Jack Russell Terrier


How to call a Jack Russell Terrier

Excitement, mischief and activity are inherent in this breed of dogs. Many dog ​​experts admit that they are the best hunters of foxes and badgers. In wit, dexterity, agility and taking quick action, if left alone with the beast, they will not refuse. Choosing a nickname ... Continue reading

American Akita


American Akita

Representatives of this breed, definitely, cause positive emotions - dogs are beautiful, harmoniously composed and self-confident. But the future owners of the American Akita should know - these handsome men have a very difficult character and they have absorbed the temperament of their Japanese relatives. Therefore, ... Continue reading



How to call a pug

Pug owners are called "a bunch of happiness" - after all, these are amazing little dogs that are not able to upset their owners. Since ancient times, representatives of this breed lived side by side with a man, and not just anywhere, but in the imperial palaces or houses of nobility. Naturally, such an environment ... Continue reading

cute french bulldog


How to call a French bulldog

The French bulldogs are dogs with an extraordinary appearance, so to speak, “an amateur”, however, judging by their popularity, these lovers have a lot of fans. These little descendants of the Molossians, fighting dogs, have become wonderful pets, cheerful, unpretentious and good-natured. But in case of danger, ... Continue reading



How to call a dachshund

Dachshund is a burrowing hunter with pronounced instincts. Such a dog will not miss the opportunity to catch up with a cat on the street, create a hole from a rug, or put its long nose somewhere. Becoming, for the most part, a pet, the representative of this breed has not lost its natural tendencies, ... Continue reading

little labrador


How to name labrador

Labradors are intelligent dogs devoid of aggression. They understand a person so well - from half a word, half-gesture, that they can serve as "second eyes" to blind people. These are not just dogs, but devoted beings who will always support and not leave their two-legged friend. Should I ... Continue reading

nice york


How to name York (Yorkshire Terrier)

The Yorkshire Terrier is a toy dog ​​that has already forgotten its roots when its ancestors fished in rat mines. Today it is an extremely decorative, charming pet that can melt the coldest heart. How can you call such an amazing crumb? Nicknames for yorkies boys Toy-toy, ... Continue reading

cute chihuahua


How to call chihuahua

Chihuahua is not an ordinary breed, because its representatives are rather extraordinary. Not only is their lifespan longer than other dogs, they are the smallest dogs in the world. And, in addition, these kids can be found on ancient frescoes, which ... Continue reading


What to feed Dalmatian

It may seem that the Dalmatian is just a beautiful dog that can only be admired. However, the representatives of this breed are very active and have pronounced protective qualities. And, like any energetic dogs, these Dalmatian natives need a full, balanced diet. What ... Continue reading

beautiful husky


How to feed Huskies

The northern breed of husky is different from other dogs. First of all, these are working pets, who are accustomed to travel long distances, sleep in the snow and appreciate will. Naturally, their characteristics affect the diet. What can feed these faithful friends of a man who ... Continue reading