals can be given to dogs: understand together

When feeding their pet with natural food, owners should consider the needs of their pet. If the basis of the diet is meat products, then the second most important component is cereal. It is a natural source of carbohydrates, fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals, necessary for growth, development and ... Continue reading

Black yorkshire terrier

author Male

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire terriers are by far the most popular decorative dogs. And they did not deserve the love of millions by any working qualities, but by an exceptionally incredible appearance and positive character. Yorkies are so cute and cunning that their owners do not even understand how to ... Continue reading

How to train a puppy to the toilet

author Male

How to teach a puppy to a leash: all the nuances

The puppy that appeared in the house is joy, vanity, a sea of ​​positive and no less worries. All vaccinations have already been affixed and it's time to bring the pet “to the people”. But this can be done exclusively on a leash, for the safety of an unintelligent baby. How ... Continue reading

author Male

Irish setter

Irish setters are the pride of their country and the breed that has won worldwide fame. Beautiful, efficient, smart - these qualities are the basis for the popularity of these dogs. These beautiful dogs adorn billboards, they are shot in commercials and films. But what are ... Continue reading

What to do if a dog has a bone jam

author Male

What to do if a dog has a bone stuck in his throat, teeth, intestines

Thin tubular bones, especially those that have undergone heat treatment, should be excluded from the dog's diet. In addition to the fact that such a “delicacy” has no nutritional value, when cracked, they form sharp fragments that get stuck in the oral cavity or intestines of the animal. Especially dangerous are chicken, rabbit ... Continue reading

Can dogs be sweet

author Male

Can dogs be sweet

Dogs have been living with humans for more than a thousand years, harmoniously blending in with the lifestyle of the latter. Yes, four-legged friends adopt a lot from their owners, but it is impossible to completely change the physiology. This must be remembered when a beloved pet sits and languidly looks into his eyes, ... Continue reading

Golden retriever

author Male

Golden retriever

Thoroughbred golden-haired pets are a symbol of well-being. They are usually depicted on the porch of a well-kept house, in the circle of a happy family. And indeed, the Golden (i.e. Golden) Retriever is truly a family dog. This animal, from which emanates universal kindness and extraordinary calm. In addition, ... Continue reading

Why does a dog drool

author Male

Why does a dog drool

Increased salivation, in some cases, is a physiological feature of certain breeds. But sometimes in dogs that are not prone to this phenomenon, saliva suddenly begins to flow abundantly. In what cases does this process proceed within the framework of the norm, and when is it necessary to sound the alarm? It should be considered ... Continue reading