Chow chow


Chow chow

The Chow Chow is a bear dog from China with a very charismatic character. This is a representative of one of the oldest breeds. The owners of such pets speak with one voice - a chow chow is a very difficult dog, requiring a special approach. But if the contact is established, the dog will be loyal and faithful ... Continue reading

Miniature schnauzer lies


Miniature schnauzer

Tsvergi are the smallest of schnauzers, however, only sizes differ from their larger counterparts. Otherwise, they are bold, active, loyal dogs, which often make excellent service dogs. Future owners need to take into account that the tsvergs are not suitable ... Continue reading

dog eats from a pink bowl


How many times a day to feed a dog

A person who first took a puppy has a number of completely natural questions, and one of them concerns the nutrition of a new family member. First of all, how many times a day do you need to feed your dog at different stages of life? It all depends on a number of factors - the age of the pet, ... Continue reading

dog eats


What to feed the dog after childbirth

Generic activity depletes the dog's body, and after all, for the normal function of lactation nutrition is required. Sometimes the owners of the “young mother” forget about the mandatory full nutrition for the parturient woman, busy with new cares for the care of puppies. Often, the pet itself refuses to eat, so the owner ... Continue reading

doggie on a chain


Discharge from a dog after childbirth: norm or pathology

Discharges from the loop in dogs after childbirth make inexperienced owners nervous. But this is a normal physiological process, which is accompanied by postpartum activity. In order not to worry in vain and not to irritate the dog, the owner should know which allotments are the norm, and in which ... Continue reading

beagle at the vet


Eclampsia in a dog after childbirth: causes, symptoms, treatment

Eclampsia in a dog after childbirth is an acute condition leading to a crisis, which causes a sudden decrease to a critical level of calcium in the blood. Imbalance of the most important structural element of bone tissue that regulates muscle contraction, including the heart, which is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses ... Continue reading

pregnant dog


Discharge from a pregnant dog: norm or symptom

Excretions in a dog during pregnancy and shortly after giving birth may be a manifestation of physiological or pathological processes. To what kind of body reaction to include discharge from the vagina bitches, you can determine if you know what the normal physiology looks like, and what they accompany, and ... Continue reading

sad dog on a beautiful background


Vaginitis in dogs: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Vaginitis in a dog is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina caused by the introduction of a pathogenic infectious agent. Often the cause of the pathology are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that are part of the natural microflora of the reproductive organs. The increase in the number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms and their transition into pathogenic occurs against the background of a decrease in ... Continue reading

French Bulldog


French Bulldog

The Frenchman is a miniature bulldog that is only inferior in size to its larger counterparts. This is quite a popular breed, and its distribution is associated with the unpretentiousness of dogs, their compact size, and most importantly - surprisingly friendly character. What should future owners know… Continue reading

Fox terrier


Fox terrier

The Fox Terrier is a dog that was bred for fox foxhole hunting. Naturally, such an orientation reflected in the character and habits of the representatives of the breed. What are the owners of Fox Terrier, whom they decide to purchase as a pet? The origin of the breed According to one theory, ... Continue reading